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SpaceCoresDad's Grand Galaxy of Games


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Hey everyone! I told myself I'd only make one of these if I got real serious and finally got a hundred platinums, and I finally did it! From what I've seen most of these threads tend to die shortly after being made, but hey, I'll give it a shot. If nothing else I can brag about the big hundo to anyone who cares. Maybe we can have a little bit of fun along the way! 

So, a bit of background: I've been playing games ever since I was a tiny star system as opposed to the infinite mass of space I am now. I started when I was 2 with Pokemon Blue, and got hooked almost instantly. I've been across all kinds of consoles and PC stuff since then, and I actually had another PSN account when I was a lot younger, but something happened to it and I pretty much just lost it. Thus, PSNP thinks I started my journey with PlayStation in 2014, when really I've been going at it since the PS3's release. It's probably for the best that I lost it though. There were a lot of unobtainables I'm pretty sure and I had no clue what I was doing when I was a kid. Nowadays I try to play a lot of games across the board, including a lot of just awful, irredeemably bad games. I love making fun of bad media, so a lot of those are spent laughing at them, or playfully raging about garbage game development choices. It's great.


Anyway, here's my list! Hope it's formatted decently for everyone. Here we go!


Platinums 1-10




#1 - inFAMOUS Second Son

I've been a fan of the Infamous series for a very long time, so right around the PS4 came out I was immediately on the ball for getting it. This game is great. The particle effects of absorbing smoke, neon, or digital stuff were perfect for showing off the capabilities of the console, and I remember being blown away by the graphics compared to the PS3. The gameplay was super fun, and getting the platinum was too. It's a game that makes you *want* to get the hundred percent, without being overly grindy or difficult. Easy street and great for anyone's first platinum.



#2 - Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

I won't lie, this is one of my favorite games of all time. When I played it, I was completely blown away by how much personality and style it has. Each orc feels different from one another, and there are so many unique voice lines for each one, it felt like I was never running out of new content! The combat is smooth and incredibly fluid, and you feel like a total badass slamming through orcs left and right, while still not being *totally* invincible. The only disappointing thing was when I finally got the plat and ran out of content to play around with. Definitely would recommend, just be sure to play it on the PS4 like I did. I hear the PS3 version is... disappointing.


Lord of the Hunt DLC

Shadow of Mordor's DLCs are just alright, which is disappointing given how much I love the game. This added a little bit of side storyline, and a few new mounts, which were fun but didn't ultimately add a lot. The trophies for this one SUCK though. You might notice the difference between platinum and 100% on this game is huge, and this DLC is absolutely the reason why. The trial of the hunt is just awful to complete in time, and relies on so much RNG with half an hour between each attempt. Play it, but I can't recommend going for 100%. Not worth the struggle.


The Bright Lord DLC

This one's different from the last, since you play as a different character, but I thought the change was actually good. Celebrimbor is weaker than Talion, but to me, that made you rely on using the One Ring more just like he would have at the time. It's short and sweet, and the ending is pretty kickass too. Trophies aren't too hard either, so hey, go for it if you want more Shadow of Mordor content.



#3 - The Walking Dead: Season 1

I really hate the trophy art for this one. How lazy could you get? Still though, amazing game, and one I would recommend to anyone, even if you don't play video games hardly at all. The story is incredible, you really feel the bond between Lee and Clementine as it grows overtime, and it's just. it's great. If you haven't played The Walking Dead already, you're a fool. Go get it. There's a definitive edition and everything. Go. Now.


400 Days DLC

Yeah this one has DLC! It's just more of already amazing writing and choices. They don't have a ton of impact on each other, unlike most Telltale games, but they're still fun little snippets of life in the universe of the zombie apocalypse. Certainly worth the couple bucks you have to pay to get it, though I'd go for the definitive edition these days.



#4 - Far Cry 3

I love this game. I don't know if I'd put it in my top of all time, but the whole thing is just so much fun. The gunplay is smooth, I found the side quests to be a lot of fun (even if they are kind of simple), and the stealth is surprisingly good for a game like this. The platinum isn't too hard either, and actually doesn't require you to fully 100% the game, which is really weird, but hey alright. It's just a cool and trippy experience overall, and has one of the most memorably video game villains in it. Definitely give it a shot, especially since it has a remaster now too.



#5 - Assassin's Creed II

I mean, what is there to say that hasn't already been said? Assassin's Creed has maintained its popularity for a reason, and it started off strong with Ezio's journey. I even played through the original Assassin's Creed, and the little known PSP spinoff Bloodlines before this, just so I could get the whole story. Can we get a remake of those someday? Please? Anyway, AC2 is good, obviously. Has some flaws that show its age these days, but great for its time. You know the drill.



#6 - Far Cry Primal

I know I'm in the minority here, but I adore this game. I will absolutely admit I'm biased, since I think the whole feral caveman aesthetic is absolutely the shit and I love it, so that's likely my whole reasoning here, but this game is just so much fun to me. I could play it forever, even past the 100%, just because I love the feeling of running around and whacking things with a big club. I love the animal taming, I love the fake language that's the dialogue between the cavemen, and I really love Far Cry Primal. Sue me.



#7 - Life is Strange

You'll just have to believe me that Life is Strange's trophy art is here, because it's white and transparent for whatever reason. Anyway, this game is great too. I played this right after going off to college, so a lot of the teenager schtick still stuck with me, and I really enjoyed it a lot. The time travel power is a super unique way to get through the dialogue choice system, and I really dig it. The trophies are super easy, just some unmissable collectables too. I'd recommend it, though if you're not the target demographic, it may not hit as hard. It's very "trendy" if that makes any sense.



#8 - Dante's Inferno

This game is kickass, and I'm so disappointed it never got any sequels. Yes, it's a God of War ripoff, and no I do not care in the slightest. It knows it's a ripoff and does it well, and every layer of hell feels super unique to one another in terms of design. They really went all out with a lot of the design here, and I loved the whole system of sending people up to heaven or punishing them even further into hell. Platinum's easy too, as long as you have an idea of what you're doing. Though, if you're going for 100%, I'll warn you now the DLC's been taken off the store for a long time now.


Dark Forest DLC

Not a lot to say here, just two trophies for doing a fairly short extra level that's set before the game. Kind of cool that they included the original prologue to the real Dante's Divine Comedy like that. Though, the DLC to come is far more horrifying...


Trials of St. Lucia DLC

It's painful, it's horrible, it's online multiplayer DLC! Not only can you not even get this DLC to begin with anymore, so good luck tracking down someone else who has it, but to get the trophies for this, you both need to be real damn good at the game. I somehow lucked out, and apparently bought the whole season pass ages ago when I originally platinumed this game, but some advice: just don't bother. It's not the fun kind of challenging. It just hurts, and both you and your partner will be worse off for it. At least I got that juicy >1% 100% though.



#9 - Oxenfree

If you liked Life is Strange, chances are you'll like this game too. It has the same kind of dialogue heavy story to it that LiS has, and the same kind of time-based storyline too, but in a very different way. To say much more would be giving it all away, but the mystery ends up coming to a very cool conclusion. The collectables even add stuff in this and aren't just pointless filler! I love it. Naturally, also a pretty easy plat too.



#10 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven

Yes, it's true. I'm a weeb. I just love JoJo, alright? It's a good show, and in my opinion this game does it justice. The story is kind of weak, but still fun to see characters from different Parts interacting, and DIO Over Heaven is a fun concept as well. One thing though, don't play the story until you've read up through Part 7 of JoJo. There's a LOT of spoilers for it right off the bat, and I'd hate for anyone to get spoiled by a game of all things. Plat's not too hard either, just a little bit grindy to get all the S ranks and JoJolities.


Platinums 11-20






#11 - Undertale

You don't need some stranger on the idiot to tell you Undertale is good. It's one of the best games I've ever played, if not THE best, just because of how much detail and work is put into it. I do think the trophy list is a tad disappointing, but I also get why it is the way it is. There's no way you could keep a decent trophy system without breaking what Undertale fundamentally means. Just go play it already. Chances are you already have at this point.



#12 - Ratchet & Clank

I used to play these games all the time when I was a kid on my PS2, so I never got the remasters. I have some of the older PS3 games too, but those were on that lost old account so I never felt the need to play it again. This sort of reboot/movie game was interesting though, so I picked it up and didn't regret it. It brings back that old Ratchet and Clank feel immediately, and even if the story is kind of weak, it's mostly there as fan service to people who already know and love the games. Check it out if you're a fan, or even a newcomer, since the plat's not hard at all. This classic duo isn't going anywhere.



#13 - The Wolf Among Us

I think it was around here I really started getting into trophies again, apart from an occasional platinum from a game I really love. Regardless, this is a lot of fun. Telltale, to me, is really at its best when it tries out some more original stuff, and the way they used fairy tales in this is top notch. It's Telltale, so the plat is just for beating it and a couple miscellaneous things, and just look at that trophy icon! Three wolf moon. Classic.



#14 - Life is Strange: Before the Storm

Did you like Life is Strange? Did you want to see Chloe get up to even more rebellious shenanigans? Then this is absolutely the game for you. It's more of the same style of writing in the best kind of way, in everything from the funny quips to the angsty depressed stuff. I thought it would be weird not playing as someone with time powers, and take away the quirk of the original, but it absolutely does not. Chloe's backtalk mechanic is a lot of fun to figure out and do, and I used it at every opportunity. Easy plat too. These early games in my catalogue were like that.



#15 - Horizon Zero Dawn

Hands down my favorite PS4 game, and easily in my top games of all time. Horizon Zero Dawn has it all. Fantastic gameplay, an AMAZING story that goes SO MANY different places I never would have expected, robot design that is just top tier with tons of enemy variety, and so many fun side quests you won't know what to do with yourself. There's unique dialogue for every single thing, and I just love it. The characters are great, the trophies are just challenging enough to be fun yet easy enough to handle, and it's the kind of game to make you want to do everything. Play it. You have no excuse.


New Game+ DLC

...Okay technically I never went back and did it on Ultra Hard. Sorry, okay? I'll get to it. Geez.

The Frozen Wilds DLC

I don't know why they split this up into "Quests" and "Feats" so I'm just putting them both together here. The Frozen Wilds is more of the same in terms of fantastic content. One of the best DLCs I've had the pleasure of playing, with somehow even more detail put into this than some parts of the main game. Just phenomenal. I can't praise Horizon Zero Dawn enough.



#16 - Minecraft: Story-Mode

I know what you're thinking. I thought it was going to be terrible and cringey too when I first got into it. But honestly? This game is actually, unironically really good. I really didn't expect the Minecraft Telltale game to have an actually good plot with respectable themes, but there's some genuinely thought provoking stuff in here. The characters are great, as they always are in Telltale, and the humor is usually pretty on point too. It's really not cringey, so keep an open mind and try it out. If nothing else, it's some easy trophies.


Episode 6, 7, and 8 DLCs

The trophies for these are all just "beat them" so I won't bother splitting them up. Naturally, the extra episodes are still worth your time. Even the one with all of the outdated Minecraft Youtubers was surprisingly funny and well done! Even if I didn't know who they were, they did a good job of letting everyone know what was going on and who everyone was like. No complaints here, just more of the same good stuff.



#17 - Middle-Earth: Shadow of War

I'm torn about this one, because it's a followup to one of my favorite games of all time. One one hand, the orc nemesis system is EVEN BETTER than the original, with even more fun orcs, an entirely new class of ogres, and ten times the depth of the original. On the other... I really didn't like the way you swap between swords all the time, and how somehow despite having the One Ring now you can't take over every orc you see anymore. I guess it's for balance, but there were some things I found slightly disappointing. Still a great game though overall, especially since they patched the Shadow Wars to be shorter. 


The Blade of Galadriel DLC

Sorry, haven't played this one yet. Hopefully I will soon!

The Desolation of Mordor DLC
Nope, not this one either. Maybe in the future.



#18 - Pyre

Who would've thought a basketball game would be a contender for my game of the year when I played this? Pyre is great. The gameplay is way more fun than I would've suspected from the outset, but the characters and choices with them are where it really shines. Having to pick who leaves your party is surprisingly tough, especially when a lot of endings only really work with one another. I won't spoil much, so just play it if you can afford to grab it. You won't regret your time.



#19 - Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

This game's weird, and if you want the plat, you're going to have to run through the whole thing at least three times. The first time is actually really cool... as long as you're following a walkthrough. I can easily see where people could've missed interesting parts of the story, just because there's so much to explore and so little is outright shown to you. Oftentimes you don't even know if you collected a collectable or not. It's a walking sim, so it's not exactly hard to platinum, but just keep in mind there's still some time to put in. Not bad overall, but definitely strange.



#20 - Dishonored: Definitive Edition

Again, one of my top games ever of all time forever. Dishonored is the type of game I can and have willingly beaten time and time again, just because I love going back to it so much. The gameplay is so smooth and fun, from the sneaking to the powers to the murdering to the not-murdering, and it's just amazing. I platinumed it on PS3 with my lost account, which is why I did the Definitive Edition on this one. It's not hard to do, and is even a ton of fun to work your way around a full Ghost playthrough. Lovely game, would definitely recommend.


Dunwall City Trials DLC

In contrast, fuck this DLC and all of its trophies. They're way too hard. I've never gotten them and likely never will. Fuck em. Thank god they didn't come back in 2.


The Knife of Dunwall and Brigmore Witches DLCs

These both have the same icon and are about the same thing, so I'm just putting them together. Playing as Daud is really a lot of fun. It's technically not any different from Corvo, but to see where he came from and his point of view on things was really interesting, plus he has some unique things that only he could do. I really didn't expect the story of this to go anywhere, but it really is neat to see it carry into the next game. If nothing else, it's leagues better than the first DLC for this game.



Platinums 21-30






#21 - A Way Out

One of the best co-op experiences out there. I highly encourage you to play this game with someone you know physically, in the same room, because the experience is just so much better that way. I also recommend playing through it in one sitting if you can. The trophies are easy, as long as you can rope another person into doing them with you, and the story is just so great. You really bond with each other through the whole thing, which just makes the ending even better. Just a great experience.



#22 - Minecraft: Story Mode Season 2

Would you believe me if I said this was better than the first one? Because it is. Not only did they get rid of the most annoying character, but the writing steps up a grade here too, and even delved into some themes that were really personal to me specifically. Yes, it's Minecraft, yes, it's baby's first Telltale, but I implore you to give it a shot. It's actually really solid.



#23 - The Talos Principle

Funny story about this one, I don't remember buying it at all. It apparently just showed up in my PSN library, so I decided to play it. It's good! A very solid puzzle game that, even if it doesn't have any unique mechanics really, does what it does very very well. Pretty much a benchmark of what a puzzle game should be, right down to the basics. I'm proud to say I didn't use a guide for any of the puzzles, but I absolutely did use one for the stars and you should too. They're bullshit, and the devs have to know it. Fuck em. Good game though.



#24 - Mr. Massagy

You can call me a trophy whore if you want, but this game is fucking hilarious. It takes the dating sim concept and rips it apart into total parody, to the point where you're "dating" an anime body pillow at one point and "massaging" yourself along with it. There's so many clever moments to this game that made me laugh out loud, to the point that I don't think you should consider it just a trophy whore game. Is it easy and can it be beaten quickly? Yes. You should still play it though. This is self refrential comedy gold.



#25 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle

To me, this isn't as good as Eyes of Heaven. It's definitely more of a traditional fighting game if that's what you're looking for, but it's far too clunky for me to really enjoy a whole lot. I do try to branch out a decent bit and play different types of games, but I don't think this is a shining example of the genre. At least it has some good fan service though. DIO does the road roller in this one, unlike Eyes of Heaven, so that might make it automatically better in the eyes of some. Obligatory yes I'm a weeb, again.



#26 - Serial Cleaner

Fun fact: I wrote a guide for this game! It's a somewhat obscure little gem that basically combines the mechanics of Hotline Miami and Viscera Cleanup Detail in a really weird yet really fun kind of way. I found myself hooked and playing it as much as I could, and the trophies aren't that tough either if you're concerned about that. The 70's aesthetic is dripping from this game, just like the 80's is from Hotline Miami, and it's really great. Give it a shot if it's on sale or something, and you're into vacuuming up blood while cops search for you.



#27 - Asura's Wrath

Asura's Wrath is my problematic fave. I should hate its terrible business practices of literally locking the ending of the game behind a paywall, but like... it's just too damn fun to hate. I'm a sucker for big huge galactic anime battles, and that's exactly what this game is. It's total kickass beatdowns the whole way, to the point that it feels like you're literally playing an anime. I won't lie, the trophies can be kind of tough, but it does feel rewarding getting that 100% accuracy on all those cutscenes. I just hate that you have to pay for Act 4.



Hey speaking of, here it is! It's great. Asura fights God. That's all you need to know.



Street Fighter DLC


This one fucking sucks. The normal storyline stuff is pretty fun, but the challenges are some of the worst pieces of shit I have ever seen. Imagine playing a fighting game where the opponent can block, but you can't. Now imagine beating them without getting hit. It took hours. Fuck this DLC.






#28 - Alice: Madness Returns


Seriously an underrated gem. This game should be known by more people, because it's really unique and has a lot of fun with its ideas. No, "Alice in Wonderland but spooOOoOOoOOky" isn't original, but the game does a really good job with it. I willingly even bought the skins for it, just to support it. It's fun. It even comes with another game with it!




American McGee's Alice DLC


Speaking of, here's the other game. It's kind of bad. It was made in 2000, so I can forgive it for being pretty clunky, but it really just doesn't hold up today. It's worth playing, if only to get a bit of background on this version of Alice as a character and how this Wonderland works, but there are a lot of parts that are just frustrating and not fun. Thank god the trophies are only for beating it.






#29 - Detroit: Become Human


I'm admittedly a sucker for David Cage. That little French fuck gets me every time with his games. They're just too damn cool! Detroit: Become Human has a lot to offer in terms of content and story, and the gameplay, while simple, is pretty damn fun too. The only rough part is getting the trophies, because you'll have to replay a lot of stuff, and David Cage doesn't believe in skipping cutscenes. You gotta sit through everything. Over, and over, and over again. It's rough, but worth, for a nice platinum.






#30 - Murdered: Soul Suspect


Talk about wasted potential of a game. The idea is so cool, that a guy who's dead is trying to solve his own murder, while also helping out ghosts in the town of Salem, but it's really just disappointing in the end. The """""combat""""" with demons is frustrating at best and broken at worst, and the solving of mysteries comes down to just touching a bunch of collectables. Very disappointing, but at least it's easy. That has to account for something.



Platinums 31-40




#31 - Terminator Salvation

This game suuuuuuuucks. It sucks in a funny way though, so it's okay. Perhaps that's to be expected when you make a game out of a movie that was already kind of crap, and then put zero effort into anything at all. It's boring, there are only 3 enemy types and 5 guns at most, and it's hilarious. You can laugh all the way through the game as you work through it on hard mode, since there aren't any other trophies besides that. This is the OG trophy whore game, and for good reason. Play it anyway though. It's the worst.



#32 - De Blob 2

De Blob was a classic when I played it on the Wii so many years ago, so when I found out it had a sequel I just HAD to play it. You should too, but some advice? 100% it on your first playthrough, PLEASE. You will basically have to go through the entire thing again if you don't, and each level is very, very long if you want to do everything. It's not worth making yourself hate a game with as much style and charm as De Blob, so just do it the first go around! Have fun with it. It's easy with a guide.



#33 - God of War Remastered

What can I say that hasn't already been said? God of War set the standard for games of its kind. It's amazing, so fluid in battle yet so tight at the same time. It really says something when a game can be made in 2002 and still hold up to this day as one of the greats. It's one of Sony's big bad exclusives for a reason. You're doing yourself a disservice for not experience Kratos's story. The trophies aren't bad either, though a tad difficult near the end. Still though, do it anyway. For your own sake.



#34 - Iron Man 2

Another game that materialized out of nowhere, but this time on my shelf instead of in my hard drive. This game, objectively, kind of sucks, but it's better than it has any right to be. Iron Man obviously got the preference over War Machine, since even though the latter is playable, he gets a big fat 0 additional costumes. It sucks too, since his MCU actor actually came back and voiced him in the game, when Robert Downey Jr. didn't for Iron Man. Anyway, it's kind of crap, but the fun kind of crap, and an easy plat. Probably not worth your time, but it's worth mine. Next.



#35 - Chess Ultra

This is a weird one. I bought it on a whim for three bucks on a sale, and I'll say this: if you like chess, this is the game for you. Personally, I'm kind of ambivalent on chess, so this game was not really for me, but some quick googling and LOTS of account creation ended up getting me this plat anyway. You ever create 31 fake accounts just for one trophy? I have. It sucks. Don't be like me. Just leave out Chess Ultra unless you're really into it. It deserves better than just trophy whoring dimwits.



#36 - Burly Men at Sea

I bought this before it went on PS Plus. I felt dumb a few months later, but it's still a fine game as it is. A lot of people think it's boring? I think it's fun and clever, though I do wish there was an actual proper ending to it after you did everything. Instead you just get nothing, which is fine I guess. Oh well. Short, sweet, and easy, if nothing else



#37 - Dead Space

An absolute horror classic for the PS3. Dead Space is a fantastic example of the survival horror genre, and a great way to show how, even if you have a gun, it is still VERY possible to make someone feel scared in a video game. This is the game that made me stop being a weenie and play more horror, and really, compared to some other stuff, it's not even THAT scary. Pretty hard though on the hardest difficulty, so I'll warn you on that front. Still worth a playthrough either way though, trophies or not.




#38 - Rogue Warrior


Rogue Warrior is the epitome of So Bad It's Good. I love Richard "Demo Dick" Marcinko's one liners, delivered in such a way I can only assume they were trying to be unironic and cool with them. Really, the game is awful. Zero enemy variation, awful plot, pretty bad gunplay, and yet I love this game with all of my heart. I don't know what it is about bad games that try so hard with this, but I really just can't help but love them. Didn't love the online though. That's where my patience really started to run thin. GOD DAMN COCK BREATH COMMIE MOTHERFUCKERS! That's a real line from the game. Gold.






#39 - Heavy Rain


Well Cage, you got me again. Heavy Rain is actually a really good game. People might've hated it at the time because of an oversaturation of quicktime events, but looking back, it does a great job of making an interactive movie where you're allowed to just completely fail. Hell, there's a trophy in this game for letting the Origami Killer get away! It's really intricate to do and kind of sucks, but it's a thing that happens! It's a crazy ride, and besides some annoying trophies, a good time overall too.






#40 - Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition


This is the first of the new Tomb Raider games, and mercifully enough, the only one that requires multiplayer for the plat. The game itself is solid. Good collectables, great gunplay with fantastic POW noises through your controller whenever you shoot, it's great. Exactly what you'd want in a Tomb Raider reboot. The multiplayer, however, sucks big fat tomb raiding donkey dick. It's so slow and boring, and even if it only takes a few hours, it feels like an eternity. Not to mention trying to get the servers working in the current year. It sucks. Play the game, don't do multiplayer. 'Nuff said.



Platinums 41-50






#41 - God of War II

This is like the Terminator 2 of video games. God of War 2 takes everything the original did and just makes it even better. The story's better, the gameplay has more variety, there's more places to go and things to do, it's just great. Imagine the original game, but just with more good shit. That's what 2 is. If you own the original, you likely own this too, so get to it if you haven't already. Some more challenge to the trophies on this one, but honestly, it's still not too bad. Just do it.



#42 - Indigo Prophecy

Apparently this is known as Fahrenheit in non-American countries, which is also a decent title I guess. Anyway, this game kind of sucks. David Cage got me with all his other games, but going back to his PS2 days is just painful. The dialogue is a LOT worse, and the Simon Says system for doing things just doesn't work. On top of that, the trophy for beating the game on Hard just shows you how bullshit the hard mode really is in this game. Play the other three, but skip this one. It's not worth a blast from the past.



#43 - Rise of the Tomb Raider

This game has 125 trophies. That is insane. What's weirder? All but like 6 are bronze. Extra spooky. Anyway, this game is leaps and bounds better than its predecessor in almost every way, and while it's not perfect, I do consider it the best of the new Tomb Raider trilogy. The combat is fluid and keeps you on your toes, while not being so impossible that you can't do anything. The survival mechanic is well implemented too, especially on the hardest difficulty, like I played it on. Only problem is score attack, but surely that'll never come back in later games, right? That'd just be silly.


Endurance DLC

This game has a lot of DLC, so be ready for a lightning round. Endurance is okay. Better than I expected for literally just running around in the snow looking for tombs, for sure. It's got some depth, but not much else to it. Decent, and at least worth a shot before skipping it entirely.


Baba Yaga DLC

This one's GREAT. It's the only DLC in the game that adds directly into the main game itself, and it does it flawlessly. I didn't even know it was the DLC until the game told me. The extra arrow type and outfit you get from it is fun, the trippy drug scenes are really cool trips into Lara's psyche, and looking at everything once the fear gas wears off is really cool. Best of the bunch, easily.


Cold Darkness DLC

Mediocre. If you wanted to see Lara Croft fight zombies, I guess this is the place to go, but it seems weird and out of place. It's almost certainly noncanon, which is even stranger for a series like this. Oh well, still worth a shot I think.


Croft Manor DLC

Shockingly fun. It's great to see Lara's house after she comes home from a long while of adventuring! The Croft's Nightmare stuff is hit or miss, but I really did enjoy finding all the pieces of Croft family history around the manor, and even a tease at the next game too. Fun stuff.


Endurance Co-op DLC

I expected this to be shit, but it was shockingly fun. I found a stranger on this site to play it with, and we ended up chatting for a long while to let time pass for challenges. It's really relaxing, actually, and the servers are far better than I would have imagined for connecting people between the USA and Argentina. Don't let this one slip by you just because of the online portion. It's still fun.


#44 - Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters


Got this game on a mega sale at Gamestop, since it was one of their last PS3 games left that wasn't for sports. It's a movie game of the crappy Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern movie. Remember that? Remember how it was bad? Yeah, this game is too. There's not really any redeeming qualities, but I take joy in terrible games, so I ended up having a good time. It's easy too, even trophy-wise. Can't say I recommend it though.






#45 - Lara Croft GO


Picked this up while I was on that Tomb Raider binge. It's actually pretty fun! Simple, for sure, and after a while I ended up just letting the "solve" feature do the work for me, but it was still a good time. Shockingly well animated, especially considering how Hitman GO looks. It's easy, which is the primary draw I think, but it's also good for any casual Tomb Raider fans out there. Anyone else... maybe just get it on sale and beat it in an afternoon.






#46 - Gorogoa


Do NOT sleep on this game. Gorogoa is a masterpiece and I will continue to scream that at everyone I see. I originally just got it because it was a cheap and easy plat on sale, but what I got instead was an awesome, super unique puzzle game with crazy mechanics that really make you rack your brain to work. The hand drawn art style is beautiful, and the mindfuck method of storytelling will drop your jaw. I implore you, buy this game. You won't regret it for a second, even if it's over quickly.






#47 - Assassin's Creed Brotherhood


Everyone already knows Brotherhood is the best of the Ezio trilogy, so I'll just say it again. It's the best of Ezio's stuff. Rome is a lot of fun to fuck around in, and there's so much to do everywhere you go. Some of the collectables are a tad annoying, but overall the game is super solid. This was early Assassin's Creed at its best... I just wish the multiplayer trophies were better. The actual multiplayer experience is really fun, so to have it soured by such awful trophies really hurts. Fuck getting to level 50 and everything else too. I swear, everyone who boosts this game is braindead. Including me.



 Da Vinci Disappearance DLC


You didn't think I forgot about this, did you? Smart move hiding the 100% sync trophy behind DLC, Ubisoft. It's mildly frustrating, but the DLC is a good time overall. It does make me wonder why they didn't add trophies for the other DLC in this game, but hey, whatever.






#48 - Mafia III


Got this one from PS Plus, and man, it was mediocre. I went in with low expectations, so I wasn't very disappointed, but you do get really tired of doing the same thing over and over again after a while. This game does its story very well, and I just wish there was more of it. I wanted to see more of the capos, more of the people you're taking down, all that stuff. It's just shallow, and that's disappointing. It requires two playthroughs too, which always sucks. They're basically no different either.




Faster, Baby! DLC


I don't have anything to say about this DLC except that you're able to grow and name your own weed strains. That enough makes it worth the price.




Stones Unturned DLC


This one's alright. It was fun to do more with the FBI agent guy, but it had a couple really annoying trophies, so they balance each other out. The actual mission is just okay too. Maybe worth it if you got the season pass though.




Sign of the Times DLC


I don't know why, but I actually really liked this one. Maybe it was that you could repair Sammy's after everything was done? Whatever it was, it was a good time overall from what I remember. Worth the price, even if you can't grow your own weed.






#49 - Yoku's Island Express


I never would've thought combining metroidvania and pinball would make for a valid game, but holy shit did it work. Yoku's Island Express is a beautifully unique kind of game, with a super chill and fun atmosphere and pinball simple enough that anyone can do it. There's still difficult bits in there for the hardcore pinball fans, but it's all optional. Every character is cute and noteworthy, the upgrades are equally so, and Yoku's method of interacting, a party blower, is the cutest thing you could see. Try this game. It's worth it, and easy too.






#50 - Shadow of the Colossus


This is the PS3 version, which I'm told is more difficult than the remake. Whatever the case, this game is phenomenal, which is why I wanted to make it this kind of milestone. Each boss fight just pulls you in, and you start to wonder if what you're doing is even the right thing to do part of the way through your journey. Thing is... the trophies kind of suck. Some of those time attacks are utter bullshit in terms of precision, and finding all of the fruit and lizards in the land was just the worst. Even still though, I never got tired of it. I'd even do the remake for a new experience. Worthy of number 50, I'd say.



Edited by SpaceCoresDad
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Platinums 51-60






#51 - Until Dawn

This is a fine example of how to make a David Cage-like work great. It takes all my favorite horror tropes and turns them right on its head, and I love Until Dawn for doing that. The characters are just relatable enough to feel good when you save them, but also just annoying enough that you're able to laugh when they die in gruesome ways. Fortunately, there are trophies for both! Even the trophies are easy, so give it a go.



#52 - God of War: Chains of Olympus

This is one of the PSP God of War games that had to tide everyone over while they waited for God of War 3. It's okay. Not great, not terrible, but you can definitely tell it was made for a portable console. At least it's pretty easy, and I do like that Kratos's backstory is shown more. The man has depth, dammit! Even before Dad of Boy.



#53 - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered

This game really hasn't aged super well, but it's still decent today. It was a big flagship for the PS3, and I can see why with its pretty environments and wide open areas. The trophies for it are kind of frustrating though, especially the speedruns and Crushing difficulty. Oh well, it can't possibly get worse than that, can it?


Extended Collection DLC

Yeah it got worse. Brutal SUCKS. You can die just from RNG in faux-cutscenes where you have no control! They definitely did not test that shit, and it shows. Plus, the speedrun trophies for the entire game! I appreciate speedrunners and what they do, but I HATE that shit. Don't make me ignore all the work put into your games for the sake of doing it fast. Eugh.



#54 - Evolve

This game is actually good, I swear. I had a lot of fun when I just played it normally, since shooting the big bad monster and then being the big bad monster were super unique and fun takes. It's just... the trophies suck. Having to max out EVERY character and monster to max was a painful exercise in futility, and it took ages of just doing fucking nothing. It's unobtainable these days, so sorry to anyone who didn't get that. Maybe it's for the best. RIP Evolve. It died too soon.


Arena Mode DLC

God bless the arena. It makes solo boosting the levels so, so much easier. Trophies are easy too, so long as you have a friend for one of them.



#55 - The Last of Us

This game is a masterpiece. You know that, I know that, everyone knows that. The story is beautiful, the gameplay is fun, and even if playing on Grounded made me very angry at video games, it still ended up being fun. Even the online was good. How often can you say that? It's offline now, but hey, them's the breaks. You know how good this game is already. Just play it.


Left Behind DLC

This DLC is great! Playing as Ellie provides a very different experience to playing as Joel, and the infinite shiv that is her knife is very appreciated. Still though, on the hardest difficulty, she dies real easy, so be careful of that. Just because the DLC is short doesn't make it easy to 100%.


Reclaimed and Abandoned Territories DLCs

Not much to say here, they're just map packs for the multiplayer. Shoutout to my boy George for helping me out with these though. It was a hell of a run, man.


Grounded Mode DLC

Sometimes I wonder why I do this to myself. This sucks. Grounded sucks. Everyone who thinks Grounded is the "true" way to play can go fuck themselves. The part where you play as Ellie in the cabin is next to impossible without exploits as far as I can tell, and I just hate it so much. Survivor is fine, Grounded can eat a dick. End of discussion.



#56 - Beyond: Two Souls
Dammit David Cage, you got me again. It's good! Again, sue me. Despite having to sit through those cutscenes over and over again, I had a good time with this game, and thought the way it plays out was actually really interesting. Can't say much more without spoilers, so... yeah. Good game.



#57 - Watch_Dogs

Yeah okay, I love this game. Yes, it's kind of mediocre when you compare it to similar stuff, but the hacking is just too damn cool. I love that shit, and this game just goes all in on it right from the beginning. The hacking while driving is cool, seeing different profiles for every person, solving crimes, all of it is just great. It's a little rough around the edges, but there's a good game underneath it all.


Bad Blood DLC

I really didn't know what to expect with a co-op component, but I actually had a great time and made a new friend to trophy boost with using this. Not much to say other than that, but if you love T-Bone, you'll love this. It's just more of him.



#58 - Adam's Venture: Origins

Yeah this game fucking sucks. I used it entirely to complete an event once and that's it. I followed a guide and have very little to care about who Adam is or why he's doing any of this bullshit. Not that the game makes me want to care anyway. It sucks, but it's an easy platinum. That's all this game deserves.



#59 - Playstation All-Stars: Battle Royale

I really love this game from a trophy hunting perspective, because it really is just baby's first trophy game. Some light grinds, some easy online stuff, 1 whole DLC trophy, and then even baby's first server shutdown when that inevitably happened. It's a fine game in my opinion, if an obvious ripoff of Smash Bros. Could've been a lot better, but it just wasn't meant to be. Good on them for including indie games like Fat Princess at least.


Fearless DLC
Why even bother just adding one trophy? It's stupid.



#60 - Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

Real talk, I'm a psychology major, so this game was ABSOLUTELY my jam. The realistic portrayal of psychosis was kickass, and the trophies are thankfully easy enough that you can just focus on the game's incredibly atmosphere. Play headphones when you play this game. It makes it way, way better. I can only hope the sequel comes to Playstation also, just because this experience was so good.



Platinums 61-70






#61 - Marvel's Spider-Man

This is the epitome of a Spider-Man game. Yes it does really make you feel like Spider-Man. It's such a good game that everyone wants to 100% it, making it a common platinum by PSNP standards, and I love that. Everyone deserves to play this game to the fullest extent. It's great.


New Game+ DLC

It's, uh... it's the same game again. Not much to say. It's not hard, at least.


The Heist, Turf Wars, and Silver Lining DLC

These are all episodes of one linear story, so I'm putting them all together. It's really interesting, in my opinion. It's basically a really long epilogue to the original game that is absolutely sequel bait, and I can't even complain. If it means we're getting more of this amazing game, I'm all for pretty much anything they throw at us.



#62 - The Bunker

Did you know they're still making FMV games? I didn't. This one's okay. Not as creepy as I thought it would be, but still a weird and fun time all the same. Point and click is a dying genre for a reason though, so perhaps it's for the best that the company went in a different direction.



#63 - Late Shift

This is the one everyone knows, and for a reason. It's really fun to play through all the different scenarios, though it does get a little old when you've seen the same cutscene 5 times in a row for a trophy. Quick and easy all the same though, and available in a cheap bundle. I recommend it with The Bunker if you can.



#64 - Aer: Memories of Old

I'm not sure why the subtitle is in the trophy list, but whatever. Aer is a cute little game of exploration, where you can turn into a bird at any time and solve a bunch of puzzles. It's short, but a lot of fun! Very very indie, and you can tell that just by looking at it, but personally that adds to the charm. Worth the 3 bucks I paid for it anyway.



#65 - Virginia

I don't think I'm deep enough for this game. I played it twice and I still don't really get it. It's fine, I guess, but get ready for some pretentious artsy shit if you give this a try. At least it's easy.



#66 - Steins;Gate

Hands down best visual novel I've read. It's amazing. The characters are so fun and dynamic, the time travel mechanic is SO unique, and the way you visit so many different timelines with very little changed makes everything so unique and cool and I love it. I see why this gets so much hype, and why it was made into an anime too. If you play any visual novel, do this one. It was even free!



#67 - Back to the Future: The Game

This shit again, Telltale. What the hell? Well, awful trophy art aside, the Back to the Future game is a lot of fun. I have the physical version, which means I get a platinum instead of 5 separate trophy lists. I just followed a guide since this was made before Telltale just made their games "beat it for the platinum," but it was pretty fun regardless. Fits in perfectly with the Back to the Future vibe.



#68 - Vampyr

I really, really wanted to love Vampyr. The premise is exactly the kind of thing I love, and even the game was exactly what I love. It's just... not all there. I can't really describe what it's missing, but despite the fun dialogue and vampire mechanics everything about the game just felt flawed. I still enjoyed myself, and my rampage at the end to make London burn after controlling myself all game, but still. Eh. No regrets, at least.



#69 - That's You!
Haha, 69 and that's you. Seriously though, this game sucks solo. Don't chug your GPU by running 6 phone emulators at once. Just either play with friends or don't play it at all. 



#70 - Jazzpunk

Jazzpunk is fun. There is no debating this, it's just a fact of life. It's short, it's easy, it's for trophy whoring for sure, but god dammit it is funny as fuck and a great time to play. Visual humor is everywhere in this game, and even if you don't care about trophies I'd say give it a shot. It's usually really cheap, which helps things.



Platinums 71-80






#71 - Dead Space Extraction

Who's idea was it to take a popular survival horror game and turn it into an on-rails shooter? It just doesn't work. The game is fine enough, but the trophies are time consuming and annoying, and there's far too little to do. What's cool though is that some of the characters later appear in Dead Space 2! ...In the DLC. Whatever, only play this if you REALLY want to experience everything there is to offer about Dead Space.



#72 - Infernium

Fucking nobody knows about this game other than me, which is why I have the world record of 100%ing it as of the time of writing this. It sucks too, because it's a fun game! More should play it. It's like survival horror meets Pac Man, if that makes any sense, though if that's too spooky for you then you can turn the ghosts off as well. Not a hard plat if you do that, but it's fun to add some challenge every now and again.



#73 - God of War: Ghost of Sparta
The other PSP God of War game, and this one's better than the last. Not that the other one was bad, but this one learned from the other's mistakes and made lots of great changes to it too. It's still not a full God of War game, but it's a short good time. What more can you ask for?



#74 - Damnation

This utterly generic piece of hot garbage is one of the worst games I have ever played. It is so poorly designed that I sequence broke it multiple times without even trying, and even had to run back and try to trigger certain plot points because the level was so broken. The story is nonsensical and generic as hell, the gameplay just straight up isn't fun, and everything about it made me want to just shoot myself while playing. This is not funny bad. It is just bad. Do not play.



#75 - Assassin's Creed Revelations

Revelations isn't as good as Brotherhood, which is why it took me so much longer to beat it than the former. I went on a big AC binge way back in the day and burnt myself out on the entire franchise, and only finally completed the Ezio trilogy years later. It's still good, at least, and the multiplayer is way easier. Fun times overall, and worthy of a milestone for coming back and finishing it.


Multiplayer Character and Map Pack DLCs

Not a lot to say here. It's just stuff for the multiplayer. Not difficult trophies. It's free if you have a Hong Kong account. Yeah.


Lost Archive DLC

Friendly reminder that Impressing Warren Vidic isn't hard, you just suck. I feel pretty damn good I did on my first try. Otherwise, not a lot to say here either. Adds some neat lore but that's it.



#76 - 2064: Read Only Memories

I love this game probably a lot more than I should. I just think the cyberpunk setting is so fun! There's all kinds of cool social advancements, but then some FAR steps backwards too that I think are neat to look at, and the plot was super fun as well. Your little robot buddy Turing is cute as all getout, and the way you can befriend or gain the hatred of so many characters is very cool. Plus, it was free. Hard to complain about that.



#77 - Saints Row IV

I platinumed 3 on my other account, so I went for 4 on this one. I'll probably still go back and do 3 later though. Anyway, this game is very silly, but still fun in its silliness. Shooting down aliens with gangsters with laser guns is always great, though it's not quite as good as its predecessor in my opinion. Oh well.


Enter the Dominatrix DLC

This sucks and feels like it was half finished. Apparently this was a DLC carried over from the last game, but I can't imagine how with how little effort was put into it. Everything from the trophies to the plot screams rushed. Not recommended.


How the Saints Save Christmas DLC

This DLC on the other hand, is very fun and inspired. The devs clearly had a lot of fun making the santa's sleigh and gingerbread aliens to fight, and man that is a weird sentence isn't it? That just shows you how crazy this DLC is. They went above and beyond weird and it's fun. Don't think too hard on it.



#78 - Severed

Severed and I have some history. This was the first Vita game I ever played, waaaaay back when the Vita was knew and there were displays of it up in Best Buy and stuff. I remember playing it and falling in love instantly, but I couldn't justify wanting it because I was just a kid. Now that I'm grown up though, I got one and this was the first Vita game I played. It's just as good as I remembered. Play it. It's beautiful. One of my favorite all time games for sure.



#79 - Far Cry 4

It's not as good as 3, but I still had a pretty good time overall. Not much bad to say, though the story ends on a depressing note no matter what. Maybe that's the point. I was just kind of tired with this game when I was done with it though, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. The online sucks though, just saying.


Valley of the Yetis DLC
This one is weird. It's not bad, necessarily, but it's certainly not what I was looking for in a FC4 DLC. Ultimately, it's there, and that's all I can really say about it. The yetis are cool. That's something.



#80 - The Walking Dead Collection

Good things come to those who wait. After playing Season 1 I waited YEARS until I finally pre-ordered the final season and got everything for a cool 20 bucks. Obviously they're great. There's a bit of a quality drop in season 3, but then it picks right back up again with Michonne. Play them. They aren't even long and they're easy, seriously just play the damn games.



Platinums 81-90






#81 - The Walking Dead: The Final Season

This one's my favorite season. Clem's so grown up! I've loved watching everything about her change over all these seasons, and that ending! No spoilers, but just, holy shit. It couldn't have ended a better way I think, and taking control of an adult Clem after all this time is so satisfying. Great game, great ending, go play it. And to think I was worried that it wouldn't get finished.



#82 - Drowning

This is a mediocre walking simulator I picked up purely to get a free game from a giveaway. It's alright, I guess. Tells a simple story of depression with some interesting multiple endings. It's not great, but it's also 2 bucks, so what else could you expect?


#83 - Conan Exiles

PS Plus strikes again! Yes, I used console commands for it. So did you. Don't you even lie to me you big liar. It's really easy and kind of boring, so of course I did. No regrets. It was free.



#84 - Killzone Shadow Fall

Finally, something that truly tests my abilities! This game takes soooooooo long to platinum and 100% it's not even funny. I spent months on this shit. So long just grinding out kills on bot-focused multiplayer, begging friends to do the DLCs with me when I needed them, and trying over and over on the story campaign. It was awful, but in a way, I still liked it. The game is good. I see why it was a PS4 seller. I'm just glad it's finally over.


Insurgent Expansion

It adds some new multiplayer stuff, which meant a couple dozen more hours for me. Yaaaaay... ugh. Not to mention Elite Mode, which was so goddamn frustrating I nearly tugged my hair out. That was the worst shit ever. You couldn't make me do that again if you paid me.


Intercept DLC

This is a co-op DLC thing that just has you fights off waves of Helghasts. It's alright, but in typical Shadow Fall fashion, the trophies are grindy as fuck. Of course for one of them you need friends to do it too. Just writing this reminds me of how frustrated I got over everything involving this game. I should stop.



#85 - Awesome Pea

This was the free game I got from playing Drowning. It was easy, but I needed something braindead and easy after Killzone was over. No regrets; it was actually kinda fun.



#86 - Stormrise

Worst game I've ever played. Ever. Imagine an RTS where you can't control more than three units at a time. This is the beginning of the exercise in awfulness and frustration that Stormrise is. It caused me physical pain to play this game. It felt like a slog every time I turned on my PS3. I don't hate Stormrise, I hate God for making this game exist and then making me play it. Just look at the trophy art. Utterly disgusting. Three bucks was overpriced for this shit.



#87 - Dead Space 2

Thankfully, this game is much better. Dead Space 1 was good, but 2 really blew me away with how much better it was. The new suits were kickass, as were the new necromorphs, though the whole "only 3 saves" mode was pretty frustrating. Still, I can admire good game design, and Dead Space 2 is full of it. RIP to the studio that made it.


Severed DLC

Severed is short, only 2 chapters long, but pretty neat. It stars a character from Extraction, something I did not expect, and provides a fun side story of what was going on while Isaac Clarke did his thing. It's easy too. Not much to say other than that.



#88 - Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds

Yeah it's a romance novel. I actually did read it though. It's not too bad, though some of the later routes seemed REALLY tacked on at the end. They didn't even try to fit the gunslinger guy in with the rest of the samurai stories, so I just skipped by most of that. Not sure if I have a husbando for this one, and I didn't really like that the main character was useless in every form of combat, but I guess that's part of the samurai husbando fantasy, isn't it?



#89 - Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms

I did the first one, so I just had to do the sequel, right? The sequel's better, in my opinion. It doesn't drag as much as the first, and since your character knows all of the hot samurai boys already, the chemistry is easy to work with. Same issues as the first one, but if you're into hot samurai boys and like a lot of reading, maybe give the Hakuoki series a shot. If not... yeah maybe don't. It's not exactly high art.



#90 - Kill la Kill: IF

Three weeb games in a row? Shocking, I know, but it's the truth. Kill la Kill is my favorite anime, even before JoJo, so when the game came out I bought it full price on launch and platinumed it as soon as I could. It's everything I wanted, and I will shamelessly admit I'm biased. I had fun doing everything and give it a perfect score regardless of its flaws. I'm not sorry.



Platinums 91-100






#91 - The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker

Really rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? Anyway, another FMV game, and this one's... okay. You really need a guide to make sense of anything at all it feels like, but at least when I followed it I could figure out the killer pretty easily. Glad they didn't keep going this direction either. I'm not really sure how it was all supposed to work, but the whole game is just kind of confusing to me.



#92 - The Count Lucanor

I bought this game on a whim to play on my Vita, and honestly? I was blown away. This game is really fun! Trying to figure out the little blue gremlin's name while solving all kinds of spooky puzzles was really great, and there were times where I was genuinely afraid of some stuff too. Trophies aren't too hard if you plan ahead, and there's some good gameplay and story here too. Great stuff.



#93 - Dark Souls

Yeah I fucking did it. I'm no pussy. I did it all, and the only help I got was some weapons I missed when it was all over. You and I both know everything there is to know about how Dark Souls is good and difficult, so let's just acknowledge this flex and move on.



#94 - Day of the Tentacle Remastered

This game is hilarious. I see why it was so popular back in the day, and seeing it in this new remastered art style just makes it all the better. Some of the puzzle solutions REALLY don't make any sense, but at least the trophies acknowledge that. Ultimately though, this is a fun experience with some easy and fun trophies attached to it. Can't complain.



#95 - The Order: 1886

I'll be real, this game isn't that great. It's not that bad either, but if you paid sixty bucks for this, you got robbed. Luckily, I paid three bucks for it, and it's GREAT for that price. Still kind of short, and a little shallow story-wise, but it could've been a cool setup for a future story. Too bad it wasn't. It's fine for what it is though, and that's an easy platinum.



#96 - Shadow of Loot Box

This game is a hilarious parody of video game trash and it knows it. It doesn't even try to make the gameplay interesting, just like how a real awful mobile game developer wouldn't either. It's satire so real that even you the player are affected by it through the whole game, and I love it. Trophies are easy, so that helps, but what is more important to me is that the game was the fun kind of garbage. I loved it.



#97 - Payday 2: Crimewave Edition

Yeah, it's the one on the PS4. Prepare for the DLC meltdown. The game itself is good, though I feel kind of ripped off for not being able to play with my friends on PC with it. At least I made some new ones though in the process, so that worked out. Still stuck at 98% for now though, because of Infamy.


Infamy DLC

DLC LIGHTNING ROUND! Fuck the infamy trophies. They take way too fucking long for two fucking bronzes. It's bullshit.


Gage Weapon Pack DLCs
They're weapons. Nothing too frustrating in terms of trophies, thankfully.


Point Break Heists DLC

I like Birth of Sky a lot for being able to provide easy access to other trophies, and Beneath the Mountain wasn't too bad either. Apparently the trophies for the latter are exceptionally rare? Hard to say.


Alesso Heist DLC

It's alright, but it deserves to go loud. Why they want you to go silent I will never know.


The Butcher's Weapon DLCs

They're more weapons. The Peacekeeper .45 is the worst pistol in the game, but apart from that, not a lot to say.


Golden Grin Casino Heist DLC

Iconic, whether you go loud or quiet. I can't be made at that big ol' grin. You get so much money too it's not even funny, so if it's consistent, you're golden.


Goat Simulator Heist DLC
Yeah this one sucks. I thought it was fun at first, but then I had to do it on Death Wish which was an exercise in stupidity. It was bad. Never again.


Wolf Pack DLC

Not a lot to say, really. Just something from I guess Payday 1? I never played it. Meh.


Hardcore Henry Heists DLC
Murky Station can eat my fucking ass on Death Wish. Other than that, great pack of heists.


The Biker Heist DLC

Ron Perlman kind of phones it in for his performance, but at least it's a fun heist.


Seasonal Heists DLC
Christmas heists? Good, cute, fun, I love them. Halloween heist? Awful. I hated having to go through all of that spin the wheel bullshit for like 45 minutes just to get a chance to complete one stupid trophy, not even mentioning the speedrun one that was even worse. Ugh. Glad I don't have to deal with that anymore.


Scarface DLC

I played Scarface the entire time I played the game, so I love this pack. I also hate it, because finishing the heist on Mayhem or above in stealth in under 13 minutes is fucking impossible. There's SO much RNG involved and even when you get it good there's no guarantee it'll all be stealth anyway. It's the worst.


John Wick Heists DLC

The Yacht in 6 minutes is infuriating. I've never played a level that could piss me off so bad so quickly in a video game. I'm never going back there if I don't have to, just because I spent dozens of hours on purely that heist alone. Ugh.


Classic Heists DLC

Not a lot to say here. The ones added are fun, but there's not a lot that adds to the Payday 2 lore in them. It's just okay.



#98 - Furi

Furi is amazing. This game has near flawless combat, and I enjoyed every minute of getting my ass kicked. It's hard, but once you get the hang of it, far from impossible even on Furier difficulty. That said, I still got my ass kicked and had to go train before I could even attempt a full run with any level of seriousness. Still though, a great game full of dodging and parrying. If Sekiro is really like this it may be on my "to play" list soon.



#99 - Shadow of the Tomb Raider

The final of the new Tomb Raider trilogy, and to me, it doesn't live up to Rise. It was still fun, for sure, and the combat was excellent for what little of it there was, but it felt like it missed a lot of the charm that Rise had. I would go back and play Rise again if I needed to. I can't imagine returning to Shadow. It's not full of difficult trophies either thankfully, just some time consuming collecting, but I'm glad it's over all the same.


The Forge DLC

Oh hey, here's the score attack! Why did they bring this back again? Either way, this was a fun puzzle, if a little weird on the flame aspect. Another lightning round, go!


The Pillar DLC

I really liked this one. Short but sweet, and I really liked the challenge tomb. Wind is a neat mechanic.


The Nightmare DLC

Easily the worst of the bunch. Too weird of timing with spikes and drumming to speedrun effectively for amateurs, and even then, I didn't like the design of the temple.


The Price of Survival DLC

This is the one where you activate a cannon with a pickaxe! Haha, what? Other than that, it's fine.


The Serpent's Heart DLC

This one was sort of forgettable. Just okay, I guess, but nothing standout from the others.


The Grand Caiman DLC

Well, this one was memorable... maybe not great though. It was fun the first time I did it, but trying to speedrun a temple that long felt like it took forever. Not to mention the score attack afterwards.


The Path Home DLC
Big shoutout to the guy who realized this would put it at 99 trophies and added one extra to keep things right. The challenge tomb for this one was fun, and provided a fun little epilogue to Lara's story in the jungle I think. All that's left is to go home.



#100 - Quantum Theory

And here it is. Quantum Theory is an awful, awful game, but I have history with it. I've had this game almost since it came out, played it ages ago, shelved it, and then played it again with a friend of mine after forgetting how bad it was. It then sat in my library for years, and I somehow managed to get the multiplayer for it done. Then it was just a trial of forcing myself to play this terrible game again, and for extended periods of time too. It's done though, finally, and I may be the only person out there to have a game that starts with Q as their 100th platinum. I know there's a list somewhere. But it's finally done. That chapter of my life is over. And Quantum Theory is just as horrible and edgy as ever.



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Some pretty good stuff you have. Glad to hear your comments on DLC trophies as well. 


I basically alternated between three different YouTube video guides for The Hunt Is My Mistress trophy in Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. I actually didn’t struggle with it, which is strange considering how many people have given up on the 100 percent because of that one trophy. 


Last I checked, you can purchase the edition of Dante’s Inferno, including Dark Forest DLC and the Trials in the UK Store. But because you have to make a UK account, and have funds for that account (NA PSN cards don’t work), most aren’t going to bother. Bit of a shame, because I’ve been wanting to play this game for a long time. At least only missing one trophy is still considered pretty good, because that’s likely where I’ll end up.

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Sorry Spaz, gonna use the post under yours for a little extra. I didn't know PSNP even had text limits, so... whoops.


For those games that don't have platinums but are still plenty valid, here's the 100% list.


100% Games






Dead Space Ignition

The other spinoff in the Dead Space series, this one is also immediately prior to Dead Space 2. It's a little comic book type deal with occasional breaks for "hacking" mini games. Overall, pretty fun, though not exactly very Dead Space in terms of gameplay.



Personality & Psychology Premium

So fun fact, I bought this as a joke because it happened to come up when I typed "Persona" into the PSN store. I never even bought Persona afterwards, just this crappy personality tester that doesn't even work. I make good decisions.



Here They Lie

This is another one of those games I felt was 2deep4me, but in less of a sense than last time. I could at least avoid the monsters. That was something I could do. And I did it! It's an alright game, and I got this one for free too, so again, tough to complain.



Firewatch is great. The bond you form with this other person who you never even see is so neat, and the way it brings up this whole big conspiracy of a national park together is really fun too. I highly encourage anyone who can get their hands on this game to do so. The trophies are even super easy.




What a fucking joke of a game. I went in expecting some fun gunplay and some inFAMOUS style water bending shit. Instead, I got mediocre gunplay at best, lots of frustration with challenges that were next to impossible, and no hydrokinesis until literally the last 15 minutes of the game. Such a letdown.



Costume Quest
An absolute classic. I played this and 100%'d it when I was a kid, and it was no less fun this time either. The whole concept is just so much fun to get into, and every fight can be unique if you swap out costumes for everyone. There was even a DLC!


Grubbins on Ice DLC

The DLC was okay. Shorter than the game, of course, but it felt like some of the content just wasn't as good. Maybe that was just me. Whatever the case, Grubbins on Ice was an easy addition to this to make it a true 100%.




Another joke of a game. This one tries to be survival horror, but in the end is more of a walking simulator than anything else. The "monster" looks like a badly edited human model, and has the AI of a squirrel having a stroke to boot. Sure, there are a couple scary spots, but nothing that was really that bad. It was just disappointing, since the story it was based on had such great potential.



Hatoful Boyfriend

Top tier visual novel, and I mean that unironically. Hatoful Boyfriend breaks all the rules in all the best ways, and I enjoyed every second. You'll laugh a whole lot, then feel horrified during the true ending, then probably laugh a lot again. It's a great game.



Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star
This is a weird Christmas Special thing for Hatoful Boyfriend that is basically giving you more of the same content. You don't get as great of dates as in the main game, but there is that touch of horrifying implications behind the funny Christmasy exterior that starts getting explored immediately. If you liked the first, you'll like this one.



Welcome Park
I'm using this trophy instead of the normal one because this is obviously a platinum icon dammit. Technically my first Vita game before Severed, I guess. Welcome Park does its job very well, that being teaching me how to use my Vita in effective ways. Way to go little orange dude. That's all there is to say, really.



Hitman (2016)

Now, this one is weird because all of it was DLC, so I'll just summarize it all here. Hitman is fucking awesome. It is the definitive HItman experience, and I can almost guarantee going back to the older games will be a struggle after having the freedom this game gives you. It's been one of the best PS+ picks so far in my opinion, and even if some of the locations aren't perfect, that doesn't mean they aren't still good overall. The only complaint I have about this game is that it has no platinum, and it apparently never will. What a shame.



Dark Mystery

I got this game for fifty cents. Just look at that image. Can you tell why? It was awful. 30 minutes of bad platforming for 8 bronze trophies. What a disgrace.



One Eyed Kutkh

This is a cute little short game that seems like it was made for children, but I had fun playing it all the same. This was also for that same challenge that I did for Awesome Pea. It's a cute story of an alien trying to fix a spaceship and fly off into the stars, and the ways of doing so involve some cute shenanigans on an alien planet. It's simple, but effective. I liked it.



What Remains of Edith Finch
Does this one even classify as a walking sim? There's so many different genres going on here that they're too many to count. What I can say, at least, is that this game is fucking good. I can really get into the artsy-fartsy shit sometimes, and this tickled that bone like CRAZY. I had a ton of fun trying to dissect the meaning behind each memory, along with just playing the game. Would recommend, especially for free like I got it.



Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

It always surprised me that this game didn't get a platinum, but it is a lot shorter than 3, so maybe that's why. Anyway, this game is hilarious. It's just a total shameless satire of everything people whine about in video game culture, and probably complaints about Far Cry 3 as well. Satire this blatant is hilarious to me, just like Shadow of Loot Box, and I'm in full support of it. Bring on the Blood Dragon 2: Kung Fury edition.



Dear Esther: Landmark Edition

This is the first walking sim ever made, and man does it show its age. Current walking sims are a lot better at conveying emotions or themes, whereas Dear Esther just sort of... exists, and then doesn't. It was interesting to hear the developer commentary on the second playthrough, but man, some of what they said was really goddamn pretentious. I guess that makes sense for this game, but like, goddamn. Learn to chill out a bit.



Doom VFR

My first VR game, and really it doesn't get much better than this. Once you get the hang of jumping around, combat is super easy and fluid, and it all becomes second nature quickly. The game is short, but that's maybe for the best, since I tend to get eye strain if I wear the VR helmet too long anyway. Still, an amazing game. It made me want to go back and finally platinum DOOM 2016, since I had been ignoring it for so long.



Little Nightmares

Obviously inspired by the likes of Limbo, Little Nightmares is a great way to play a spooky game while not being all that spooked. Yes, there's some creepy sections, but nothing too horrifying that it becomes unplayable. There are no jump scares really, just dread of what's to come and that's the best kind of horror to me. That said, the speedrun trophy sucks. Not a fan of that, and I don't think I ever will be. It does feel good when you pull it off though.


The Depths, Hideaway, and Residence DLCs

These are all episodes of the same story, so I put them together. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten the chance to get these yet. Hopefully soon though!



And finally, the events I've been in, and the respective badges.


DoctorDrPepper's Trophophobia - Face Your Fears: 1wFqWzo.pngKUwlED3.png

Dr. Mayus's PSNP Spelling Bee (yes it rhymes): kHn4JO5.png8MinRQS.png

Eigen-Space's Gaming By Numbers 2018: akrotKA.png

SpaceCoresDad's (that's me!) 12 Days of Trophies: XfXE91v.pngKYztI1Y.png

Eigen-Space's 10 Things I Hate About Games: spacecoresdad.pngHqNZSrG.gif

FielVeredus's Songkran Festival: x7j7lmX.pngTKkFBPD.png

Eigen-Space's Gaming By Numbers 2019: Sz3zvfh.png

SpaceCoresDad's (me again!) Generic Winter Holiday Event: TBD

Edited by SpaceCoresDad
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