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Suggestion: Filter for Rank

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Hello All,


hopefully this is the right place to make a suggestion. I love PSN Profiles. Especially for the Stats, Ranks, Trophy Advisor, etc. I'd have no idea what games are in my posession without PSN Profiles. So thank you, thank you very much for this really awesome platform!

Since I'm a gamer who loves playing a whole variety of different game genres, I have started many, played a decent amount of them, finished a few and mastered little. From time to time, I'm doing a meta game, where I'm listing all my games that are below rank C. I randomly pick 3 of them by a random generator and choose the one I want to continue. I found rank C as the perfect Rank, since this is the average. And I think rank C is basically showing the game the aprreciation it deserves. That way I also re-discovered awesome titles, like the underrated "Nom Nom Galaxy" :D 
Well, this has nothing to do with the suggestion, it's more of my personal background story. So ...


... long story short:

My suggestion is to give the ability to filter for a rank letter. That way you could get a list with all E ranked games.
A good place for that could be the Stats site, Game Ranks on click on the number or the letter.

My workaround is to sort by completion, scroll the whole list down and work my way backwards to create my own manual list.

A second suggestion for a very special function would be on top: pick a random game from rank x.

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5 minutes ago, HusKy said:

While not a perfect solution for your problem, PSNP+ allows to order games by rank.


I love how this is now a thing. Someone coming along, well the creator in this instance, pointing people towards psnp+ when a suggestion is made. Its as common now as boosters being directed to the session pages ?

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