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Glitched trophies


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On 11/12/2021 at 6:54 PM, NashtyMouse said:

Everything seemed to be popping fine for me up to a certain point, now nothing will pop. The trophies for chapter 2, beating the game,  let there be light, using 3 umbras, duck tales, and “that’s night right” should all be unlocked for me but nothing is registering in the game. Bummer.


Hello! One of the developers here, just registered on the forum :)


With this post we now have two people that seem to have issues, not enough for us to freak out just yet but we'll look into this and see if we can find out what's going on. Can you please answer these questions? (Sorry there are so many)

  1. Did you play on PS4 or PS5?
  2. Do you remember if you suspended the game somehow between sessions? Turned the game off before? 
  3. Did the game crash? (Our crash logs indicate only one crash worldwide so hopefully not)
  4. If you start a new game and immediately jump into the water on the left, does the trophy unlock then?
  5. If you check your trophies, the ones you should have gotten isn't unlocked right?
  6. Can you confirm you're playing with the latest version? (Version number can be found on the main menu screen). (Should end in 7466)
  7. Did you get the digital or the physical edition (It shouldn't matter)

We can assure you that we've done plenty of QA to make sure all trophies can be unlocked so we're not really sure what's going on.


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7 hours ago, Nintendooh said:


Hello! One of the developers here, just registered on the forum :)


With this post we now have two people that seem to have issues, not enough for us to freak out just yet but we'll look into this and see if we can find out what's going on. Can you please answer these questions? (Sorry there are so many)

  1. Did you play on PS4 or PS5?
  2. Do you remember if you suspended the game somehow between sessions? Turned the game off before? 
  3. Did the game crash? (Our crash logs indicate only one crash worldwide so hopefully not)
  4. If you start a new game and immediately jump into the water on the left, does the trophy unlock then?
  5. If you check your trophies, the ones you should have gotten isn't unlocked right?
  6. Can you confirm you're playing with the latest version? (Version number can be found on the main menu screen). (Should end in 7466)
  7. Did you get the digital or the physical edition (It shouldn't matter)

We can assure you that we've done plenty of QA to make sure all trophies can be unlocked so we're not really sure what's going on.


Thanks for the response! I really appreciate it.


1) I played on PS5

2) Now that you mentioned it, everything popped fine until I switched to a different game. When I came back that night to play, nothing popped from that point after.

3) The game never crashed.

4) This trophy does not pop, I’ve attempted multiple times.

5) Correct, everything I should have is not unlocked.

6) I can confirm I am playing the latest version.

7) Digital version.



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Hello @NashtyMouse


We've done a lot of differents tests today and we can't seem to reproduce this somehow. Our trophies continues to unlock as intended even if we unplug controllers, restart the game etc etc. However, we'll be starting soon with a patch that will save every trophy earned in the save file and then retroactively unlock it, if it for some reason didn't unlock in the first place. This won't unfortunately solve the trophies in your case but will result in future players hopefully having less issues.

Due to the Holidays coming up and Sony being closed and our office as well we will most likely not be able to release this patch until early January.

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I'm in almost the same situation.


1) PS5

2) I don't remember unfortunately. But I know my controller ran out of battery and I had to change while I played (you guys should pause the game when it happens if you can detect that :-))

3) The game never crashed

4) I got this one after about 5 sec playing, it was the very first thing I've tried

5) Correct.

     There is some incoherence in my trophies. For example, I've got chapter III but not chapter II

I will detail everything when I get home and can exactly list all the issues


---- edit ----

2 Other incoherences, I'm missing

Annihilation -> Is it even possible to finish the game without this one?

A Hard Day's Knight -> I have perfectionist so it does not make sense

---- end of edit ----


6) Can't say right now, I will check tonight


7) Digital version.


Thank you for your time

Edited by kripara
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On 14/12/2021 at 1:39 PM, kripara said:


I'm in almost the same situation.


Sorry to hear you're having issues. So far it's only this post and one person on Facebook that we've seen so far having issues. What's in common for everyone is that you're all playing on PS5, a console we can't test on since we don't own one. (as you know this is a PS4 game). But as I mentioned before, we're starting with a patch asap. We have no idea if we have a bug or not yet though. But it's clear some trophies haven't unlocked properly for some yes.

Edited by Nintendooh
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That's definitely helpful. If we can narrow it down to specific trophies not unlocking, then we can investigate further. However, we're using the same code to unlock trophies as we did for Feats on Switch and Achievements on Steam and no one has mentioned having issues there. Very interesting! 

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On 12/14/2021 at 7:39 AM, kripara said:


I'm in almost the same situation.


1) PS5

2) I don't remember unfortunately. But I know my controller ran out of battery and I had to change while I played (you guys should pause the game when it happens if you can detect that :-))

3) The game never crashed

4) I got this one after about 5 sec playing, it was the very first thing I've tried

5) Correct.

     There is some incoherence in my trophies. For example, I've got chapter III but not chapter II

I will detail everything when I get home and can exactly list all the issues


---- edit ----

2 Other incoherences, I'm missing

Annihilation -> Is it even possible to finish the game without this one?

A Hard Day's Knight -> I have perfectionist so it does not make sense

---- end of edit ----


6) Can't say right now, I will check tonight


7) Digital version.


Thank you for your time


FYI, I did a second run for my Pacifist trophy, still on my ps5.

I was able to unlock Duck Tale, Falling Down on my very first attempt

Chapter II and A Hard Day's Knight unlocked at their expected moment.


Only one that remains is 'Annihilation' (since it was my pacifist run, I obviously did not kill that boss)

Is there any hope that a future patch will do some incoherence check when the game starts and grants trophy you shouldn't have missed?

(e.g. you have chapter III but not chapter II, automatically give chapter II trophy, or in my case, you have the 'finished the game trophy' but not the one for a specific boss ;-)

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On 17/12/2021 at 3:46 AM, kripara said:

Is there any hope that a future patch will do some incoherence check when the game starts and grants trophy you shouldn't have missed?

(e.g. you have chapter III but not chapter II, automatically give chapter II trophy, or in my case, you have the 'finished the game trophy' but not the one for a specific boss ;-)


What we'll do is to save what trophy you have unlocked in a save file and then we can check the save against the trophies every time the player loads the main menu or something. Unfortunately we can't fix the trophies retroactively.

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Hi @Nintendooh,


First off - Alwa's Legacy is a FAN-TASIC game! It brought back so many memories of me playing a similar game in my teens called "Zeliard". I absolutely loved, LOVED this game.


So - I experienced the trophy not popping glitches spoken about in this thread. I've just finished and platinumed this game, and I had to work around the trophy glitches. I'll outline my experiences and theories below. First off:


  1. Did you play on PS4 or PS5?
  2. Do you remember if you suspended the game somehow between sessions? Turned the game off before? 
  3. Did the game crash? (Our crash logs indicate only one crash worldwide so hopefully not)
  4. If you start a new game and immediately jump into the water on the left, does the trophy unlock then?
  5. If you check your trophies, the ones you should have gotten isn't unlocked right?
  6. Can you confirm you're playing with the latest version? (Version number can be found on the main menu screen). (Should end in 7466)
  7. Did you get the digital or the physical edition (It shouldn't matter)


1. PS5

2. No.

3. No

4. Yes

5. Correct

6. Confirmed

7. Digital version - downloaded from the PlayStation store a few days ago (so latest, latest version).


Below is my observations on the various glitched trophies through my 3 playthroughs:


Playthrough 1 (26th December 2021):


I noticed that no trophy popped when I completed chapter 2, which I thought was bizarre. Same thing happened when I completed Chapter 3 - no trophy.

I was then going for the "Let there be light" trophy and this wasn't popping either, despite me being sure I had all the torches lit. When I completed the game, nothing popped either and that's when I knew something was really wrong. Something had occurred during my playthrough that stopped ALL trophies from popping once "the bug" occurred.


I initially thought it could've been down to the fact that I put the ps5 into rest mode and resumed later on. (I don't believe this is the case anymore)


Playthrough 2 (27th December 2021 - started this morning):


I was aware that this game may have a point when trophies started glitching. I started this playthrough and jumped into the water 1st thing. Ding!

OK - so trophies are back and working. I then started working through chapter 1. More trophies were popping this time round which was great. This session was one continuous session. 


It was when I started to attempt "Duck Tale" (cross the bridge without being noticed), that I was sure that something was wrong again. The trophy wasn't popping despite me only being a couple of hours into the game. It was when I finished chapter 2... that I knew the bug was back as chapter 2 didn't pop.


I then had a theory: "What if I quit the game, come back in and try resume a trophy that I know should pop?".


So I started testing this theory out on the "Falling Down" trophy in the grand library. I tried this several times and successfully pulled off the teleport through wall 3 times, several times - each with no luck on the trophy popping. I then quit to the games main menu, and closed it down from the ps5 menu.


After re-launching it - I tried the falling down trophy again - and DING! It popped first time round. I then went back to the bridge and tried the "Duck Tale" trophy again. DING! It popped first time.


So - theory confirmed! There's a point in the game where the game bugs out and trophies stop popping from that point on. Relaunching a fresh version of the game clears whatever glitched there was in the game's memory and normal play continues. 


Despite me missing the Chapter 2 trophy, I was able to obtain the Chapter 3 trophy without any hassle in my 2nd playthrough. Every now and then, I would save the game, and then quit completely and then relaunch the game to ensure I was "good".


During this run, I cleaned up all the miscellaneous trophies such as: Idle Hands, Perfectionist, Conjurer, Great Success (this now popped correctly in my 2nd playthrough) and Let there be light.


The only 3 trophies missing at this point was:

- Chapter 2

- Equilibrium

- Just like Kieran (the pacifism run)



Playthrough 3 - the pacifist run (27th December 2021 - today - started this evening):


This playthrough was my shortest playthrough taking 3:30 hours to complete this run. I would stop, save, quit and relaunch the game every hour or so.

Chapter 2 completed with a satisfying DING as the trophy popped.

When I got to the final boss's room, the final trophy popped (Just like Kieran) as well as the platinum.




OK - So time for theories:




My first playthrough wasn't continuous. My 2nd and 3rd playthrough was today in one MASSIVELY long gaming session.

I thought it may be the break and the fact that I put it into rest mode at one point in my 1st playthrough. Nope!


I think I know what it is! While fighting one of the bosses in chapter 1, I would often die, hear the death sound/jingle that you get when you die and respawn. I would die over and over and over again. During the one boss fight (I believe it was Sir Pent - the Fish), I died... but the game didn't play the death melody/jingle. There was this "odd moment" when I died, but the game didn't seem to register that I had died. A few seconds passed and then I respawned nearby the boss room - all normal apart from the missing death jingle/tune.


I thought it odd and nothing of it. This was in my 1st playthrough. It was then when all trophy popping stopped I believe.

Same thing for my 2nd playthrough. I believe at some point, whilst dying on a boss, that the game went into "Glitched" mode. All trophies stopping popping at this point on. I was lucky to catch it early and quit out and re-enter to resume normal activity.


(Personal theory - perhaps there's a memory leak or some flag that's not correctly reset.... that occurs under the following conditions - several hours of continuous play. Die enough times in a boss fight, and the "bug" will eventually occur. Fresh sessions won't help in reproducing the issue as you'll need to spend several hours playing the game. All theories of course - I could be completely wrong.)


My 3rd playthrough may have skipped the "glitch" due to me not actually fighting any main bosses as I was activating tombstones to skip them.


So there you have it! Those are my thoughts and experiences of the glitched trophies whilst playing this fabulous game! Despite the setback of the trophies not popping, it was a still an ABSOLUTE pleasure and fantastic game to play. 


Feel free to contact me (PSN: Tinytone) if you have any other questions, or if I can be of any further help.


Kind Regards



P.S. Assuming you can see my trophies - If you look at the date/time stamps for when each trophy popped for me, you can see they're all out of order i.e.. chapter 1, chapter 3, game completed, chapter 2, etc


FYI: @NashtyMouse, @kripara, @Fandhir

Edited by Tinytone
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this game just came in via gamefly. i am going to start legacy first and close it out every hour or so and see if i can confirm tinytones theory.


EDIT: so while playing, io beat chapter II and no trophy. didnt quit out for awhile as i did the keep section without quitting. i exited the game without saving and restarted at the prior save and as soon as i got the umbra and left the library, the trophy popped. seems as though @Tinytonesolved the mystery. good job dude.

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I didn't have any glitches while going for the platinum.


I wonder, did any of you guys use any of the Assist Mode features? I had them all turned off as I wanted it to be like a standard Metroidvania with no help. I wonder if that bug experienced above had anything to do with Assist Mode?

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