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Will moving saves back and forth between consoles still allow trophies to work?


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Hello! So I work in ems and I have the luxury of being able to play games while at work in between ambulance runs. I have a ps5 at home and a ps4 at work. 


Typically I have been playing different games at work and home to avoid any issues with trophies not popping. Example watch dogs platinum at home and assassin's creed 3 platinum at work only. However I started the annoying grind of final fantasy dissidia nt at home on the ps5 (this is a ps4 only game). I would prefer to grind this trophy both at home and work, by uploading the save to the cloud and being able to progress that way. Has anyone attempted something like this and gotten all the trophies? In theory this should work since it's my account and save, but I'm worried it will disable trophies or something if I move the save back and forth too much. Any thoughts? 

Edited by Kevohl
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I've played on two consoles every single day without issue for as long as I can remember. Just upload/download saves and sync trophies ?


Thinking about this just reminded me of the bad old days of some PS3 saves that you couldn't copy to usb and you could only download once a day ?‍♂️ what a shitshow that console could be at times ?

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On 12/6/2021 at 7:53 AM, Cleggworth said:

I've played on two consoles every single day without issue for as long as I can remember. Just upload/download saves and sync trophies 1f44d.png


Thinking about this just reminded me of the bad old days of some PS3 saves that you couldn't copy to usb and you could only download once a day ?‍♂️ what a shitshow that console could be at times ?


I have several ps3 era trophies that refuse to pop even after trying to trouble shoot and redownloading and replaying. I am glad most of those issues are gone. TY for the info. Hopefully I have no issues. Dissidia is such a grind It will be nice to be able to do it on both consoles. 

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