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Final Boss Is Awful


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I did get the platinum for the PS3 version some days ago, but I want to note one thing about the game: The boss fight at the end is downright awful. When you get the TAC or whatever it is called, you have to fight off enemy aliens that come from behind the boss and wait for it's weak spot to be open and use the TAC to blow off part of it. But here is my problem. The boss will shoot out it's ice laser to freeze you and just get obliterated and sent to recent checkpoint as a result because you have to deal with enemy aliens as well, it becomes difficult to sprint your arse out of the way.  I think personally the boss was not playtested well at all. 

Edited by mckbros
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  • 8 months later...

Same. I didn't have any problems during the entire game, except for some parts that were frustrating. But the boss ending was terrible. I developed a technique to eliminate the second form. And, watching some videos on YouTube, I realized that even "pro players" need to abuse some very specific techniques to eliminate this form. You can't play naturally, you have to be hiding in rubble and abusing the nanosuit.

Well, I'm talking about the original version, but maybe the remastered is also like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was actually pretty easy. I just went around the burning planes and hid behind the main "building" of the aircraft career. From there you're pretty safe and can take out the flying enemies one at a time, before using the TAC gun on the boss. Also there are checkpoints at every single step so it's really no big deal.

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  • 1 month later...

I found it best to run to the right hand side, almost all the way to where the flames are. There will be a large rock there with some floodlights beside it, and a large cache of mini gun, gausse, and rocket launcher ammo. This will be your position for the entirety of the fight.


I tried hiding behind the down VTOL craft on the left hand side but found it to be very finnicky. It’s hard to see, it’s easy to get caught on small objects or have your vision obscured, and you can still be hit by the ice beams and turrets if you are not positioned correctly. The rock on the right hand side is just tall enough that you can crouch/go prone there and avoid the cannons and ice beams entirely. So all you really have to worry about is the waves of enemies that come out, and they are very easy if you use cloak and mini gun or gausse gun to take them down swiftly.


As soon as the ship stars hovering over the deck and coming towards you, immediately fire everything you have at the main hatch (the glowing square area). There’s a big wave of enemies that comes out, but if you blow up the hatch very quickly you can skip it entirely, as it goes straight to the part where you shoot the final TAC missile up inside the hatch and destroy the ship.


I admit this game was extremely janky and rage inducing at quite a few parts on Delta difficulty due to clunky controls, sluggish aiming, and god awful, sometimes downright unfair AI. So I was expecting to have a real bitch of a time with the final boss, but I actually knocked it out in less than 10 mins. I got to the final checkpoint first try just by finding that lucky spot. Hope this helps someone else struggling with this in the future. ?

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