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Servers Closing Sept 9th


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According to these admittedly rough translations, the gold trophy could be the only one affected: https://www.playstationtrophies.org/forum/topic/302742-english-translations-rough-google-translate/  It also looks like the longest(/hardest?) one looking at the rarity.


It's important to note that if you do need ranked matches, those will be terminated on August 14, not September 9.



Here is the schedule until the end of service in brief:

June 5 at 15:00 JST – Premium Service automatic renewals end

June 12 at 15:00 JST – Frame Lot price revisions

July 10 at 15:00 JST – New Core Seed sales end

August 14 at 15:00 JST – Ranked Matches end

September 9 at 15:00 JST – Service ends




The fastest achiever took a month and 1 week, so you better start soon if you want to 100% this. There needs to be done some testing, see how ranking works, if you can play with bots or need X amount of players, if you can self-boost with 2 consoles, turbo it etc.

Edited by tony_snake_24
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8 hours ago, tranquilu said:

I'm trying to understand how can I unlock the ranked matches?!

I started today and I have just the beginner and casual matches unlocked 

You need to rank up from D5 to D4 I think for it to unlock. I have not played the game yet, but I looked at youtube videos of ranked matches yesterday and I think that the starting rank is D5. So basically the game lets you only play with bots so that you get used to the mechanics, then, on D4 you can play against other people. This is all according to a comment I read mind you.


It also looks like empty spaces are filled with bots, as many spaces were filled with the same default character arts and no user ids, so if you have trouble defeating players you can always hunt the bots for exp and ranking up. I wonder how long it takes to get to rank AA5.

Edited by tony_snake_24
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1 hour ago, tony_snake_24 said:

You need to rank up from D5 to D4 I think for it to unlock. I have not played the game yet, but I looked at youtube videos of ranked matches yesterday and I think that the starting rank is D5. So basically the game lets you only play with bots so that you get used to the mechanics, then, on D4 you can play against other people. This is all according to a comment I read mind you.


It also looks like empty spaces are filled with bots, as many spaces were filled with the same default character arts and no user ids, so if you have trouble defeating players you can always hunt the bots for exp and ranking up. I wonder how long it takes to get to rank AA5.


Thanks for your comment.


Yesterday I tried to play in party with a friend but everytime we got disconnected. So we searched at the same time the casual match and found each other. There were 4 real players at the start of the match. After that the game was filled with bots.

Edited by tranquilu
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5 hours ago, tranquilu said:


Thanks for your comment.


Yesterday I tried to play in party with a friend but everytime we got disconnected. So we searched at the same time the casual match and found each other. There were 4 real players at the start of the match. After that the game was filled with bots.

No problem :) 


Good to know that bots fill the spaces, yes. And good luck to you and your friend with the game. Please let us know if you find an estimate of time or XP to reach rank AA5, or a fast method to get there.


If you don't mind some questions: 


When translating the trophies to english with Google Translate there is a trophy that mentions "get 12 kinds of Border". Do you know what Borders are? Is it different types of mechs you can choose? Another few that are not clear to me, are the ones asking for 250 plants, and 500 enemy planes. Do you know what those trophies actually are?

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18 minutes ago, tony_snake_24 said:

No problem :) 


Good to know that bots fill the spaces, yes. And good luck to you and your friend with the game. Please let us know if you find an estimate of time or XP to reach rank AA5, or a fast method to get there.


If you don't mind some questions: 


When translating the trophies to english with Google Translate there is a trophy that mentions "get 12 kinds of Border". Do you know what Borders are? Is it different types of mechs you can choose? Another few that are not clear to me, are the ones asking for 250 plants, and 500 enemy planes. Do you know what those trophies actually are?

 I have no idea xD


I saw that you can equip new pieces of armor, legs , arms and head but I have no idea how to unlock them or if you just buy them.

And there's 4 types of robots, like support, attack, recon, etc. The rounds are like conquest, there's 7 places where you need to conquer for your team and there's the enemy base.


But when I find some answers, I'll post here :)


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18 minutes ago, tranquilu said:

 I have no idea xD

Hahaha it's alright :D 


19 minutes ago, tranquilu said:

I saw that you can equip new pieces of armor, legs , arms and head but I have no idea how to unlock them or if you just buy them.

Yeah there's a trophy for equipping 80 I believe. It's important to know if they can be all unlocked without the ranked matches.


20 minutes ago, tranquilu said:

And there's 4 types of robots, like support, attack, recon, etc. The rounds are like conquest, there's 7 places where you need to conquer for your team and there's the enemy base.


But when I find some answers, I'll post here :)


Please do! I would greatly appreciate it.

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For whomever it may be of interest to, or simply for the record, the "Borders" are the name of the pilot characters that are inside of the mechs. So you have to unlock 12 pilots for that one trophy. I currently don't know how to unlock them. Obtaining 12 border characters requires in-game currency to exchange them, which you will soon not be able to buy. Enough of it should be obtainable free to play but it is possible that you may be locked out of these if you spend it carelessly and there's not enough to make up for it. You earn said currency in the story mode and a few temporary events. It's similar to a mobile phone gacha game in that regard. The purchasable currency I'm talking about are some blue gems, but you can also buy select borders with another type of currency that you get from playing anything. It's like a green rectangle.


Weapons and mech parts are exchanged with non-purchasable currency earned by playing, but I'm not sure how exactly. There's something like brown caltrops for buying mech parts and weapons and some green bars for upgrading them. Think of three gold bars stacked like a triangle but green.


The trophy that says to kill 500 enemy planes, looks like it is simply to kill 500 enemies. And the trophy that mentions 250 plants is asking for 250 flag captures. In this game, you capture areas like in Battlefield games, A, B, C, D and E. That's what it means. You need to capture 250. I know for sure because the first story mission had a secondary objective that Google lens translated as "4 plants" and I completed it by capturing the areas of that map. In a good match, you'll do like 100 something points so getting 5000 for each class is about 50 games with each while doing well, or a little less.


Now, in the shutdown roadmap that the site in the OP laid it says that ranked matches and matchmaking as a whole will end on August 14. But, one of the in-game announcement also mentioned Casual/Social matches ending on that same date. This means that more trophies would be affected after August 14, not just the gold one for reaching rank AA5. Exhibition mode will remain available and you will be able to invite friends to play and play against bots. Perhaps Exhibition will work for those but I don't think it will so you better play it safe and get them all before that date.


@tranquilu Tagging you in case this is useful for you or you know something about how obtaining weapons, mech parts and upgrading works.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 06/06/2023 at 11:18 PM, tony_snake_24 said:

Here's a mini guide for anyone who may be interested, and to have some record of info about this game in English. I will explain each trophy and provide some resources. I want to make it clear that this game is doable still, if starting soon or even in early July, provided you can spend many hours a day to get the ranked trophy before the final season ends. Also, you can do it without being able to read japanese, as is my case. I have been using Google lens for translations and upon looking for more information about this game on Youtube and Reddit I found a very nice Discord server where all my questions were answered and I even received plentiful guidance and tips. 


Before starting, let's talk about how the game works.


This game is a fast-paced 10v10 PVP Mech battles multiplayer game where the objective is to deplete the enemy's health bar before they deplete yours. This is done by killing enemies, which reduces their health a little, and by damaging their core, located, and heavily protected, at their base, which reduces their health a lot. It is very hard to reach the core and even more so to survive enough to do a lot of damage. Succesfully attacking the core can change the course of an otherwise decided battle. You also have to capture areas or flags on the map, similarly to Battlefield games, but contrary to those games, capturing flags here only serves as respawn points, and as a frontline. The farther the frontline is from your base, the harder it will be for enemies to reach your core, as well as making it easier for your team to reach theirs, and viceversa. Capturing does not reduce the enemy's health. Games end when one of the bars is fully depleted or in 10 minutes, at which point the team with the most health will be the winner.


The game is a 2009 arcade game ported to ps4, now with a story mode, and a gacha system among other things. It's peculiar in that the game officialy supports mouse usage, making aiming much easier. When facing other players, not only are they mostly veterans, but they have much more experience, much better gear than a beginner, and may be using a mouse. Still, it is doable. This is a skill based game where gear is not that important, and with just a few upgrades you'll be able to perform decently.


There are four classes of mechs:

- Assault. It specializes in reaching the core with their Special Weapon being a booster to be able to cover great distances. Not recommended for beginners.

- Scout. It uses optical camouflage that prevents enemies from locking on you making you harder to shoot and easier to sneak behind enemy lines. They also have mines and sniper rifles, which are hard to use in this fast-paced game. Not recommended for beginners.

- Heavy Weapon. These are slower but more armored Mechs that use rifles, gatlings etc and can also have rocket and grenade launcher. Definitely the one you should be using.

- Support. The medics of the team. They can revive and heal while also deploying sensor to alert of enemies approaching the base. These start with a shotgun but can also use other weapons. Also a good class for beginners.


All classes have a main weapon, a sub weapon, an extra weapon and a special weapon. You also have customizable heads, body, arms and legs, giving you all sorts of stats, as well as chips, obtained from the Borders (pilot characters) that you equip in each of these 4 mech parts to round up your mech build.


Now, some of the main resources of the game:


- Core seeds. These are the blue gems, the paid currency of this gacha system, that you also obtain from the story mode, missions, and events. You can use them to buy Borders and to perform summons for mech parts and weapons. Note: come 10th of July, summoning will cost 100 core seeds instead of 200, and you won't be able to buy them anymore. Not that it's necessary to buy them, or that you could if your account is not japanese.

- Border checks. These are a green and white rectangle currency that you earn from every match you play, from leveling up and with missions, that you can exchange for Borders, weapon and mech tickets, and other items in the shop. It's like in-game money.

- Weapon and mech part tickets. You get these from missions, leveling up, and from the shop. They are used to unlock new mech parts and weapons by summoning random items in the shop. If you use 10 at once you have a guaranteed 2 star item. and higher chance of 2, 3 and 4 star items. Note: come 10th of July, after using 100 of either you will be able to pick any weapon or mech part.

- ParaMetal. Looking like brown caltrops, these allow you to buy any weapon or mech part ranging from 1 to 3 stars. 4 stars are exclusive to summons. They are obtained from missions and exchanged for event currency in the shop.

- Material Pieces. They look like 3 gold bars shaped like a pyramid, but green. They are used to upgrade weapons and mech parts. You can either pull your desired item 3 times in summons or use these to upgrade them for better stats. You can obtain them automatically when you pull a duplicate weapon or part of a fully upgraded one, or by harvesting them from upgraded weapons or parts you don't intend to use.

- Event currency. Temporary events allow you to earn currency to exchange for rewards in the shop.


Note: I could not easily find images to better illustrate these, but if you play the game, you will understand. And besides, this is not a fully fleshed-out in-depth guide of the game or trophy guide.


Game Modes. As far as game modes go, we have:


- Beginner matches. Only available until player level 10, here you play against bots to get used to the game.

- Casual matches. Play online against other people. It requires 4 real players to start. The remaining spaces will be filled with bots. Trophies can be unlocked here.

- Ranked matches. Play online against other people and progress through the ranks. It requires player level 10, as well as 6 people to start. The remaining spaces will also be filled with bots. Trophies can be unlocked here.

- Extra matches. Any extra modes that rotate and deviate from standard Ranked and Casual matches.

- Exhibition matches. Play against bots and players you invite in these private matches. This will remain operational after the shutdown but trophies don't unlock here.

- Training. Play against bots to train!

- Story, Main Scenario. Play through the 16 story chapters completing objectives for rewards and enjoying the story Visual Novel style.

- Story, Borders Scenario. Another story mode that requires specific Borders to play its chapters. This could end up unplayable since there's not enough currency to buy every Border starting now.






Reach rank AA5 in ranked matches.


This trophy is your biggest worry if you want to 100% this game. Ranked matches are ending on the 14th of August, as opposed to the Casual Matches that end on the 9th of September, where you can get every trophy except for this one.


You must reach player level 10 to unlock ranked matches. Ranked matches are open every day for 15 hours a day, from 12 PM to 3 AM JST (Japanese Standard Time). Do your timezone conversion as required.


The ranks go from D5 to D1, then the same for C, B, A, AA, AAA, and finally ACE1 and beyond. Luckily, the trophy only asks for AA5. I have been told by a very experienced player that it's very doable. You need to get 200 points to then have a promotion exam to advance in the ranks. Points are obtained mostly by winning games, but if you perform well you get some extra points, as well as 2 extra points for rematching a few consecutive games. 


To progress within the same rank category i.e. C5 to C4, you need to win 2 out of 3 games, after getting the 200 points, or alternatively, place high enough in the losing team. To rank up from, for example, C1, to B5, you need to win or place high enough in the losing team in 3 out of 5 games. Should you fail the promotion exam, some of the progress will be saved. You will have to earn 100 points to get to 200 again, meaning that 100 points are kept, to have a shot at ranking up again. Also, if you had 2 out of 3 promotion games done, 1 of them will be lost, and one them will be saved until you reach 200 points again.


Usually, in these ranked modes in games, your points decrease if you lose. In this game, you only lose points starting from A5 and above. This is good, it means that going from D5 all the way to A5 is just a matter of time. Additionally, the higher your rank is, the more points you would lose when losing a game. I have been told that from A5 to AA5 you earn 15 to 30 points by winning, and lose 9 points if losing. For comparison, in the beggining ranks you earn 60, then 50, etc. points per win, and when really high up in the AAAs, you lose 60 points per loss and win about 30. So again, AA5 is doable. You can absolutely derank though. Ranking points are represented with an orange circle. You start at 0, and need to complete the circle reaching 200 points, but 0 points already fills part of the circle. This means that there is a margin of 100 points that you can lose before being deranked.


Here's a breakdown of the ranks and the requirements for passing promotion exams:


ACE2-?                     Every 200 points, rank goes up by 1

ACE1                        Win or place 2nd or above

AA5-AAA1                Win or place 3rd or above

A5-A1                       Win or place 4th or above

B5-B1                       Win or place 6th or above

C5-C1                       Win or place 7th or above 

D4-D1                       Win or place 8th or above


As you can see, wins are key. These games are often full, and full of great players. People here are on another level. It's hard. The easiest way to do this, is to play Heavy or Support, with some good equipment and do your best to help the team. You can't compete with these players who have years of experience, better weapons and mech parts, and that may be using a mouse. You need to hope you get good players on your team to carry you and do your best to help win. Good Luck.


2S9caa26.png 百戦錬磨


Win 100 games in total across Ranked and Casual matches.


This will pop naturally on the way to rank AA5. Casual matches are overall easier to get wins on, and during the less populated hours of the day, you have a better shot at wins, provided there's at least 4 players to start the match. 2 players with 2 consoles works for Casual games.


You can check how many wins you have in the statistics menu. From the main menu, top to bottom, go to the fourth tab, and from there, to the third tab.


3S804c0d.png マイチーム


Be in possession of 12 different types of Borders.


Borders are an addition to the original arcades game on ps4. They are the pilots of the mechs, serving as cosmetics that also unlock chips to equip to your mech. You start with 1 Border at the beginning of the game, and can easily unlock a second one by exchanging event points for it, avoiding using more valuable resources. If you decided to finish the 16 story missions, you will receive another one. The rest you will have to buy, with the cheapest being the other starting Borders that you didn't pick in the beginning, as they only cost 200 Core Seeds. The rest cost either 20.000 Border Checks, or 800 Core Seeds. Once you obtain 12, the trophy is yours.


You can check how many Borders you have in the statistics menu. From the main menu, top to bottom, go to the fourth tab, and from there, to the second tab. Or in the Border selection menu right below the mech customizing menu.





Obtain 80 different weapons or mech parts.


One of the easiest trophies on this list, and likely your first trophy. Once you level up a bit and do some summons, you'll easily have more than 80 weapons or mech parts. It is not either 80 weapons or 80 mech parts. Once you have 80 unique items across both categories the trophy will unlock.


You can check how many weapons and mech parts you have in the statistics menu. From the main menu, top to bottom, go to the fourth tab, and from there, to the third tab, or the second one.


5S3efa5c.png エンジニア


Streghten one weapon or mech part.


Every weapon or mech part can be upgraded up to 3 times. Use material pieces to improve a weapon or mech part once. It doesn't have to be fully upgraded, just upgraded once. Said currency is obtained from events, missions, summoning or from weapons and mech parts that you own. When summoning a duplicate item, it will upgrade automatically up to 3 times. If one item is already fully upgraded, you will receive material pieces instead. Those items that you don't wish to upgrade can have their upgrades harvested for more material pieces. 


6S8aebfb.png 一騎当千


Kill 10 enemies in a single Ranked or Casual match.


Also one of the easiest trophies and likely one of your first ones. You need to kill 10 enemies in a single match. The easiest way to do it is to play a casual game and target the bots, as they are much easier to take down than actively playing people.


7S83a7a3.png 立役者


Rank as 1st and win in a Ranked or Casual match. 


The second hardest trophy after rank AA5. For this trophy you have to be the first placed player of your team and also win. Definitely do this in casual matches. There, you will have a chance. This is highly skill-based and honestly very, very hard to do normally. Your best bet is to play during low populated hours where you can barely find a match and try to attack the enemy core for the most points. If you manage to find players, but not the usual pro's, it's possible to do it this way. Casual matches require 4 real people. Having a second console is highly recommended, to start the game and sabotage the enemy team with an inactive player, though, the alt can end up sabotaging your team. This is also boostable with high risk of randoms if you find 3 other people or someone with 2 consoles, assuming you have 2 consoles too. If your boosting partner ends up in the same team as you, tell them to capture the closest flag to the enemy's base for close to the core respawns. The most inactive hours are 5 to 7 am Japan time, which for me was 21, 22 and 23 pm (GMT+0).


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Kill 500 enemies in total across Ranked and Casual matches.


Simple. Kill 500 enemies between rankeds and casual games. The most important thing to note here is that bots count, and they are much easier to kill than real players. This will pop naturally while going for the other trophies.


You can check how many kills you have in the statistics menu. From the main menu, top to bottom, go to the fourth tab, and from there, to the third tab.


9S305f5f.png 最前線


Capture 250 plants in total across Ranked and Casual matches.


For this you need to capture 250 plants/flags between these two game modes. It should be noted that everytime you change the status of a plant it will count as one capture. For example, capturing a neutral plant for your team at the beginning of the game would be one capture, whereas capturing an enemy plant to neutral, then to your team will count as two captures. 

This will pop naturally while going for the other trophies.


You can check how many plant captures you have in the statistics menu. From the main menu, top to bottom, go to the fourth tab, and from there, to the third tab.


10Sdcbfdf.png スピードスター


Earn a total of 5000 points using the Assault class across Ranked and Casual matches.


Simply play with the Assault class until you earn 5000 points with them. Try to play to each class' strenghts or just focus on capturing and killing the bots. In a good match, the average points per match is around 100 points.


You can check how many points you have in the statistics menu. From the main menu, top to bottom, go to the fourth tab, and from there, to the third tab.


11S85c58c.png インフェルノ


Earn a total of 5000 points using the Heavy Weapon class across Ranked and Casual matches.


Simply play with the Heavy Weapon class until you earn 5000 points with them. Try to play to each class' strenghts or just focus on capturing and killing the bots. In a good match, the average points per match is around 100 points.


You can check how many points you have in the statistics menu. From the main menu, top to bottom, go to the fourth tab, and from there, to the third tab.


12S4db8a8.png トリックスター


Earn a total of 5000 points using the Scout class across Ranked and Casual matches.


Simply play with the Scout class until you earn 5000 points with them. Try to play to each class' strenghts or just focus on capturing and killing the bots. In a good match, the average points per match is around 100 points.


You can check how many points you have in the statistics menu. From the main menu, top to bottom, go to the fourth tab, and from there, to the third tab.


13Sb24729.png ドミネーター


Earn a total of 5000 points using the Support class across Ranked and Casual matches.


Simply play with the Support class until you earn 5000 points with them. Try to play to each class' strenghts or just focus on capturing and killing the bots. In a good match, the average points per match is around 100 points.


You can check how many points you have in the statistics menu. From the main menu, top to bottom, go to the fourth tab, and from there, to the third tab.




Useful links (Discord link is there somewhere):

















Phew! Here you go. Hopefully this is useful to someone, and if not, it was fun to make and have all this info in English. I didn't touch in-depth every gameplay mechanic, which weapons and parts are good, every single menu, etc. because that's just too much. It would be nice to make this a full-fledged trophy guide, but I don't really have the time currently. I would need to carefully look at how that process works, add a roadmap, and a bunch of images and gameplay details and tips. By the time I'll be able to do that, it will be mid July already, too close to the shutdown. And that's assuming the guide gets approved and published, and quickly. And I don't expect that many people to care. 

I see effort here. This will help a lot of people! ??

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 minutes ago, Sydoki said:

@tony_snake_24 thank you for an amazing write up. The ranked seems to be unavailable to me even during the correct times for a few days in a row now. Are there any level pre-requisites that prevent you from joining ranked?

No problem! :D 


As I mentioned on the ranked trophy, you must reach player level 10 to unlock rankeds. Play on casual until level 10. And I would advice to focus on this game and play a lot of hours on ranked to  safely get the trophy with time to spare. For equipment recommendations you should join the discord server. They were and still are being very helpful to me.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for providing this info! Fun game, and it's a shame the servers are closing. One note... if you want to maximize single player gameplay options for after the servers close, you should buy the additional borders characters that have extra story mode missions associated with them.


I've been working on the AA5 trophy and it's a long grind, esp with the limited hours for ranked mode being mostly overnight in the US.


I still haven't placed higher than 2nd in a casual or ranked match. Any tips? I also still don't have any **** weapons. Are they available in loot boxes?

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2 minutes ago, tom_waits said:

Thanks for providing this info! Fun game, and it's a shame the servers are closing. One note... if you want to maximize single player gameplay options for after the servers close, you should buy the additional borders characters that have extra story mode missions associated with them.


I've been working on the AA5 trophy and it's a long grind, esp with the limited hours for ranked mode being mostly overnight in the US.


I still haven't placed higher than 2nd in a casual or ranked match. Any tips? I also still don't have any **** weapons. Are they available in loot boxes?

You're welcome!

Yes, you should buy the Borders for the Border Scenario to have access to all story chapters after shutdown.


Try to play as soon as rankeds open. Then you can progress faster and have a chance at mvp. This applies to casual as well. And after ranked ends, casuals tend to be very empty too. But focus on ranked, mvp can be obtained later. The best way to get it is attacking the core a lot in an empty lobby.


 The 4 star weapons are obtained with the ticket summons. After 100 you can pick up one of your liking. They are also available in collab banners, and those have exclusive collab weapons, which are some of the best weapons. If you main heavy, I can tell you what I used. For other classes, I can help a bit, but the guys on the discord know more than me.

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Thanks again! I haven't been using the collab banners (lootboxes lol) for weapons because I've been spending my blue orbs to unlock all the border scenarios. Now that I have all the border scenarios I'll focus my spending to get **** collab weapons. I alternate between heavy and support depending how the round is going, but any weapon upgrade would help. Ranked matches are brutal.

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20 minutes ago, tom_waits said:

Thanks again! I haven't been using the collab banners (lootboxes lol) for weapons because I've been spending my blue orbs to unlock all the border scenarios. Now that I have all the border scenarios I'll focus my spending to get **** collab weapons. I alternate between heavy and support depending how the round is going, but any weapon upgrade would help. Ranked matches are brutal.

No problem :)

You should have pulled for the collab weapons to help your build to get the rank trophy first. You can only pull there with blue gems, but you can buy Borders with Border Checks too. DM me on psn. I'll show you which banners and weapons to pull for.

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  • 1 month later...
8 hours ago, HuntingFever said:

Now the servers are gone, have any other trophies become unobtainable, beyond the one we already know about?

The one trophy? Almost all of them would be unobtainable after shutdown. Either way, these are the only obtainable ones now:






As it turns out, the shop is still functional, some sections were removed but it's not an online store, it's more like shops in older games where you unlock things from. The only online parts were things like the bi-weekly event points exchange items. You can still earn Border Checks, even if in lower amounts, and if you get 1000, you can buy 100 EXP tickets to fully level up one Border. This will get you 4000 Border Checks and 150 Core Seeds (sometimes more). So you can easily get the 12 Borders you need for the trophy. With the same Border Checks, you can buy summon tickets to perform summons and get 80 unique items across your weapons and mech parts. After enough summons you will get duplicate items, so you can exchange those for Material Pieces and manually upgrade an item to level 3 with them. The summon ticket prices were reduced from 1000 to 50 BC. And the EXP checks were made infinitely purchasable for 10.

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