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VSing my friend in PSN trophies


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He's had his PS4 since it launched in 2013, and was a PS3 player before that. I got a PS3 in 2013, played it for a bit, stopped playing it, recently got a PS4 and restarted my PSN account and play both of these now.


He's level 8(95%) and I'm level 5(35%).


He has 50 games and he never usually completes any of them. I have 7 games so far and am trying to platinum all of them.


He's sitting at E average and I'm sitting at B average, but once I reach his level I think he's gonna try harder to get trophies, or maybe even before then.


You think it's doable to overtake his level? We're just doing this for fun, we'll probably play a lot of games together and help each other get trophies on those, too. :)



Had this new PSN since Start of September btw

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It's doable. I started out the same way. Friend was ahead of me, I set out to pass him, and I now have almost double what he has. So yeah, it's possible, depending on how much time you and yoir friend can both put into it.


Just have fun with it though, don't let the competition make you feel like you have to play games you don't like. Or ruin your friendship. 

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Play some TellTale games and your rank increase rapidly.


Yeah, that's true. Unfortunately he already has a few uncompleted Telltale games that he'll probably try to complete if I start catching up with him, fingers crossed that slips his mind.


It's easily possible. You could buy and complete Sound Shapes and you'd already be past him.


Just checked out the trophy list for that. 34 trophies and 32 of them are silver - that's ridiculous haha! I'll have to get it.


It's doable. I started out the same way. Friend was ahead of me, I set out to pass him, and I now have almost double what he has. So yeah, it's possible, depending on how much time you and yoir friend can both put into it.


Just have fun with it though, don't let the competition make you feel like you have to play games you don't like. Or ruin your friendship. 


That's pretty cool, man. How far ahead was he before? We both have college but he's in more days than me (4 as opposed to 3), and he likes to go out drinking etc a lot more than I do so I probably have a lot more free time than him. Yeah, course not :)


It's possible, I think you'll need a bit more than 7000 points to reach level 9 (2000 points per level).

Things will be more complicated at level 12 as 8000 points will be needed to reach a new level.


Considering that, it kind of blows my mind how people can attain such high levels, must have a lot of games, right? Thanks for the info!


You guys only started. It's only a matter of time before you pass him.


Here's to hoping!

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