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Farming Proof of a Concord Kept (spoilers)


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Maxing out your rank in Blades of the Darkmoon is one of the biggest hurdles in getting the all miracles trophy since it's so rare to get summoned even once (much less 30 times). I'm not super clear on how Dark Souls III's multiplayer works, but I may have thought of an easy way to farm these with 3 players.


1 - Have 3 players: A, B, and C

2 - Have A be in Darkmoon covenant, B in Way of Blue, C in Aldrich Faithful (to speed up the farming)

3 - Have all players use same multiplayer password and be in same area

4 - Have C use Red Eye Orb (not Red Sign Soapstone) to invade B 

5 - Blades of the Darkmoon auto-summon kicks in, A enters B's world

6 - A kills C, gets Proof of a Concord [Well] Kept

7 - ???

8 - profit


The main things I could see not working are steps 4 and 5- do the Red Eye Orb and/or covenant auto-summons pay any attention to your password setting? Is there anyone who's familiar enough with the whole multiplayer process to know?

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Maxing out your rank in Blades of the Darkmoon is one of the biggest hurdles in getting the all miracles trophy since it's so rare to get summoned even once (much less 30 times). I'm not super clear on how Dark Souls III's multiplayer works, but I may have thought of an easy way to farm these with 3 players.


1 - Have 3 players: A, B, and C

2 - Have A be in Darkmoon covenant, B in Way of Blue, C in Aldrich Faithful (to speed up the farming)

3 - Have all players use same multiplayer password and be in same area

4 - Have C use Red Eye Orb (not Red Sign Soapstone) to invade B 

5 - Blades of the Darkmoon auto-summon kicks in, A enters B's world

6 - A kills C, gets Proof of a Concord [Well] Kept

7 - ???

8 - profit


The main things I could see not working are steps 4 and 5- do the Red Eye Orb and/or covenant auto-summons pay any attention to your password setting? Is there anyone who's familiar enough with the whole multiplayer process to know?

Can those Proof of a Concord Kept even be dropped? I remember Sunlight Medals in Dark Souls II couldn't.

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The above method will only work if all 3 players are around the same soul level, since Red Eye Orb requires a maximum of 10 soul levels of difference for connection, even with a password. They should aso have a similar weapon upgrade (all +10 f.i.)

And no, covenant-related items cannot be exchanged among players, unfortunately.

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The above method will only work if all 3 players are around the same soul level, since Red Eye Orb requires a maximum of 10 soul levels of difference for connection, even with a password. They should aso have a similar weapon upgrade (all +10 f.i.)

And no, covenant-related items cannot be exchanged among players, unfortunately.


Alright, it's been hard to find definitive answers on this. So using a Red Eye Orb with a password doesn't bypass the level range requirement like soapstones do. Would the Orb still only let you invade someone else using the same password, or does it ignore the password entirely? And do you know how the Blades of the Darkmoon auto-summon mechanic interacts with passwords?

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I think (but am not sure) that it does keep the password into account. You just need to meet the starting requirements (which are SL and weapon upgrade) first. If they're met, I'm pretty sure it'll prioritise password matching. 

Same answer for your second question: not sure, but it would make sense that it prioritises password once all requirements are met. 

Best way to find out is to try it out: find 2 people within 10 Soul Levels of you, using the same upgrade path and use your stated method. Oh, and I've also heard that Red Eye Orbs only work for people who haven't yet beaten the boss of the area, so meet up in an area where none of you have beaten the boss.

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Cool. is these a theory or has it been tried and tested? Either way I'd be more than willing to give this a shot (I have no other ideas on how to get the things). 

You can lock an orb with a password? i didn't know that. 

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Cool. is these a theory or has it been tried and tested? Either way I'd be more than willing to give this a shot (I have no other ideas on how to get the things). 

You can lock an orb with a password? i didn't know that. 


At this point it's still a theory, I have no idea whether it will work or not. I've made a boosting session to test it out though, just need two other people to join it

Edited by Xylobe
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A) Orb invading isn't password locked. Neither is Blades of the Darkmoon. You'll invade/protect anyone, you're going to have to use a soapstone to invade a password locked friend.

B ) What Quentin said was correct, you'll need to be within a level and weapon upgrade range using an orb (can't remember the actual range itself)

C) Covenant items can't be dropped in DS2/DS3, they removed being able to do so after 1.

D) Even if you successfully invade using a Red Eye Orb, and boost this, you won't get Proof of Concord Well Kept, but only Kept, as you're being summoned as a red spirit through an orb and not a Blueish Red spirit through Aldrich Faithful covenant icon.

Edited by Griffon234
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A) Orb invading isn't password locked. Neither is Blades of the Darkmoon. You'll invade/protect anyone, you're going to have to use a soapstone to invade a password locked friend.


Well, that's disappointing. I guess it's back to farming Silver Knights.

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