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No more triple-A titles?


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According to the creative director of Assassin's Creed III Alex Hutchinson the triple-A title format is soon to vanish. AC3 will be one of the last huge games developed with multiple studio's over a period of several years. Because of the cost involved we will be looking at a future filled with smaller (casual?) games.

What do you guys think? Is the guy stirring up a storm to get extra attention for AC3 or is his point valid?

Personally I believe that with the ever increasing number of console owners the triple-A title will be one of the pillars of the next generation console as it was with the current one. the game industry has never been so big and it keeps on growing. So I believe the logic with that is more customers = more resources for game development.

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I agree with this guy. The AAA format is too expensive and far too risky to stay a viable way to make games. I think that in 5 years time, we will see only a handful of AAA games in a year, probably less than 20, from names like Uncharted, Halo, CoD, AC, and GTA. Only the huge publishers with huge fan bases will be able to afford to make these games and sell enough to make money. The majority of games will be smaller games, and indie games. Smaller does not mean casual however. Think of games like Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty that is a small game that still has a AAA feel. I don't think console gaming is going away, but AAA dominance is not going to be around much longer.

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It's kind of a ridiculous statement to make from a hugely successful franchise director. AC makes tons of money and the idea that they aren't going to make more is just folly. Dev costs will go down with the next-gen and advancements in the core engines for games will help speed up and reduce costs. You might see less "Bad" AAA titles. For years the developers tried to pawn off garbage on us as a AAA title but that is catching up with them because there is competition for the dollar now.

Even today you are only seeing about 4 or 5 AAA titles coming out each month. Of those 4 or 5 only 1 or 2 are really good. I doubt you will see that number change much over the next five years.

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Bull. Video gaming is becoming more and more popular with the masses and when more people buy systems and games, developers have more money to put towards their new titles. When the economy recovers I think we'll see a whole lot more game sales but in the meantime there will still be plenty of developers out there making huge games.


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