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Broken spoiler tags? Here's a fix

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I'll add my two cents to this, since I've encountered the "broken" spoiler tags a few days ago myself for the first time. When it happened I had just text and "minuses" in them (sorry if that's not what it's really called, but what I mean is this: "-"), no emojis whatsoever. Yet I somehow couldn't open the spoiler tags anymore after posting, and apparently nor could anyone else. I didn't really think of it afterwards, but now that the discussion has come up, I went back to that exact post and tried opening the formerly broken spoiler tags, and now it works properly. So it doesn't seem to be a permanent issue.


On the other hand I just posted a text in spoiler tags a few hours ago that contained this ? emoji, but I can still open and close them as normal. At the moment I don't really have an explanation or suggestion as to why this is, but I thought I'd share it nonetheless. Maybe we'll end up figuring it out.

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Let's see if this this emoji breaks the spoiler tag: ?



Hello there


edit. Heureka! The spoiler tag above is broken for me in Chrome, Firefox and Safari after fresh page load. Let me know if you can open it.


@DonFrancesco I think the reason why it worked for you is that you visited the thread on page 2, then went back to page 1 and that makes them work. Somehow.

Edited by HusKy
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8 minutes ago, HusKy said:

Let's see if this this emoji breaks the spoiler tag: 1f602.png


  Reveal hidden contents

Hello there


edit. Heureka! The spoiler tag above is broken for me in Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Let me know if you can open it.


Nope ? Can't open it. It's still strange, though, that it seems so inconsistent... 


And also oof! I just tested it and you're right, when I go straight to page one of the thread I can't open the tag with the emoji in it! It only works when I go there from page 2. But I'm still puzzled about the first spoiler tags, because, as I said, they do not contain any emojis, and yet as I tried it now, going directly to page 1 instead of from 2 to 1, they won't open either. And I would think that this "-" shouldn't break a spoiler tag and it should be similar to other punctuation marks, so... what is going on with this?


Edit: After reading @Mori's post, I tried it again and what do you know... now it works. It must have something to do with refreshing the page, I guess.


(Also as a random sidenote, Mori, your status "Würstchengulasch" gave me one hell of a throwback to Terranigma, so thanks for that ?)

Edited by DonFrancesco
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34 minutes ago, Mori said:

edit: Welp, as soon as I posted, your spoiler tag opens for me. :D


Yes, posting a reply or switching between pages in threads (mentioned in edit1) seems to trigger some sort of refresh that re-enables those click triggers.

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8 minutes ago, DonFrancesco said:

(Also as a random sidenote, Mori, your status "Würstchengulasch" gave me one hell of a throwback to Terranigma, so thanks for that 1f60d.png)


I don't know the game and I am puzzled how Würstchengulasch is connected to it. :D But I am glad it did sth. for you. :) 


Sorry dont mean to derail the thread

Edited by Mori
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OK, I think I figured it out. Some technical info below:


The forum software translates unicode emojis to image files, probably for better compatibility with old software/operating systems.

This is what the unicode emoji looks like on Windows 10:



When they do the translation, they embed images like this:



Here's what the markup looks like:


Notice the URL which is missing protocol -- this is called protocol-relative URL.


My guess: The image URL breaks the client side parser that handles spoiler tags.


edit. Never mind, this is not the culprit.


Edited by HusKy
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I could open the first spoiler tag but not the second one. After reading all posts in this thread i tried to open the spoiler in the quoted message and it worked. After that i tried the 2nd spoiler in its original post and it opens now too. I'm using Firefox on my Phone (Galaxy A50).


It's annoying but every now and then i couldn't open a spoiler so thx @HusKy for showing some infos and solutions :)

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