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How does the Request to Watch Features work?


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So when you click the Request to Watch button what happens?


I can guess that the person playing will get a notification that someone wants to watch them play and they can say yes or no to letting them watch, but what happens if the person playing say yes?


Does letting someone watch mess with the game in anyway? Do both the player and the watcher need a good internet connection?


Also would it be considered rude to just ask someone to let you watch them play a game out of nowhere?  

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I think the same thing.  No one has ever used it with me and I don't have notifications on so good chance I'll only notice it when I'm off the game.  I reckon it just says "Name" requested to watch you play and then probably by selecting it, it takes you to the broadcast screen.


And that is Shareplay.  I don't think letting someone watch should do that, otherwise it's very misleading.  And yes, on nights my internet connection is being a bit weird on it, I get disconnected from Twitch to reserve what internet I have to play PS4 online.


Might be if you don't personally know the person/good friends with them, if someone did it to me and I was actually doing content in the game, I wouldn't consider it rude and would probably let them watch if they really wanted.

Edited by DEMON
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I sent a request to my buddy when Fallout 4 came out. He accepted and invited me to a chat party. Talked to him as he created his character and started the game. But yes, if you have a poor internet connection then the video feed will either freeze or disconnect. I've never been asked to let someone watch, so i'm not sure what kind of notification and/or game interruptions happen if any.

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I've had friends request to watch my gameplay before. I got a pop up asking if I would allow it. I clicked yes, and it took me to the share gameplay screen. From there I had to choose how to stream, either Twitch, YouTube or whatever.

But yes, the person watching needs a good internet connection too. I tried showing WWE 2K16 to a friend, and he told me it wouldn't load at all. Changing the streaming quality did nothing. I've also had another friend watch 2 hours of Battlefront with no issues at all (Other than some small lagging in my game while I was streaming).

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So when you click the Request to Watch button what happens?


I can guess that the person playing will get a notification that someone wants to watch them play and they can say yes or no to letting them watch, but what happens if the person playing say yes?


Does letting someone watch mess with the game in anyway? Do both the player and the watcher need a good internet connection?


Also would it be considered rude to just ask someone to let you watch them play a game out of nowhere?  

It will give him the option to stream or start a share play.


If he elects to stream anyone can wathc him and he has to have a decent connection to do so, then you can watch him play.


However, if he elects share play then he must have an exceptional connection as do you and you can watch it in real time... WITH A GREAT ADDED FUNCTION.... If he is having trouble with a mission you may offer to help. If he goes into the party and selects share play again he can elect to give you controller access and you'lll be able to play the game. You don't have to own it, purchase, or have even heard of it to play it, but it requires a great connection. Further, if it supports local multiplayer he can give you controller access and you may play together. If he owns black ops III, but you don't using this function will allow you to play with him, or watch him. Graphics of the game may be reduced depending on your internet connection similar to selecting 480, 720, or 1080p on youtube.

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