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What is the secret to breeding?


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Ok, I have tried everything I can think of, from having single-species tanks, different lighting, food, decorations, etc., and I have yet to get any of my fish to breed. Are there only certain species that breeding is effective on, or is there a secret of some sort I am missing?

If you have been able to get your fish to breed, could you post a tip or two. Thanks!

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Ok, I have tried everything I can think of, from having single-species tanks, different lighting, food, decorations, etc., and I have yet to get any of my fish to breed. Are there only certain species that breeding is effective on, or is there a secret of some sort I am missing?

If you have been able to get your fish to breed, could you post a tip or two. Thanks!

Seriously Wade, do we need to go back over the story about the Birds and the Bees? I would have thought you were past this by now... :blink:

If all else fails, try GHB. ;)

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Pffffffft.......it is probably my luck to have gay fish. :blink:

LMAO :lol:

When I saw this topic I had about a dozen comments pop into mind and only the good taste filter keep my original response as clean as it was.

Got this off of gamefaqs:

Breeding Master

Bred successfully at least 20 times.

To breed fish, you need to put a 2+ fish of the same type in a tank at the same time and wait a few days until they eventually breed. Best way to do this is to put 4 fish of each type in the different tanks, feed them and wait, but make sure that you keep larger fish out of smaller fishes tanks as they will eat them and they won't get to breed then. You can skip the wait by just changing the system date manually to a future date. Seems it takes 5-7 days for them to breed (at least as I've seen thus far). I've found the a large tank filled with 4 Asian Arowana's & 40-50 Neon Tetra's works pretty good for breeding and can usually net a decent amount every so often between them (just make sure after the Asian Arowana's breed, you remove them from the tank and then put new ones in to start the process again). VERY IMPORTANT, make sure you keep checking all your tanks until there are no more update messages (feeding/breeding/etc) coming from them before you advance your dates as it seems they only announce 3-4 things per look and I've had 15 breds in one tank before, but had to relook at the tank 5 times to get them all. After you finally breed your 20th time, the trophy will pop!

Hope that helps.

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