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Season Pass Priced in Error? Or Is it?

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A friend just pointed out to me that currently on the EU PSN Store the Season Pass for the game is £11.99 , which is actually more then the combined 3 DLC Packs. Just in case you think something is a miss there is a reason to this after doing some research here is why.


Currently on the PSN store in the west we have 3 paid for packs.

  1. BLACK CLOVER: QUARTET KNIGHTS Royal Magic Knight Set - Blue £3.99
  2. BLACK CLOVER: QK Royal Magic Knight Set - Wizard King £3.99
  3. BLACK CLOVER: QUARTET KNIGHTS Royal Magic Knight Set - Red £3.99


Which is a total of £11.97 which is less then the season pass. The reason for this is because of western censorship, there is a fourth DLC pack that is included but not truly shown on the store, this is downloaded with the season pass but was meant to be on display and it is on the Japanese and Steam stores.


Now the season pass does state it comes with this pack but since we can not see it on our stores we had no idea it was a paid DLC. On steam it is £1.69 so I am guess we would have seen it for the same price.


So this kinda explains why the pricing is off, we are getting all the paid dlc in the season pass we just don't kinda know it, This is like when Bandai Namco removed the One Piece World Seeker DLC due to western censorship.


This stuff is really getting to be BS with Anime Style games.....


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I bought some deluxe edition, but I also bought some "Perky Cat Vanessa" and "Yami Sukehiro, Ideal Boss" for free.


Fairly sure I got the Summer outfit stuff from the EU store. ;) I was able to select the clothing of some character to be some swimsuit....



Edited by MMDE
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