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Wdog's Trophy Quest of Ultimate Ego and Zero Dignity

Walt the Dog

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Introduction: Hello, fellow trophy hunters. My name is Walter, I'm 15, and I've been trophy whoring since the day I've gotten my PS3. Before the PS3, I've played on my Xbox 360, where I was introduced to the wonder that is achievements, and once I started getting them, I just couldn't stop, and back then, I used to still play kiddie games, so it got engraved into my mind that they just so happen to have depressingly easy achievements, thus leading to my status as an achievement/trophy whore that still rages on today. When I received my PS3 on Christmas 2011, I ended up just abandoning my 360 shortly after and starting with an advantage on the PS3 due to already having a good knowledge of what to play for trophies as well as some assets that I got while playing on my 360 (GameFly, for one). In the process of only a year (give or take a few days), I've managed to get from Level 1 to Level 20 with 30 plats by the end of 2012. As for myself outside of trophy whoring, I happen to be a big fan of anime/manga as seen by the amount of imports and other anime-style games on my profile. Unfortunately, as for school, I happen to be usually bogged down with homework, which has definitely hurt my progress on more than one occasion. As for life, I'm not actually all that social; in fact, I happen to try to push people away from me more than I try to invite them to talk. I do however, have a profile on the NIS America forums that I use very often. Regarding what I use my free time for, I mostly use it for watching anime (currently watching SAO, Little Busters: Refrain, Silver Spoon, Neptunia, and rewatching Nichijou) and playing games.






Phineas and Ferb Across the Second Dimension (1/29/12)




Cars 2 (2/4/12)





Family Game Night (2/11/12)







Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus (5/25/13)


I'd have to say that this was an enjoyable game, and the plat was pretty fun to go for save a few annoyances (100 parries, Enemy of Women, and 1000 articles of clothing, the latter of which I brought on myself for using the Drive of Life a lot on my third academy). I played it in bits and pieces in the minutes before school started, which is why it took longer than it should've, which wasn't helped by the fact that I took a hiatus early on in the game.



Hyperdimension Neptunia V (NA/EU) (6/28/13)

Well, this was definitely a different experience than when I got the JP version's plat, the main two differences being that I could actually understand this version and that I was rushing through the game even more than usual to get the plat as fast as I could (I needed to do something to separate this from the other 49 plats). I'll admit that while I'm pleased with my time, I feel that there are many moments where I could've gone faster, such as times that I took a little break on the NISA Forums or times where I'd watch some of a cutscene for the hell of it. That said, I don't regret doing any of those things even though they've compromised my time a bit since I did have fun doing them (I'll admit, I actually liked some of the humor on display here much more so than the previous two games, though I didn't see too much of it since I still skipped a good 90% of the cutscenes, so I may have just gotten the good ones). Also, I used what I learned from the JP version to optimize my playing style a bit for this version (for example, I looted every dungeon the first time to save precious time on having to go back and revisit every dungeon for materials for the items). Overall, I'd say that I'm fairly proud of this one, even if I'm now tired as I'm writing this. Soon, I'll go back and got through the rest of the cutscenes since I liked the little that I saw, not to mention I'd like to see what all the ruckus is that people are complaining about, mainly Plutia and Iris Heart, in better detail.





Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo (7/2/13)





Beyond the Future: Fix the Time Arrows (7/14/13)






Hyperdimension Neptunia (JP) (7/23/13)


Well, folks, this was an annoying one. No, it's not because it's hard (quite the opposite), nor is it because there are a bunch of major glitches (just some minor graphical ones extremely late in the game). No, it's because of how tedious the game is. While I was fine on my first playthrough, I had to take several breaks from the sloggy grind of completing every sidequest and filling in the blanks for the bestiary (which required a second playthrough). Things weren't helped by the language barrier, which made things just a bit more tedious, mainly with the bestiary. It's going to suck when and if I have to do the Korean version of this game, but from this, I've learned how important it is to glue your eyes to a guide the first time around, which will make that less tedious if I could ever find the damn thing on eBay. Seriously, I found the second and third games easily enough, but the first game is just killing me. Then again, I didn't really start looking until February this year, so I'm likely at least a year too late for anyone to even care about the Korean version. Such is life. Doesn't stop me from looking, though.





Rise of the Guardians (8/6/13)


Eh, this was enjoyable at the start, but by the end, it just felt a bit too repetitive due to the fact that all of the short-term goals had been achieved, so the postgame just became a slog to get everything in each area. Thankfully, I didn't have any trouble with trophy glitches or the infamous "Magic is Everywhere" trophy, though "Shadow Shifter" was giving me some grief because the champion monkey is very rare in the main game, but thankfully, I read that it was common in the Balancing Act challenge for the Tooth Palace, so that saved me from snapping at the last moment. All in all, this was a very easy plat (befitting a very easy game) and while not the most enjoyable game, Rise of the Guardians is certainly better than some of the games I've platted.






The Walking Dead (Vita) (8/26/13)


Since there's not much to talk about without getting into spoilers, let me just say that while it was chance, it's an honor to have this game get me to Level 26. It was my GOTY 2012 when I first beat it and it's still fucking great on the second go-around. Even if you hate zombie stories to the bottom of your heart, you would be doing yourself a disservice not to experience this one. Now to get to 400 Days.





Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F (US) (8/31/13)


Well, this was a fun one. I got the Japanese plat back in January and even back then, it was an easy plat, so now that I had experience with the series via the Vita version, it got even easier since I was able to do a lot of the DP grinding while doing the other trophies by playing most of the songs with the Mega Survival item (though in hindsight, I could've easily used the Perfectionist item for all of the songs, thus potentially eliminating the DP grinding in its entirety), so it took about half an hour to grind the necessary DP to finish off the modules. Unfortunately, I accidentally forgot the Yukata modules for Len and Meiko, which I didn't realize until I'd gotten all of the Senbonzakura modules, which are all unnecessary for the Module Collection trophy anyway. Besides that little roadblock, I also ended up having to grind the loading screen at the end to get my last few pieces of art (who the hell thought that was a good idea for a trophy?). Nevertheless, it was an enjoyable plat seeing as how this is an enjoyable game.


Grisaia no Kajitsu: Le Fruit de la Grisaia (10/9/13)


Under Defeat HD: Deluxe Edition (11/16/13)

While I didn't have much fun with this one, I must admit that I brought it on myself for going out of my way to use 2 controllers the entire time just so I could spam bombs and make the plat even easier than it already is. At the very least, the soundtrack was pretty good, though in my 6 playthroughs, there were two instances in the fourth stage where the music just stopped playing and was replaced with occasional annoying sounds. Anyway, I do plan on getting the JP plat as well, and maybe with one controller this time (except for the Stockpiling Arms trophy, which is a lot harder without the second controller).





Neptune Re;Birth 1 (JP) (11/30/13)


Well, this was my first Neptunia plat without any DLC weapons and it actually wasn't all that hard, even with accidentally having the "Stronger Enemies" option on until the Chapter 5 finale. If anything, that likely helped me since it made me grind more while it was on, so when I turned it off, I was overleveled for what came after. Of course, this was also one hell of a grind thanks to the complete lack of a money trick like in Victory, so I ended up having to kill hundreds of Cliones to get to the 100M credit mark, and that was with every possible money bonus on and with just buying and selling clothes once I hit the 50M mark. All in all, it was a very enjoyable plat and I can't wait for Re;Birth 2 and the inevitable localization of Re;Birth 1.


Under Defeat HD (JP) (12/10/13)

Not even bothering with a description because I got the EN plat not too long ago and it's virtually the same.


Kud Wafter: Converted Edition (12/20/13)


Trivial Pursuit (12/24/13)

Well, this was a fairly annoying one. Don't get me wrong, it was piss-easy, but thanks to my poor management, I ended up having to do more games than necessary of Clear the Board to get the platinum. The third unnecessary game wasn't too bad since it was just getting to the wedges as quickly as possible, but the other two were hell since the first one ended up being wiped because I was worried about the Personal Best trophy (I was on my way to an unbeatable score) and the second one was for naught because I accidentally deleted three spaces off of the board that I hadn't answered. Overall, an easy plat, but a rather annoying one as well.


#63 & #64



Sound Shapes (PS4) (US/EU) (12/25/13)


Thank God for the Cloud!





Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse (12/27/13)



The Smurfs 2 (1/5/14)

Well, that was an easy plat, but I'll admit that it wasn't all that bad, though it does help that I love platformers, so that made it a bit more likable to me. A few of the bosses were a bit annoying to get through without getting hit (Gargamel took me about 6 tries), but overall, it's nothing that would stress someone out too much.





Sound Shapes (PS4) (HK)


More cloud!!!

Edited by Wdog-999
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Good Start pal.


Maybe Plat 50 should a good challenge though. 


Just a suggestion, i think every 50 should be a good milestone into a new genre or a new phase in you're gaming.


Also how was Smart As? [Or whatever it is] i've never even heard of it.  

Edited by killerJAZZ420
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Good Start pal.


Maybe Plat 50 should a good challenge though. 


Just a suggestion, i think every 50 should be a good milestone into a new genre or a new phase in you're gaming.


Also how was Smart As? [Or whatever it is] i've never even heard of it.  


I'm thinking of making Plat #50 either Rayman Origins (Vita) or Dyad, which are both challenging games, though to be honest, I'm leaning more towards Dyad since anymore, I've been getting frustrated way too quickly with the remaining trials in Rayman, and I'd like to still enjoy the series by the time that Legends comes out, whereas Dyad, while hard as hell, isn't even frustrating me yet even though under normal circumstances, I'd likely be cursing at how many times I've screwed up in that game. It's just such a relaxing experience that I just somehow can't get frustrated with it for long.


Smart As is basically Sony's answer to Brain Age, though I'd say that this game is subpar (for example, the motion controls and AR cards for some games feel quite forced and make the game less portable). While the plat is very easy (especially if you just change the dates and use the trophy guide), there are three reasons why it's so rare. The first reason is because for a while, everyone thought that to play every game on Genius difficulty, the only option was to 3 star each game on the three lower difficulties, which is no easy feat, but then it was discovered that you could just play each difficulty on 5 different days to unlock the next difficulty in line, and I guess people haven't figured it out yet or are willing to go through the grind of constantly changing the date because that trophy is still rare. Speaking of, the second reason is because you have to play a free play game on 100 different days for one of the trophies, which is a hell of a grind, though depending on how you go about unlocking and playing everything on Genius difficulty, you could get it on the way to that. The third reason, and this is the main one, is because of Street Smart. Basically, in each major city, they have a challenge set up in which you can get up to 9 stars, and they (thankfully) refresh weekly, so it's likely that most are taking the long way to the trophy and just playing the Street Smart challenge in their location each week, which can take anywhere from 4 months to a year depending on your performance in each challenge and how often you take the challenges. Thankfully, I took a road trip to WDW last February, which is how I got the platinum in two months.

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Time Leap


My first VN plat. I'd been playing Beyond the Future: Fix the Time Arrows beforehand, but the routes on that are longer and more choice-filled, though the amount of choices in BtF made it more engaging than Time Leap, even if I was skipping through everything in both games. Though the routes in this are shorter (30-45 minutes compared to 1-1.5 hours), there are only 11 choices per route (12 in the last two routes, but it added about 30 seconds per route) and they all take place in the first half of the route, so you're just sitting there for 15-30 minutes holding down the R1 button, which gets mind-numbingly boring quickly. Thank God I had my iPod on me so I could check the NISA forums in the meantime. Anyway, I do have other VNs coming soon (Ryoufuu no Melt and Dunamis15), so they'll likely be my next plats, and if not those, then BtF shall be my next plat.

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Melt of a Cool Breeze: Days in the Sanctuary


Damn, when people said this is an hour platinum, they weren't joking. I got this plat in 50 minutes and 33 seconds, beating out Wonderbook as my fastest plat, which was about 2 hours. Not many choices in this one, though I must give credit to the developers for their oh-so creative ways of making the correct choice for every decision before the main decision the first choice. Seriously, what the hell? Anyway, after that main choice (which I saved at to save time), there were two more choices for the first route and one more choice for the other three routes. Also, there were after stories for each of the four girls along with a final route unlocked by completing the after stories that had one choice in it, yet it still took a good 10 minutes to do. Also, and this frustrates me, the first time you see each credit sequence, you can't skip it. Now, even when there's just one sequence, it's pretty damn annoying because it kills the pace, but in this game, there are three, count them, three fucking credit sequences, none of which can be skipped until you've seen them at least once, and there's one for the normal routes, one for the after stories, and one for the final route. Anyway, this was a platinum I was actually looking forward to getting to be honest. In fact, it's a game I've wanted for almost as long as I've had my PS3 because of how infamously easy the platinum is. At first, my mom always said no when I asked her about it, but when I saw Dunamis15 on sale at Play-Asia, we wanted to use a coupon, but the coupon required an order of $60 or more and due to the sale, Dunamis15 was only $50, so without asking any other questions, my mom asked me which game in my Saved Items list I wanted to add to the cart to tip the order over $60, so I seized my chance and ordered this game.

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 Also, and this frustrates me, the first time you see each credit sequence, you can't skip it. Now, even when there's just one sequence, it's pretty damn annoying because it kills the pace, but in this game, there are three, count them, three fucking credit sequences, none of which can be skipped until you've seen them at least once, and there's one for the normal routes, one for the after stories, and one for the final route. 

Could it be because the credits were meant to be sat through and the pace of the game was supposed to be so you, oh I don't know enjoyed the story...

Oh well if that bugs you, you should stay away from some really good VNs but it sounds like you wouldn't understand them anyway Chaos;Head, Steins;Gate, MuvLuv, MuvLuv: Alternative basically anything by 5PB. I must also ask how do these credit sequences kill the pace of a novel?

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Could it be because the credits were meant to be sat through and the pace of the game was supposed to be so you, oh I don't know enjoyed the story...

Oh well if that bugs you, you should stay away from some really good VNs but it sounds like you wouldn't understand them anyway Chaos;Head, Steins;Gate, MuvLuv, MuvLuv: Alternative basically anything by 5PB. I must also ask how do these credit sequences kill the pace of a novel?


Admittedly, I was overreacting quite a bit there. Granted, unskippable anything does kinda piss me off because even in games that I can understand, I don't always care for the story much (especially given that many games today have sub-par stories), and I sure as hell don't really pay attention to the credits, so I just find it unnecessary and annoying. I just don't really like unskippable credit sequences at all since if I don't care for the credits (and I imagine more than a few people don't), it's all too easy to just go and do something else in the meantime or maybe just twiddle your thumbs for a bit, so all it does is just waste time. As for the pace, well, I'll admit that that's more personal than objective. Granted, unskippable credit sequences annoyed me in VLR as well, and that's something I'm playing for the story.


As for the VNs, I do actually plan on learning Japanese at some point (I even have some books for it), so when and if I get around to that, I'd like to play them. Hell, maybe having these VNs will push me to finally get around to it so I can understand them and thus get even more out of my purchase.


As for credit sequences killing the pace of a novel, I'll use VLR as my example since as I said, it was annoying there, too. You see, when I just spent 2 hours reading a really interesting story and now I have to go back to uncover more of it, I don't want to have to wait through a credit sequence before I can do so, because now I'm all enthralled in the story, so I want to read more of it now since I still have some time to kill, not spend time going through a credit sequence because the developers seem to think that if they make it unskippable, everyone will bother to watch the credits instead of going off and using their computer or releasing that shit they've been holding because they figured they were towards the end anyway (assuming you don't bring the Vita into the bathroom with you, which I don't because I'd like to not touch my Vita with the hands I've been wiping my ass with). Thankfully, that game apparently lasts 20-30 hours and there's only one sequence.


Man, all this talk about VLR makes me want to go back to VLR.


Anyway, I'm currently going through Dunamis15. Of course, after earning my first trophy, I ended up listening to the opening song for 30 minutes, effectively wasting some time, albeit for a good reason. Assuming I do learn Japanese, this will probably be the first game I get around to reading. Well, either that or the upcoming Oreimo game since even if that somehow ends up being more than a VN, it'll still more than likely have quite a bit of Japanese. And then there's that Haruhi game that the language barrier has prevented me from getting far in. Okay, so maybe Dunamis15 won't be the first VN I read when/if I learn Japanese, but it's pretty close.

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Well, I'm going on a little vacation tomorrow until Monday or so, so I figured that I might as well get as much out of the way as I can since when I get back, I'll have some Spring Break homework to do, so that'll eat into my time. Anyway, there's not too much that I can say about this one since I spent a good 60% or so of it looking at stuff on my computer. Well, I can say that thanks to things such as dinner and listening to the opening over and over again, I spent much longer on this than I needed to (I wanted to get three plats today, but I guess that isn't happening since it's almost time for bed). I can also say that from what I caught of the premise without any Japanese knowledge and with skipping most of the text anyway, this seems to be a really interesting story, and I imagine it's good given 5pb.'s reputation, so as I've said above, this game is making it more and more tempting to learn Japanese.

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Ultra Dimension Neptune V (JP)


Well, I had this game since Christmas and the farthest I got was to Chapter 5 before I started playing other games, but when the game came out in America, I figured that I should start this again since I plan on getting a double platinum for every game in the series and the best weapon DLC likely won't be out for a little while, not to mention that Spring Break is the last big break I have until summer, so I figured I'd dedicate it to something on a bit of a larger scale. Anyway, thanks to DLC, I was able to rush through most of the game, and I say most because my rushing came back to bite me in the ass later when I needed to make 100 items and I barely had any materials because I just couldn't be bothered to get them. That said, my looting of every dungeon actually took longer than the lily ranks, which I took care of while I was looting, eliminating that grind from being a hassle. At first, I wanted to do the perfect chapter ranking last, but then I noticed that the last three trophies I could earn were a bronze, a silver, and a gold, so I decided to go for what I like to call a trophy rainbow (last four trophies are bronze, silver, gold, and platinum in that order). When I did the perfect score, I noticed that I was able to synthesize a few more items, so I decided to keep going through New Game Plus until I got my 100 items, which I pulled off in right near the end of Chapter 3, after which I went back to my True Ending save and did the 6 Pirachus battle for a few minutes and got the platinum.

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CSI: Fatal Conspiracy


Well, I decided to get this during that Ubisoft sale a little bit ago since it was only $10. Yeah, I know I could've just rented it, but dammit, I need trophies and I need them now! :lol: Anyway, at first, I found the game to be incredibly boring, so I was just going to complete the first case for my 52% (nice trophy balance -_-) and leave it at that, but I managed to convince myself to carry on with the game after realizing that it wouldn't seem so drawn out if I maybe bothered to play the game for stretches that lasted longer than a minute each. Also, I realized that with skipping dialogue, I was making it through each case's guide much faster, not to mention the guide for the first case was quite longer than the others. Anyway, besides that whole resolved issue, this was actually a really easy plat, though it did take me a little bit because of me starting it up at late times. Also, it wasn't nearly as clunky as the first game on the 360, so that was definitely a plus.



Also, I managed to reach Level 23 via After Burner Climax, which is also a very easy game to 100%. :yay:

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I really don't get that at all. Playing games just for trophies, especially those Japanese games you don't even understand and skipping all dialogues etc... Where's the catch, what's the point? You are spending a lot of time doing pointless things, you'll never be 14 again and one day you'll seriously regret how you spend your youth.

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I really don't get that at all. Playing games just for trophies, especially those Japanese games you don't even understand and skipping all dialogues etc... Where's the catch, what's the point? You are spending a lot of time doing pointless things, you'll never be 14 again and one day you'll seriously regret how you spend your youth.


I don't believe he has ever said he doesn't understand any Japanese and even if he doesn't he said he imports games because he enjoys anime/manga. As long as he's having fun and it doesn't affect his life there doesn't need to be a point or catch. It's also not pointless if he cares about it, that's your opinion. Keep doing what you enjoy Wdog-999, game on!


Also congrats on all your platinums, very nice!  :yay:

Edited by Noire_Symphony
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Keep doing what you enjoy Wdog-999, game on!


Pointless trophy hunting is clearly hurting his social life and studies and if you really care about him you shouldn't support his addiction. He can't understand it yet be we with some life experience can see where it will lead him to.

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Pointless trophy hunting is clearly hurting his social life and studies and if you really care about him you shouldn't support his addiction. He can't understand it yet be we with some life experience can see where it will lead him to.


Bawww..your quite annoying, how do you know it's hurting his social life and studies I know 2 friends that have a great social life and are trophy hunters with over 50 platinums. You also clearly ignored the first part of my post where I said if it didn't affect his daily life then there isn't a problem. Until you give me solid proof that it's hurting his social life and studies then your claim has nothing to support. 


This is my last response to you though because this trophy checklist that he created isn't meant for it.

Edited by Noire_Symphony
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Pointless trophy hunting is clearly hurting his social life and studies and if you really care about him you shouldn't support his addiction. He can't understand it yet be we with some life experience can see where it will lead him to.



Bawww..your quite annoying, how do you know it's hurting his social life and studies I know 2 friends that have a great social life and are trophy hunters with over 50 platinums. You also clearly ignored the first part of my post where I said if it didn't affect his daily life then there isn't a problem. Until you give me solid proof that it's hurting his social life and studies then your claim has nothing to support. 


This is my last response to you though because this trophy checklist that he created isn't meant for it.


You two sound like a married couple.


Congratz on your platinums Wdog

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Just to clarify,


Studies: I am in the most advanced classes available to me and I'm getting all A's in every single one but Spanish, which I'm getting an extremely high B in (currently one tenth of a point away from an A). If anything, it's my studies that get in the way of my trophy whoring, which you'd realize if you bothered to read my introduction.


Social Life: While I can't deny that I barely have a social life, I've honestly never bothered to have one in the first place. If I weren't playing games, it'd be anime or the internet, and if not that, then it'd be reading, and even if there were nothing for me to do, I'd rather just sit with my own thoughts.


Also, it may come as a shock to many, but I actually happen to enjoy trophy whoring. After dealing with how difficult school is, it's nice to just sit down and play something that practically gives me everything. Hell, I have to say that I find them funner than quite a bit of the crap that comes out these days (for example, I rented CODBO2 for an evening and just sent it back early because I couldn't even make my way through it without getting bored to death). Hell, considering I'm going to go into game design, playing games like these helps me to know what not to do when developing a game.


As for the VNs, I plan on learning Japanese at some point, so they do act as somewhat of a temptation to get around to that.

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  • 2 weeks later...




Start the Party: Save the World


To be honest, I'd be lying if I said that I had an easy time with this plat. In fact, it was rather tiring for me to the point that I actually gave up on it several months ago when I got frustrated with some of the trophies. Looking to revisit some games to get their plats, I decided to go back to this one. To my surprise, I managed to get most of the trophies without any real trouble once I went back to it. Though it may have to do with the fact that I wasn't trying to abuse the game this time by moving super-close to the TV. Of course, I still had trouble with the "all divers over 8 areas" trophy (the time limit is unforgiving) and the last two Survivor trophies. Hell, Survivor was quite a bit of a problem seeing as how my arms would quickly get tired from having to do everything so damn fast, and it took several tries to make it past 4 minutes.

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  • 4 weeks later...






Well, since Play-Asia decided to give a 25% of coupon to loyal customers, I decided to order this game since it had 10 golds. It was a fairly quick plat, but the amount of unskippable cutscenes is ridiculous, particularly with the endings of Unlimited, for which excluding the one ending with the teacher, there's one unskippable cutscene for each of the 5 normal ending and two unskippable cutscenes for each of the good endings. It's one thing to make the credits unskippable, but when the entire basis of your game and the only reason most people would buy it is the damn story, making it unskippable isn't at all necessary. Hell, I'm pretty sure the first ending cutscene is exactly the same for all 10 endings it appears in, so even for people who are playing it for the story, that must get annoying. Also, unless the guide I was following was wrong, the endings for the five girls have to be done in 5 full playthroughs like in Time Leap, so that was kinda annoying, but I guess there's some kind of story related reason for that. Also, as for the fanservice, there's a reason why this game is rated for people 17 and older. More than a few CGs come very close to showing nipples and there are even a couple of scenes that you can clearly tell were sex scenes in the 18+ version, such as a scene where you and a girl are in bed with you groping the girl's boobs and making out with her.

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Well, since Play-Asia decided to give a 25% of coupon to loyal customers, I decided to order this game since it had 10 golds. It was a fairly quick plat, but the amount of unskippable cutscenes is ridiculous, particularly with the endings of Unlimited, for which excluding the one ending with the teacher, there's one unskippable cutscene for each of the 5 normal ending and two unskippable cutscenes for each of the good endings. It's one thing to make the credits unskippable, but when the entire basis of your game and the only reason most people would buy it is the damn story, making it unskippable isn't at all necessary. Hell, I'm pretty sure the first ending cutscene is exactly the same for all 10 endings it appears in, so even for people who are playing it for the story, that must get annoying. Also, unless the guide I was following was wrong, the endings for the five girls have to be done in 5 full playthroughs like in Time Leap, so that was kinda annoying, but I guess there's some kind of story related reason for that. Also, as for the fanservice, there's a reason why this game is rated for people 17 and older. More than a few CGs come very close to showing nipples and there are even a couple of scenes that you can clearly tell were sex scenes in the 18+ version, such as a scene where you and a girl are in bed with you groping the girl's boobs and making out with her.

Let me see you're underaged for the game and you don't even understand it... so you only played it for an easy platinum with zero understanding of the story especially the better Unlimited story which revolves around Takeru waking in a different world where 80% of the population has been wiped out by the BETA and his "classmates" are all pilots except for one who isn't in that world...


Your complaints all stem from you wanting a quick easy platinum without understanding anything so I find your complaints pathetic and because of that I hope you don't pick up Chaos;Head, Steins;Gate or Robotics;Notes for supposed quick easy platinums as that's all we need you complaining about accidentally skipping the decision points...


Well if you bitched about this one have fun with Alternative and it's 1+hour unskippable you have to sit through five times...

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I'm sorry, I didn't realize that me bitching about a game somehow affected your enjoyment of it. Oh wait, it doesn't. Why you feel the need to come back here to complain about me complaining escapes me. Anyway, since I'm posting anyway, might as well respond to everything else.


Let me see you're underaged for the game


Well, let's see, where were you when I got my plats for Time Leap and HDN V? Those were meant for 15-year olds and I got them when I was 14. Where were you when I got my Dunamis15 plat? That's meant for 17 year-olds. Where were you when I got my CSI: Fatal Conspiracy plat? That's for 17-year olds, too. Meaningless complaint is meaningless.


and you don't even understand it... so you only played it for an easy platinum with zero understanding of the story


Gee, you'd think I'm a trophy whore who's willing to play games solely for trophies.


Your complaints all stem from you wanting a quick easy platinum without understanding anything so I find your complaints pathetic


So because I play these games for trophies, my arguments against unskippable cutscenes/credits are now meaningless? I'll give you the credits since in most games, they happen at the end anyway, so it gives you some time to relax before the next playthrough, but there's no reason for unskippable cutscenes, particularly when either the story is the draw of the game (in which case, it's pointless) or you'll likely see the same damn cutscene several times (in which case, it's repetitive even to people who aren't skipping everything).


I hope you don't pick up Chaos;Head, Steins;Gate or Robotics;Notes for supposed quick easy platinums as that's all we need you complaining about accidentally skipping the decision points...


Don't worry, I don't plan on getting more VNs for a while (with the possible exceptions of the upcoming Date A Live and Oreimo games) since summer's coming up and I have an immense backlog to go through, not to mention that my next two plats (most likely), Senran Kagura and the Korean version of mk2 are going to take a while. As for me complaining about accidentally skipping the decision points, that's not at all the fault of the developers, so why would I blame them? That would be either the guide creator's fault or my fault for forgetting the decision.

Edited by Wdog-999
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I'm sorry, I didn't realize that me bitching about a game somehow affected your enjoyment of it. Oh wait, it doesn't. Why you feel the need to come back here to complain about me complaining escapes me. Anyway, since I'm posting anyway, might as well respond to everything else.



Well, let's see, where were you when I got my plats for Time Leap and HDN V? Those were meant for 15-year olds and I got them when I was 14. Where were you when I got my Dunamis15 plat? That's meant for 17 year-olds. Where were you when I got my CSI: Fatal Conspiracy plat? That's for 17-year olds, too. Meaningless complaint is meaningless.



Gee, you'd think I'm a trophy whore who's willing to play games solely for trophies.



So because I play these games for trophies, my arguments against unskippable cutscenes/credits are now meaningless? I'll give you the credits since in most games, they happen at the end anyway, so it gives you some time to relax before the next playthrough, but there's no reason for unskippable cutscenes, particularly when either the story is the draw of the game (in which case, it's pointless) or you'll likely see the same damn cutscene several times (in which case, it's repetitive even to people who aren't skipping everything).



Don't worry, I don't plan on getting more VNs for a while (with the possible exceptions of the upcoming Date A Live and Oreimo games) since summer's coming up and I have an immense backlog to go through, not to mention that my next two plats (most likely), Senran Kagura and the Korean version of mk2 are going to take a while. As for me complaining about accidentally skipping the decision points, that's not at all the fault of the developers, so why would I blame them? That would be either the guide creator's fault or my fault for forgetting the decision.

Oh where to start dealing with this stupidity...


Your complaining is giving people a negative viewpoint on a good game, just because you're literally too stupid to understand it or why things are unskippable in it is your own damn fault and you suffered due to your own ignorance. None of which were bad points for the game just a little boy going "must get shiny" having a bitch because the game decided to slow you down.


You did kind of bring this on yourself by repeatedly going maybe it does this for story reasons and then you keep dismissing it because you are too stupid. I'm not your damn parents but seems they have no idea what a damn rating means aren't you lucky... Trophy whore hate that word but yes it sounds like you are a midless whore wanting your next fix seems playing games isn't something you do, also your thread title I only agree with the zero dignity since you can't really brag with your platinums or completion...


No, your points on unskippables are meaningless for so many reasons in a VN so continue having a meaningless cry, the cutscenes in a VN being unskippable is good since it keeps story flow but I suppose an idiot skipping through wouldn't know any of that. Several times, yeah if you want all the endings or you could you know get one ending and come back later amongst another game so your point is useless...


I won't even bother with that last part as that is just sad...



Your arguments are pointless, your complaints are pointless...




I don't believe he has ever said he doesn't understand any Japanese and even if he doesn't he said he imports games because he enjoys anime/manga. As long as he's having fun and it doesn't affect his life there doesn't need to be a point or catch. It's also not pointless if he cares about it, that's your opinion. Keep doing what you enjoy Wdog-999, game on!


Also congrats on all your platinums, very nice!  :yay:

I'd buy that excuse if he had actually played any that were based on an anime/manga that had any sort of English release but since he hasn't he is a sad little whore using his choice of words, I also don't think game on is fitting since he isn't playing the games he's using them for a tiny .png graphic...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry I was about a week late with this post, but I was on vacation.





Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus (5/25/13)


I'd have to say that this was an enjoyable game, and the plat was pretty fun to go for save a few annoyances (100 parries, Enemy of Women, and 1000 articles of clothing, the latter of which I brought on myself for using the Drive of Life a lot on my third academy). I played it in bits and pieces in the minutes before school started, which is why it took longer than it should've, which wasn't helped by the fact that I took a hiatus early on in the game.



Also, sorry this one was short, but I couldn't really think of much to talk about since I got the plat a week ago. Anyway, I ran a poll on the NISA forums on whether my 50th should be the JP version of HDN or the Korean version of HDN mk2, and the former won 10 to 5, so looks like that'll be next up.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Hyperdimension Neptunia V (NA/EU)

Well, this was definitely a different experience than when I got the JP version's plat, the main two differences being that I could actually understand this version and that I was rushing through the game even more than usual to get the plat as fast as I could (I needed to do something to separate this from the other 49 plats). I'll admit that while I'm pleased with my time, I feel that there are many moments where I could've gone faster, such as times that I took a little break on the NISA Forums or times where I'd watch some of a cutscene for the hell of it. That said, I don't regret doing any of those things even though they've compromised my time a bit since I did have fun doing them (I'll admit, I actually liked some of the humor on display here much more so than the previous two games, though I didn't see too much of it since I still skipped a good 90% of the cutscenes, so I may have just gotten the good ones). Also, I used what I learned from the JP version to optimize my playing style a bit for this version (for example, I looted every dungeon the first time to save precious time on having to go back and revisit every dungeon for materials for the items). Overall, I'd say that I'm fairly proud of this one, even if I'm now tired as I'm writing this. Soon, I'll go back and got through the rest of the cutscenes since I liked the little that I saw, not to mention I'd like to see what all the ruckus is that people are complaining about, mainly Plutia and Iris Heart, in better detail.


Oh, and if you check this game's 100% Club, you may see a certain shameless trophy whore in the #1 spot for Fastest Achievers. ;)

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Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo



From here on out, I'm not going to bother writing summaries for these because my method of playing them is literally the same: skipping everything possible and using a guide, so it's just repetitive as hell to keep writing long summaries about it. In fact, this one is just going to be in this post as a notice.

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