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How Far in Ultra-Nightmare Are You?


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So far, I've made it into the Argent Facility (Destroyed) after 20 failed attempts, I haven't died once in the 4th, 5th, and 6th level of the game, so either the game is getting easier due to progression or I just got better. The line between life and death is very steep as one mistake can cost a huge chunk of health and armor, so knowing all the secrets is really important. If I managed to beat this game on Ultra-Nightmare, I would take a break, I just outdone myself if I did.


How far have you made it?


Edit: I'm actually surprised, I actually completed the game, I'm going to take a small break from this game because I hate Imps so much right now.


Edited by erickt123
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I beat it once but almost a decade ago and I wholeheartedly agree with your statements about life and death. However, Doom 2 is by far the worst imo, especially on the final boss.


Not only you have to know the secrets but also have quick reactions to enemy shooters, "shoot and cover if possible" as one of my buds said once. If you're out in the open too much, you're dead in a flash.


I'd argue that dealing with human zombies is harder than killing demons, and any melee ones are still easy to deal with unless you get yourself cornered.


With zombies, you need to have all your senses 100%, be quick and do oneshots while running if no cover is presented, or the good old-fashioned tactic of waiting for an enemy to peek before you blow his brains out.

I remember trying to play the first two Doom games on Nightmare years ago, I managed to do the first three episodes of Doom 1 (Excluding Thy Flesh Consumed), but I never did Doom 2.


Ultra-Nightmare pretty much reminds me of the pain, except with one life in one entire playthrough. I remember having dumb moments of luck in the original Doom games, and I have some in the new one, such as a Baron almost smashing me when I don't have armor. :unsure: I have to say, it's get easier later on, but mostly because you'll get better weapons and Runes to aid you like better jumping and armor for glory kills. If you ask me, the Security Guards and Imps are the worst, Security Guards for their annoying shield, and Imps for almost the same things except way more common, agile, and throwing fireballs or meleeing you when you don't expect them to. If I at least make it to the Cyberdemon, I'll be happy.

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I remember trying to play the first two Doom games on Nightmare years ago, I managed to do the first three episodes of Doom 1 (Excluding Thy Flesh Consumed), but I never did Doom 2.


Ultra-Nightmare pretty much reminds me of the pain, except with one life in one entire playthrough. I remember having dumb moments of luck in the original Doom games, and I have some in the new one, such as a Baron almost smashing me when I don't have armor. :unsure: I have to say, it's get easier later on, but mostly because you'll get better weapons and Runes to aid you like better jumping and armor for glory kills. If you ask me, the Security Guards and Imps are the worst, Security Guards for their annoying shield, and Imps for almost the same things except way more common, agile, and throwing fireballs or meleeing you when you don't expect them to. If I at least make it to the Cyberdemon, I'll be happy.


And to think I deleted my previous comment due to being on another Doom xD I got confused with this one mate. My bad, but oh well, if somehow you managed to grab something useful, then I'm glad it served a purpose.


Still funny though :)

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And to think I deleted my previous comment due to being on another Doom xD I got confused with this one mate. My bad, but oh well, if somehow you managed to grab something useful, then I'm glad it served a purpose.


Still funny though :)

Haha, no problem, mistakes happen. :P

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