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Hello from a n00b


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Where to begin? I've used this site as a resource for a long time but just now decided to post. Um, about me in case anyone cares:

I'm from Upstate and I'm older than I appear. I've been console gaming since the NES days but I wasn't any good at it. I got into PlayStation around '96 and I've been hooked ever since. I'm a little more skilled than I used to be, but still not very good, just persistent. I'm a completionist and a platinum hunter, but obviously you guys put me to shame. I'm not tech savvy, like, at all. I'm typing this from an iPad. Anything else I'm forgetting? Hope to be friends soon.

- Lily

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Hey there and welcome to the forums.

As long as you have fun hunting trophies, every single one you earn is effort :) so don't care about completion too much as long as you enjoy gaming.

Nobody will put you to shame on here for sure, the community is very friendly.


Have a nice day.

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