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Getting Hacked?


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2 days ago, I was minding my business, playing Uncharted: Lost Legacy when I went to my XMB and saw a triangle with a yellow exclamation point in it saying I was being displayed as "online" because there was another device that had my account signed in (I had my account on "Appear Offline" at the time). I immediately turned off the game when I saw this and deactivated all of my devices from Account Management and enabled 2-step verification because I only have 1 device that is logged into VeritableLemon --- I got hacked.


I did some research, and people in similar situations commented that the hacker seemed to have done virtually nothing - no password changes, no card stealing, etc. because they were looking to sell the accounts that they made (that logic kinda confused me, couldn't they just sell it with the new password?)


I thought this was all done and all good until I just got a notification from my gmail on my phone today about 10 minutes ago saying that my steam account was trying to be accessed from a new device and I was given a code from Steam Guard. Thankfully Steam has that 2-step verification automatically built in, otherwise I would've had an account breached AGAIN within the past 48 hours. I was given the IP address and country code of the device trying to log into my Steam account from the email; it came from Kazakhstan (country code KZ).


The reason I'm posting this is because I'm trying to figure out why. Not why I was hacked, but why I got 2 account breaches in 48 hours after having never been hacked before (to my knowledge). Could my network be compromised somehow (not sure how this is possible)? Or is there just a huge wave of account information hacks happening at the moment? Have any of you had this before?


I'm freaked out because if there is likely some sort of breach on a device of mine or a network, I want to be sure to safeguard everything I have so that I can prevent any damage before it's too late.


Also, watch out, guys. 2-step verification can save your life. Yeah, it's kind of annoying having to go enter a code when you want to log into your account manually sometimes but it is well worth it in situations like this.


Have any of you experienced this? Any idea what this could be or what I should do?

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7 minutes ago, Kittet3 said:

Is your email and/or passwords the same for the two accounts? Change all passwords on all accounts that are even similar to the hacked passwords and step up 2 factor on your email. Maybe check your computer for viruses/malware bytes scanning your anti-virus.

Now that you mention it, I had the same gmail attached to both accounts. I changed the password on that immediately, and I changed my steam password. I'm going to scan my anti-virus now just to make sure I'm all good on my computer.

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