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Any tips for Insane & Elite Difficulty?


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Any tips would greatly be appreciated. What 3 classes to use and skills/weapons are best for Insane and Elite Difficulty settings? Combat Rating recommended? 


I know this game released not too long ago, I thought I’d make this thread and see what everyone else says about it. Just found out that the alert says “Synthetic teammates are not recommended” on Extreme and Insane difficulty, so it looks like it’s not possible to solo the entire game to get the platinum trophy. Alpha and Beta are fine on Casual and Standard diff but it’s a bit of irritate playing with them on Intense diff. Sometimes, they would just stand & wouldn’t move but I managed to beat Priority One: Ingress with them with Demolisher 600+ CR, keeping me edge of my seat and wide eyed. I wish there's fully customizable bots that level up their classes and weapons to use in single player but guess that's not going to happen. With that being said, I’m loving this game a lot but it does stutter sometimes after the last update. Also, there’s trouble loading texture that looks like very blurred, but it’s a lot of fun aside from whatever issues it has. 

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It's possible with a lot of luck to solo the first campaign on Intense with the bots but after that, solo progress is impossible due to how awful the AI is so get a good group of reliable friends together who have maxed out characters and weapons then take each mission very slowly after activating one of the beneficial Challenge cards e.g. Human Tanks. Also, you must have a Combat Rating of 680-710+ to stand even a remote chance of surviving Extreme and Insane.


Ultimately though, you will need a lot of skill, practice and luck to get through the game on Intense, Extreme and Insane because they will absolutely kick your ass for making even a minor mistake. There are plenty of build guides on Youtube so look one up for your chosen class.

Edited by HuntingFever
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A few tips from me (good or bad I dunno)


I like the Technician class because of the turret with infinite bullets, every time any combat occurs, throw out your turret into the corner and just sit there with your AI, in your perimeter and fight there, rinse and repeat.


I upgraded the turret to have as much attack up as possible and equipped it with a flame thrower. I tend to use the shotgun a lot, once a tough enemy arrives lure it to your turret and then just sidestep strafe and spin around the hard enemy so they get repeatedly burned and then die. The magnum is also useful too since that one on 4 stars, it's one shot death to all regular aliens, you don't even need head shots, it's much more effective that using pulse rifles in my opinion. It's like having a golden gun Golden Eye style but it has a fairly decent zoom in range too, like a mini sniper rifle but fires very quickly.


AI are a bit too stupid when they lock onto the tough enemies as they will just stand and shoot and forget about the rest of the action, when that happens concentrate on shooting all the smaller enemies with your shot gun, pretending your AI buddies and the turrets.


You should always use a stun grenade thingy and throw them next to your turret when a tough enemy arrives.


At sections where you have ammo crates and a ton of enemies, go ape shit with your shot gun (make sure it is fully levelled up with 4 stars) and then reload with the box when you have a spare minute. I recommend taking 6 turrets into battle, on tough waves, before hitting a switch, put turrets everywhere, I usually put 3 down in fairly near to each other in separate corners/walls, and then put my flame thrower turret in the middle. That way when stuff gets intense. You have 3 turrets, your turret, you and 2 AI.


I've only managed to do 2 levels in intense as it's really hard. I can't believe this is only the medium difficulty level and there are 2 above it. I think platinum is impossible on this game on base PS4. During intense moments (no pun intended) sometimes the game crawls to about 10fps and then you might end up dying or be dead due to the game being so unplayable.


I also don't like the way aliens spawn infinitely, sure you have infinite ammo crates, but not in every area. And sometimes you just want to go searching for crates in peace. This is another reason why playing with 2 AI and having a turret is incredibly useful, because it means you don't have to use so much ammo. The AI seems to have infinite healing, as well as ammo?

I had a pretty intense time just completing the game on casual. Casual feels like medium difficulty to me. This game is too hard, and the levels are a bit too long too, no checkpoint in the ENTIRE 30 minute stage? That just seems a bit of a dick move to me.


Shame since the game is really good. It's a really good Aliens game, they nailed the sound and visuals perfectly. Bit like that Terminator game released last year, it's a bit janky in places, but I really like it.


I will lucky to get the trophy for completing just one stage on very hard and hardest, let alone 1 stage.


Yes I agree, this game should allow you to customise and level up 2 other human characters and give them skills. That would have made this game SOOOO much better.

It's annoying when you are fighting synthetics as often I get my AI dudes mixed up for a moment since the suited enemies look pretty similar to your guys.


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25 minutes ago, Squaalll- said:

Will they ever decrease the difficulty in this game, what's the point in making an impossible game?

Yeah, completing the entire game with AI on Casual felt like a very strong Normal or "Hard" setting to me. I died a fair few times, even on Casual.


No idea why it needs to be this hard, it's like the devs wanted the game to be difficult because it's an Aliens game and they wanted it to be survival horror and scary. Without realising what makes a game hard, or scary.


On the one hand you could say I'm not good at this game, the AI though always get a slightly higher kill count than me on every level, so it's not like the AI are super awful and not pulling their weight. The game is not scary, no jump scares, and hard it just a bit dickish hard.


3 players max is just not enough people, needs to be 4 to 6 to stand a chance like, in Killing Force 2. Trouble with 3 people is that once one person goes down, someone else has to help, and that's two players out of action for about 5-10 seconds, it's not like Borderlands where you can still fight while you are dying. Healing a player is like both players are dead for a moment.


By that time you've saved your buddy, you're probably already surrounded, and then it's likely death for everyone.


Game needs checkpoints, and respawn points, even if it's only limited to a couple of times, that would make the game way fairer.


Another huge issue is framerate and performance, if the game gets laggy then well, that's a level of difficulty on top of the insta death and trying to stay alive for 30 minutes.

On top of all this, if the game crashes, then well, you lose everything. Well the game saved your kill stats every now and then, but exp and loot, kiss all that goodbye on a hard crash.


A hard game would be a good challenge if the performance on the game was good.


Good luck trying to platinum on PS4, especially if you have base PS4 unit.

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