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Warmastered edition: Scythe or harvester?


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Hi all,


So as they removed the password option to unlock the harvester it seems it also created problems when it comes to levelling up. I've been looking around the net and most say they got the upgrade achievement/trophy by simply buying the scythe, but don't you need the harvester to get all those souls at the spider farming technique?

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58 minutes ago, DaveMcDamage said:

Hi all,


So as they removed the password option to unlock the harvester it seems it also created problems when it comes to levelling up. I've been looking around the net and most say they got the upgrade achievement/trophy by simply buying the scythe, but don't you need the harvester to get all those souls at the spider farming technique?

You don't NEED the harvester in order to farm souls via the spiders. 

You simply yield more souls if you are using it. 


For completion sake I bought the Harvester from Vulgrim so can't confirm if the achievement unlocks by just buying the regular scythe. 

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2 hours ago, AIDA_Tri-Edge said:

You don't NEED the harvester in order to farm souls via the spiders. 

You simply yield more souls if you are using it. 


For completion sake I bought the Harvester from Vulgrim so can't confirm if the achievement unlocks by just buying the regular scythe. 

I bought the scythe as I wanted to start levelling it up and get it out of the way. I honestly think that when I got to that spider part in previous playthroughs I used the gaunlets for that ground pound move anyway. 


Currently at Taimat's temple or whatever she is called. Rusty as hell and have forgotten all my old tactics but I'll get there. 

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22 hours ago, AIDA_Tri-Edge said:

You don't NEED the harvester in order to farm souls via the spiders. 

You simply yield more souls if you are using it. 


For completion sake I bought the Harvester from Vulgrim so can't confirm if the achievement unlocks by just buying the regular scythe. 


23 hours ago, DaveMcDamage said:

Hi all,


So as they removed the password option to unlock the harvester it seems it also created problems when it comes to levelling up. I've been looking around the net and most say they got the upgrade achievement/trophy by simply buying the scythe, but don't you need the harvester to get all those souls at the spider farming technique?

The only weapons you need for the trophy are the scythe and gauntlets both at level(along with the sword at level 5 at the end)


Can confirm Cus I maxed out the harvester and gauntlets and no trophy pop.

Edited by Wild-Arms-R
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14 minutes ago, Wild-Arms-R said:


The only weapons you need for the trophy are the scythe and gauntlets both at level(along with the sword at level 5 at the end)


Can confirm Cus I maxed out the harvester and gauntlets and no trophy pop.

Ouch that frigging sucks! See in the original I only ever used the harvester because of that unlock code thing and the fact it gets you more souls. But I did see posts of people saying they got it by maxing the harvester but I wonder if they at least bought the scythe? Dunno. I just think its shit when a dev team remasters a game and breaks what wasn't broken. And why oh why didn't they remove that stupid friggin horse riding trophy. No possible way of getting it legit due to the map sizes and so you have to ride in a frikkin big circle to unlock it... gah!


Cheers for the info anyway chaps. Much appreciated. 

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  • 1 year later...
On 04/02/2022 at 11:52 AM, Wild-Arms-R said:


The only weapons you need for the trophy are the scythe and gauntlets both at level(along with the sword at level 5 at the end)

So you can safely skip the harvester with no negative repercussions? 


Edit: Can confirm now that this is the case.

Edited by bikeman223
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