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Best mission for farming legendary gears?


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I am not sure what affects the drop rate. Maybe it's just random? or is it related to level of the missions. I seem to get maybe 1 legendary gear from a skirmish mission at power level 120. I still need to collect 50 more. It seems there is no shortcut? besides using multiplayer to speed things up. 


Edited by YokA_sun
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You can also buy legendary gear from the vendor using the currency you get from the sieges. I remember just farming the first siege (which was level 70 something I think). It was a combat one that just had 4 waves of enemies and took less than 10 minutes. You got 10 units from each siege and a legendary gear cache (I for get what they are called) cost 10. Plus I would sometimes get legendary drops from the siege as well. Anyway thats how I did it.

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  • 1 month later...

Abit of a bump, but how do you que for seiges?


All I could ever que for was skirmish quick play.


(Beat the game and all that)


 Need to get back into this and get plat before servers are shut down... As game is dead in the water on steam. And I'm sure nearly as dead on playstation 

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39 minutes ago, Blackmist_FFXI said:

Abit of a bump, but how do you que for seiges?


All I could ever que for was skirmish quick play.


(Beat the game and all that)


 Need to get back into this and get plat before servers are shut down... As game is dead in the water on steam. And I'm sure nearly as dead on playstation 

Once u have beaten the main game u should have access to sieges. They change weekly so depending on what element it is will determine where it is located. Last wk was fire so u would go to the volcanic cloister n it should be the second row. U will see it blinking. I don't know what it changed to this wk since I'm not at the moment but check the frozen cloister or elysium. The elements r fire, ice n electric. So they will only ever be in those 3 areas until they add more. The 1st is the easiest n quickest 1 to do. U have to be lvl 110 to do it. U get 10 tickets per run which u can use at the shop. U can trade those tickets in for legendaries. 

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4 minutes ago, MsVelvet said:

Once u have beaten the main game u should have access to sieges. They change weekly so depending on what element it is will determine where it is located. Last wk was fire so u would go to the volcanic cloister n it should be the second row. U will see it blinking. I don't know what it changed to this wk since I'm not at the moment but check the frozen cloister or elysium. The elements r fire, ice n electric. So they will only ever be in those 3 areas until they add more. The 1st is the easiest n quickest 1 to do. U have to be lvl 110 to do it. U get 10 tickets per run which u can use at the shop. U can trade those tickets in for legendaries. 

I agree do the 1st one, just waves of enemies and that's it. It's boring but you should be able to get the tickets you need to trade for legendaries and the Oils to upgrade as well. 


I platted this within a few days, honestly once you optimize your build a tiny bit and farming route then you can easily knock it out. It just gets a bit boring farming for the tickets but can be done quickly if you just press onward.


If you are able to get a person or two to join then it will vastly expedite things in your sieges. Steam might be dead, but when I was playing I usually didn't waste too much time waiting for people to join, so definitely wanna knock this one out before the servers get axed.

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3 hours ago, MyNameIs_Rainman said:

I agree do the 1st one, just waves of enemies and that's it. It's boring but you should be able to get the tickets you need to trade for legendaries and the Oils to upgrade as well. 


I platted this within a few days, honestly once you optimize your build a tiny bit and farming route then you can easily knock it out. It just gets a bit boring farming for the tickets but can be done quickly if you just press onward.


If you are able to get a person or two to join then it will vastly expedite things in your sieges. Steam might be dead, but when I was playing I usually didn't waste too much time waiting for people to join, so definitely wanna knock this one out before the servers get axed.

Yea I did the entire game, minus afew early end missions (other the a few  quick play/ play w other dailys) solo, I don't recall my level. But iirc I was rocking afew lv72+ legendary/mythical.


Was doing bow Spam/ charged magic rod combo. For quick burst damage.



So I just look for a flashing icon that indicates 'seige'. I did skip the npc tips about it... Whoops 


Wasn't sure if the same guy who had been giving missions via mission board was same guy or if it was someone else.



And ya.  steam has like 1 current player ATM lol.


And I can't imagine this game lasting till end of year... Maybe if graphics were not oil painting inspired an the combat didn't give me arthritis. (I just spam all the buttons xD)


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3 hours ago, Blackmist_FFXI said:

Yea I did the entire game, minus afew early end missions (other the a few  quick play/ play w other dailys) solo, I don't recall my level. But iirc I was rocking afew lv72+ legendary/mythical.


Was doing bow Spam/ charged magic rod combo. For quick burst damage.



So I just look for a flashing icon that indicates 'seige'. I did skip the npc tips about it... Whoops 


Wasn't sure if the same guy who had been giving missions via mission board was same guy or if it was someone else.



And ya.  steam has like 1 current player ATM lol.


And I can't imagine this game lasting till end of year... Maybe if graphics were not oil painting inspired an the combat didn't give me arthritis. (I just spam all the buttons xD)


You know, I actually think the oil painting aesthetic would've been awesome and unique if they leaned more heavily into that style. It clearly was a theme with the paintings like a storyboard, but they just tried meshing it with these flat, PS3 esque bland Fantasy world that made it look ugly as hell.


I ran with 4 swords lmao the triggers were swords focused on Impact damage, while my regular was a quicker striking one. My heavy weapon button was whatever, I rarely ever used it I just got to the point where I held down the R and L, and spammed light attacks. 


It's a really easy plat, especially for the type of game it's supposed to be. Honestly, I think Godfall is a masterpiece compared to this....don't get me wrong I enjoyed godfall a lot actually but it had its share of shortcomings. Babylon's fall is just extremely disappointing. But this type of quality from Platinum Games is just deplorable.


Maybe somewhere a long the lines of the transition from single player to GaaS, we lost the actual game and got this turd instead lol

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24 minutes ago, MyNameIs_Rainman said:

You know, I actually think the oil painting aesthetic would've been awesome and unique if they leaned more heavily into that style. It clearly was a theme with the paintings like a storyboard, but they just tried meshing it with these flat, PS3 esque bland Fantasy world that made it look ugly as hell.


I ran with 4 swords lmao the triggers were swords focused on Impact damage, while my regular was a quicker striking one. My heavy weapon button was whatever, I rarely ever used it I just got to the point where I held down the R and L, and spammed light attacks. 


It's a really easy plat, especially for the type of game it's supposed to be. Honestly, I think Godfall is a masterpiece compared to this....don't get me wrong I enjoyed godfall a lot actually but it had its share of shortcomings. Babylon's fall is just extremely disappointing. But this type of quality from Platinum Games is just deplorable.


Maybe somewhere a long the lines of the transition from single player to GaaS, we lost the actual game and got this turd instead lol

I liked the art style when it was telling me the story... But mid battle sometimes it looked like I was fighting polygons... 


This is a fun game I enjoyed the beta. But it just didn't last like I thought it would. 


Ya God fall is good too.

And I agree. Games as a service has muddyed the water, it works ... Some times. But I don't think it should be a thing....


Hell sometimes I feel dlc shouldn't be a thing eather lol. But that's another rant.


Thanks for ya input 

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