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Hello everyone, new member here!

I've recently decided to join, since just lurking around is no fun eheh

I started playing on console in 2010 (before that i was playing on PC and portable consoles, and a little bit of ps2) and i instantly got hooked with trophy hunting, though i've got an enormous backlog in that regard...

Favourite genres are jrpg, tactical rpg, dungeon crawlers, and anything related... action rpg and VN as well, if they manage to catch my interest... Nowadays i can't really play anything else, because of time and money issues eheh Also, i love portable consoles and always give priority to them over home consoles...

Aaaanyway, glad to be here, i hope to have fun with you all!

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2 things.


1: I'd like to invite you to my birthday party.

2: I tried to click your PSN trophy card thing to go to your profile and look at your list but you've just linked the photo and not the actual link to your profile. Just a heads up that you might want to change that.


Also heyo, welcome and all that generic shit. Hola!

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Thanks everyone!


2: I tried to click your PSN trophy card thing to go to your profile and look at your list but you've just linked the photo and not the actual link to your profile. Just a heads up that you might want to change that.


Thank you, i didn't notice it... Should be fixed now ;)

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