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This game is full of bugs/glitches


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Ok, started the game on vita like a year ago. Got stuck, don't want to use walkthrough, left game. After couple of months, came back to it, started from beggining, same thing happened. Ok!!

The thing is, I cant go back to pediatrics to find the doctor in the beggining of the game, the door to pediatrics are locked/blocked. That was the glitch which I wasnt aware of.


Now again, couple of months pass, I started the game on ps4. Now i remembered there was some bench you need to push to enter from pediatrics to emergency but now, third times the charm, i pushed the bench all the way to the end of the hallway. After some exploring, now I was freakin able to get back to pediatrics and managed to get to the room with the key card. so the bench was the problem? what gives? but... 

10foot monster appeared and I ran. Ran so fast I left the pediatrics wing meanwhile Claire telling me I could use that keycard to open the office doors. I thought great, I have the card in inventory it seams. btw big monsters chased me nonstop and after 2 seconds it spawnes near you after every room. It is a little frustrating and not scary as the monsters in this game are the stupidest bunch I ever seen. 

Anyhow, I managed to get to the freaking door to use the keycard but no, it was not in my inventory after all. Rage building up, I went back to the same frikin pediatrics door and gues what, you dont even have a prompt with X saying locked or whatever. Nothing... and you cant go past it and grab that freaking key card....

And because I saved, I need to start the game 4th time from beggining.


I just dont know how this managed to get pass QA, did anyone tested this garbage before releasing it? Just throwing my exp with this game, dont need walkthroughs or guides, am gonna finish it, and I thought this was like Lone Survivor which was epic btw. 



Edited by Ptirle
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Yeah but I stated that I dont want to use the walkthrough, I never use it thou, I dont even look at platinum guide until i beat the game first. 

So the game is really filled with that many bugs huh? and is unplayable if you dont use a walkthrough? oh man...

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  • 5 years later...

This game is such a mess with bugs, how is it even possible to fuck up such a simple game this much.


Came back to finish it. First thing I get is the difficulty change bug (so it isn't actually fixed yet) which messed up the run due to less items scattered around and I was going for the collectibles trophies. So i load back a save still on normal done time ago so i lost some progress, but any other save i'd made from here were turned into nightmare. So i guess i gotta never close to stay on normal difficulty, good right? well, eventually i reach a save point, few rooms later I am then welcomed by a glitch where i am in a room that has not loaded so I'm stucked. No other choice but load again. Losing progress again? no thanks, i just load back my last save which is, now, on nightmare, which turned out into a bit frustrating experience, despite short, due to having to get a few collectibles yet. Plenty of deaths but I made it.


A hella broken game and i don't even what to imagine what it would have been without a walkthrough.

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