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Mini-Guide for Endless Mode

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Man oh man, Arc... If only I had read this yesterday before I gave it a shot!! The information here sounds absolutely invaluable!!


I made it to 22 for 2 runs in a row last night, however I was having issues after that. My original party ended up being Gruver, Violet, Sara, and Gwen, who worked totally fine up until the 20's! But not so much after that. I tried even switching my party up a bit after 20 on the 2nd attempt, but also not helpful. I'm going to give your teams a try later, wish me luck ✌️

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Okay... it's later, I tried it, AND IT FRIGGIN WORKED MY VERY FIRST ATTEMPT! You are truly a wizard, @Arcesius! You know what the kicker is here: my controller is suffering from stick drift. So what happened is my controller inadvertently decided I was playing this run on Normal, not Easy ? Didn't even realize til about 1/2way through my run when the harder songs started popping up! I was thinking to myself "it's too late to go back now, just go for it!" ?? Those note tightness ones were almost the death of me!!


Thanks again for this stellar mini guide. If anyone else attempts this beast of a trophy, you would be very wise to try your best and emulate what Arcesius the Great laid out here ?

Edited by Joe Dubz
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10 hours ago, Joe Dubz said:

Okay... it's later, I tried it, AND IT FRIGGIN WORKED MY VERY FIRST ATTEMPT! You are truly a wizard, @Arcesius! You know what the kicker is here: my controller is suffering from stick drift. So what happened is my controller inadvertently decided I was playing this run on Normal, not Easy 1f605.png Didn't even realize til about 1/2way through my run when the harder songs started popping up! I was thinking to myself "it's too late to go back now, just go for it!" 1f4aa.png1f602.png Those note tightness ones were almost the death of me!!


Haha damn, that's impressive though! Note tightness on Normal, with a party that relies on long streaks... That's a challenge, alright!

Well done, man! Very happy for you. I see you managed to get the plat already as well, so congrats! :) 


Now go learn this on the proper guitar ?




Thanks again for this stellar mini guide. If anyone else attempts this beast of a trophy, you would be very wise to try your best and emulate what Arcesius the Great laid out here 1f601.png


My pleasure :) I'm very glad to see that the mini-guide helped at least someone ? 

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6 hours ago, Arcesius said:

Now go learn this on the proper guitar 1f601.png



Ha that's awesome man, that dude shreds!! Those songs by Viking Guitar were 2 of my favorites on there!!


BTW i said screw sleep last night and got No Pee Breaks done too, also netting the plat! Will be doing a more proper write up over at the UR Challenge later, once I get my work stuff caught up.


One thing I just wanted to add is that I just used "Party B" for No Pee Breaks... It was so freakin simple using them, albeit a little boring playing on Easy! It's pretty much just Tier 1 attacks/healing unless you need the occasional Fire Spell or extra heal from Flavius. I seriously breezed through that with 0 issues using that party, so they are very much viable for that trophy too! 

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15 minutes ago, Danny_Johansen said:

So about this Yolo run. Thanks for the suggestion, got a free number 1 spot. For anyone playing this I highly recommend playing on the highest difficulty since more hits = more damage/healing.



Dayeeum Danny, nicely done man!! That is quite impressive to say the least. 


I was actually considering going back and trying for a better score on a few of the individual songs actually, since I enjoyed the game that much! No way I'm topping your Endless score tho ?

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Well, @Danny_Johansen, that is one hell of a Yolo run ? No mods discarded from what I can tell, and still almost made it to 30! Congrats on the plat and fastest achiever btw :) 


And you are right, the first party can be a bit risky to use if playing on Easy, especially during the slow songs with not too many notes. I guess the best strategy would be to play on the highest difficulty that you still feel confident with, and where you still can maintain a good streak. 

Edited by Arcesius
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  • 7 months later...

Hi everyone,

Thanks for helping me with the trophy.

I don't know if this is the place for it but I have a question about the "no pee break" trophy.

In short I can't find the mode to do the trophy.
Can anyone tell me where to find it or how to unlock it?

Thanks in advance

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  • 1 year later...

Great guide!

I would definitely swap out Gruver for Clark though. Much safer strategy in my opinion. At least on Easy difficulty.


I found this mode to be too reliant on RNG. I got to 25+ a few times but then the RNG decided to kill off all my party members. And with not enough points to bring them back or swap in a healer it’s a death sentence and unbeatable.


In my yolo run I got extreme good RNG. I could make it to 30 probably easily, but I wanted to beat Danny Johansen his score. Didn’t make it in the end, but a nice 2nd place on the world leaderboard.





Edited by Baker
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