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I'm probably in the minority but i liked how it used to look kind of cartoonish and colorful. Now thats gone that makes a sad panda :(. I think it'd look so much better with some saturation like ppl suggested in this reddit thread http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2m78ax/new_summoners_rift_feelsempty_examples/ but i doubt anything will change so i have to get used to it.

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I'm probably in the minority but i liked how it used to look kind of cartoonish and colorful. Now thats gone that makes a sad panda :(. I think it'd look so much better with some saturation like ppl suggested in this reddit thread http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2m78ax/new_summoners_rift_feelsempty_examples/ but i doubt anything will change so i have to get used to it.


The new map looks a bit plain because they removed alot of textures, wich makes some difference in performance when playing the game. Riot wants that league of legends is playable on old pc's and laptops, so their new map is kinda made with that vision in mind.

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Riot wants that league of legends is playable on old pc's and laptops, so their new map is kinda made with that vision in mind.


Yeah, at the moment, it really isn't playable on either. Teamfights in particular cause the whole machine to drop to 3 frames, something that's bad when you're playing solid support >.<"

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I have a Diamond V and a Gold V LoL. reason why i have a gold account is to help friends when duo que  because toxicity is heavy in the community


Toxicity's high because people think that they're playing pro all the time, and they're not. My last game, I was playing Janna support and told the Varus ADC that I was out of mana and that I was on my way back to base, then he ran straight into battle as soon as I lost, so after he complained that I wasn't there I pointed out his mistake of going 2v1 even after I told him to wait. He began to abuse and call me "bronze material" so I reported him along with my friend on skype, obvs because I'm silver support material ;)

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Toxicity's high because people think that they're playing pro all the time, and they're not. My last game, I was playing Janna support and told the Varus ADC that I was out of mana and that I was on my way back to base, then he ran straight into battle as soon as I lost, so after he complained that I wasn't there I pointed out his mistake of going 2v1 even after I told him to wait. He began to abuse and call me "bronze material" so I reported him along with my friend on skype, obvs because I'm silver support material ;)



Those are people you just want to ignore, im that kinda teammate that tries to keep the team calm most of the time. But yhea thats not always easy when you have butthurt people like that ^^

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Very rarely have players anything constructive to say during games so you might aswell just /mute all at the start of the match and focus on your own performance.


Not the way to go if you're planning to win. You'll need to lay out strats even if people don't listen. This is why I prefer to play with people I know rather than solo queue

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Not the way to go if you're planning to win. You'll need to lay out strats even if people don't listen. This is why I prefer to play with people I know rather than solo queue


The best way to do it. If you're just playing with randoms, rarely will anyone listen. Playing with people you know and using some voice communication is the way to go.

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Patch 4.20


The big changes are obviously the new Jungle changes as well as new tower changes. Jungle includes new Dragon and Baron rewards, new jungle items and smite related stuff. A lot of tankier sustain junglers receive nerfs to follow up on the new jungle so they don't immediately become OP power picks. If anyone remembers Season 3 then the similar junglers like Amumu, Zac, Sejuani etc should have much more power in the jungle. 


Kalista releases with the patch, I've already got her and she's quite fun but the passive takes getting used to. 



And here's the latest PBE Update 


PBE Update 11/19


Includes the Blood Moon and Winter event skins. Poro Rider Sej omfg

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It actually seems to me that weak early game junglers like amumu, sej and nautilus are fucked because if they get invaded or counter jungled by a strong duelist jungler they are done for. It'll be so hard to come back because their clear speed sucks and the jungle minions are more powerful. Especially if you constantly have to be afraid of the enemy lee sin popping out of nowhere and raping your ass.

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It actually seems to me that weak early game junglers like amumu, sej and nautilus are fucked because if they get invaded or counter jungled by a strong duelist jungler they are done for. It'll be so hard to come back because their clear speed sucks and the jungle minions are more powerful. Especially if you constantly have to be afraid of the enemy lee sin popping out of nowhere and raping your ass.

Yes but they clear the jungle fast and that was always their weakness. Champions like Kha Zix or Lee Sin will have more struggle killing the camps now.

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