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New PBE Update people


new Shen and Xin Zhao look gr8



I queue dodge most of the time if i have to play jungle, and i doubt it will change this season. I'm just terrible at it =(.

IF you play it then you will get good at it. I used to be horrible but now I'm quite decent.


New. Jungle. Fucking. OP.


I just played a match and died only twice in jung, but ended up causing the enemy team (with a Kalista) to surrender at 20 :awesome: I fucking love it.


Yeah I love the new jungle. The itemization is soo much better and lets you pick whatever you feel like picking against either the enemy jungler or to suit your team. Yeah early clears are a struggle especially for the champions that always rekt last season like my Kha Zix :(


You can buy the item again and bind someone else. Doesn't even cost any gold to buy it again, just an item slot ofcourse ;p

I seriously didn't know that :o

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Yeah I love the new jungle. The itemization is soo much better and lets you pick whatever you feel like picking against either the enemy jungler or to suit your team. Yeah early clears are a struggle especially for the champions that always rekt last season like my Kha Zix :(


I use Garen as a jungler as he has super quick clears at level 6 for Red and Blue buff this season, but reading up on peoples builds shows quite a few use the blue jungle item - I forgot what it was called - because it gives them an edgier gank in game.

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Kinda weird build but well played! 


If you build into pots and boots first you have a way of getting out of trouble.


If you build into pots and a Fairie Charm first, you can sustain mana for longer.


Next you want to build tear of the goddess so you can stack extra mana, but don't build it into a staff, instead begin building the Rod of Ages - Starting with Catalyst the Protector - then you build into some more AP finishing with a defensive item - most likely frozen heart - and then build your Tear into Seraph's Embrace.


And that's how you full AP sona :ninja:

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If you build into pots and boots first you have a way of getting out of trouble.


If you build into pots and a Fairie Charm first, you can sustain mana for longer.


Next you want to build tear of the goddess so you can stack extra mana, but don't build it into a staff, instead begin building the Rod of Ages - Starting with Catalyst the Protector - then you build into some more AP finishing with a defensive item - most likely frozen heart - and then build your Tear into Seraph's Embrace.


And that's how you full AP sona :ninja:


You've got 4 mana related items.... It's a bit overkill don't you think? Personally i wouldn't build the tear and just straight go to roa or athene's & lich bane. And change the frozen heart to zhonya's and ardent censer to death cap and finish it off with something like abyssal scepter or void staff depending on wether you need mr or not. And start doran ring first, it gives you alot of mana regen aswell + your early damage will increase greatly. That's just how i would build ap sona.

Edited by xZoneHunter
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You've got 4 mana related items.... It's a bit overkill don't you think? Personally i wouldn't build the tear and just straight go to roa or athene's & lich bane. And change the frozen heart to zhonya's and ardent censer to death cap and finish it off with something like abyssal scepter or void staff depending on wether you need mr or not. And start doran ring first, it gives you alot of mana regen aswell + you're early damage will increase greatly. That's just how i would build ap sona.


For the amount of mana that I use, it's definitely not overkill in any way possible. In a team fight the amount of mana I use is well over 3/4's even with the additional mana, however your build looks good too ^_^

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Any ideas on what champion to buy next with Ip? I'm ok with Marksman because I own Jinx, Ashe & MissFortune.  I'm the best at Support with Janna, Lux & Morgana.


Is it good to buy the assassins? Riven, Ahri, Katarina , because I only own Master Yi & Akali even tho i need lots of practice with them still:)



I don't mind sharing :highfive:

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Any ideas on what champion to buy next with Ip? I'm ok with Marksman because I own Jinx, Ashe & MissFortune.  I'm the best at Support with Janna, Lux & Morgana.


Is it good to buy the assassins? Riven, Ahri, Katarina , because I only own Master Yi & Akali even tho i need lots of practice with them still:)


for Marksmen: Since you play Jinx, Ashe and Miss Fortune; Caitlyn and Varus will suit that playstyle. They're both strong late game and have strong sieges and are the standard ADC type.


As for assassins, they're a 50/50 boat. If you get early kills/assists you can snowball pretty hard and potentially carry the game, if you don't you will be a burden to your team as you wont be able to contribute much to the team. I would focus on practice with Akali, maybe pick up Ahri or Katarina as they are quite strong mid lane picks. Riven works in the top lane but can be countered much easier. Other options you could look at are Zed or Talon but you risk falling into an all AD team which isn't great.

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Hm  Interesting Caitlyn 4800 same as Ahri. I will go with Caitlyn than Thx 1800 points to go B)


I might buy Varus with Rp along with Akali skin in Dec poosibly as well as an Lux Skin & Caitlyn Skin which is actually 30$ Lucky Me.


Wouldn't recommend gettin Champions with RP since its kinda a waste unless you buy bundles. Give Caitlyn a try she's one of my favourite adc, played her a lot this season. 

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No worries i have extra money to throw away on my Type of champions  I may get Janna Skin instead of Akali because i'm not pro with her yet:(


Yet I only died  in the game from campers aka junglers 3  against 1 mainly. How pitiful :| I even use the trinkets with no luck, but I still get GANK :holy:

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No worries i have extra money to throw away on my Type of champions  I may get Janna Skin instead of Akali because i'm not pro with her yet:(


Yet I only died  in the game from campers aka junglers 3  against 1 mainly. How pitiful :| I even use the trinkets with no luck, but I still get GANK :holy:


Don't rely on trinkets. Buy Sight and Vision wards and use your trinket to get the Sweeper. Much better than relying on a 60s ward when you could use a 180s one. You will often get junglers to camp your lane because they see you as a potential threat to shutdown, or they have good cc and know they can get the kill so just play safe or ask your jungler to come for countergank. Vision is really key to win games.

Edited by Jinx
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I dont't think you should buy varus with RP, he is fun i guess but he isnt good at all in the current meta. He has a good laning phase and thats basically it. He has 0 mobility so you will get destroyed b4 you can even get off a spell rotation or some auto attacks if you arent positioning extremely well in a teamfight. Caitlyn is pretty much the safest adc and she is really good for learning how to position. If you wanna buy assasins I'd recommend Zed. He is pretty hard to play, but once you get good at it you'll wreck everyone. I dont think he has too many losing matchups atm, he is a monster at dueling and splitpushing, and you can make really flashy and satisfying plays with him. Thats just my 2 cents from a soloQ perspective :).

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