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What are your thoughts on the game/trophies?


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I purchased this game during the 505 sale and have been having fun with it. It's slow and somewhat repetitive but I enjoy finding all the collectibles and listening to the audio logs.


Can anyone who has 100% on the game confirm that if you miss collectibles in the story, can they be obtained in EVA Free or would it need to be a new playthrough? Also, so far I've missed 3-4 SSD and it looks like we circle the wreckage a few times and revisit areas, would it be possible to go back and find them before finishing the story?


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  • 9 months later...

Maaan, here I forgot about this awful nightmare (great game, but just like @DisnayATX said, some trophies are glitched)...

I played this game 3 times...3 god damn times - might not be a lot but for that slow & repetitive as hell game it's eternity.


The worst part is that I'll have to play it 4th time...eventually...not this year and probably not the year after that though.

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  • 2 years later...

It’s a nice, fairly chill game. No shooting, no enemies, no aliens, just an astronaut in zero G trying to get things sorted out after a space station disaster. Sort of like Gravity, the game.

None of the trophies are glitched and all unlocked as expected. The problem is that the Obsessed trophy requires you to hear a number of transmissions that trigger as you pass through certain areas, but there’s no way to track these or know if you missed any. These areas can be missed, meaning the transmission is not heard, so unless you are quite thorough you can easily miss one or two, making the trophy a bit of a hassle to get. As a result, people think it’s glitched.


Luckily you can continue the game from an auto-save made just before finishing it, so if you miss anything and don’t get a trophy you can go find the missing items and then finish the game again. You don’t need to start from scratch each time.

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  • 1 month later...

I think I would have enjoyed this game if only they removed the constant need to refill oxygen...


I want to explore every nook and cranny but I simply can't due to this stupid mechanic, I did "repair" my oxygen already which does help a bit but I was expecting it would just keep my oxygen filled at all times tbh but nope, still have to waste my time going after those stupid O2 cans all the time, it's just so annoying and it completely ruins the experience of the game for me. Yes it's more realistic, but that doesn't mean it's better...


Stuff like Everybody's gone to the rapture and Tacoma, which are both very similar imo but lack this stupid idea of artificial difficulty, are far better games because of it. If this sort of game interests you, I would highly recommend those other two over this one.

Edited by Flex_Da_Brent
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  • 10 months later...

Literally just finished it. I quite liked the chill vibe I got from the game. The graphics were beautiful in my opinion, and it really did feel like I was stranded. I thought about going for all of the trophies but honestly, where it doesn't have a platinum trophy, I just didn't bother. Missed 3 SSD cards, the camera, and audio files. But as the rest of the comments stated, I don't think I will revisit this game for the trophies. I feel as if the 2 hour trophy would be a pain as well as not dying.

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