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I tried to think of the least common word to use as my hello post, ahoy was the best I could think of sadly.


Anyway, I found this site recently when I was checking peoples trophy accomplishments on another website. I recently got a PS4 and I've been somewhat obsessed with trophy hunting, sadly none of my friends are playstation nerds so I figured this might be a cool place to join.


I guess this is the part where I tell you a little about myself? You guys can refer to me as Dex and I've been a gamer for about 18 years now. Some of my favorite games include Super Mario Galaxy, Bioshock, Red Dead Redemption and Uncharted 2. I usually like to own all three home consoles as well as a respectable PC so that I don't miss out on anything gaming related, though I never seem to make progress on my endless backlog =/


I suppose I should call it here, it's 4 am where I live and I need some sleep. I hope we all get to know each other and have deep compelling conversations about video games of all things!

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I tried to think of the least common word to use as my hello post, ahoy was the best I could think of sadly.


Anyway, I found this site recently when I was checking peoples trophy accomplishments on another website. I recently got a PS4 and I've been somewhat obsessed with trophy hunting, sadly none of my friends are playstation nerds so I figured this might be a cool place to join.


I guess this is the part where I tell you a little about myself? You guys can refer to me as Dex and I've been a gamer for about 18 years now. Some of my favorite games include Super Mario Galaxy, Bioshock, Red Dead Redemption and Uncharted 2. I usually like to own all three home consoles as well as a respectable PC so that I don't miss out on anything gaming related, though I never seem to make progress on my endless backlog =/


I suppose I should call it here, it's 4 am where I live and I need some sleep. I hope we all get to know each other and have deep compelling conversations about video games of all things!

Welcome to the forum, hope you like it here, dont be worried about the lack of welcomes, the other new guy titled his intro topic pantsu you can guess which one more people clicked on.

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Thanks guys! Feel free to add me on PSN, it's a somewhat new account so I don't have too many friends yet xD


Also I did have a question for you guys, if I wanted to write up something like a blog about my experiences with Playstation consoles, would I just post them in the PS4 section for example?

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