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Suggestion to try to maintain the trophy tips model WITH the guides

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Excuse my English writing skills since it's not my main language.


I know that the team behind this site has a lot of work and try to do their bests to bring the optimal experience on trophies and guides to everybody.

But, I will make some statements to justify and keep the trophy tips model and suggest some stuff (I think someone should already suggested stuff, but I'm talking on the forum so everybody can express their opinions and also contribute to make our experience on this site better)

The trophy tips have a lots of pros and cons, and a lots of "likes" and "dislikes" by the users of this site.

The main use of this site for me is to go to look for games that are not popular and to know which trophies the game has and see if they have any difficulty, while looking for the trophies, I read the tip for the other trophies that I still hadn't achieved for other games to have another source of information (useful or not).

The Trophy Guide is a pretty great idea, but since this site is way behind other places, maybe it will be a feature that it will not make the site go forward for now and increase its own user database, why? because other sites have already established databases of guides for a lot of games (and old games) and have established regular contributors that always writes on those places.

Since psnprofiles is only on start-up with this feature, people who play old games will not come here to look up for those information (maybe turning this site less attractive for people) or even spending their time creating guides. I know that the lack of the guide feature is something that lessens the usefulness of this site, so it's a must to start-up with this feature.

The psnprofiles and the other trophies sites are based in the wiki model of creating game guides. They depend on the people that use the site to contribute with more information and to spread their knowledge with other people.

While the trophy guides is a great addition, it should not overwrite the tips already made, and not delete the posting of tips as an option.


I've read an explanation on the forum for the, taking out of the tips system, and understood that it's because of: only having a shortage of people administrating this site while the tips are made by thousands of people, and this makes a lot of "fake tips" or "misleading tips" to be exposed to the user, BUT

Since it's a thousand people writing tips, its ten thousand reading and participating.


The suggestion to maintain the tips system is:

 - People should vote for the tips if it's like or unlike, and if the tip has X unlikes it should be deleted automatically and warned to the user if he wants to write again another tip for the same trophy, then, IF the person writes down again, his tip should go through some admin analysis so you can know if the user is acting as a "bad sport" or "good sport".

 - The people who are registered and read the tips should have a counter of "different tips read that helped achieve the trophy" so he will be considered a "bad sport" for reading a lot of tips, achieving the trophies and not voting for ANY. It should be a percentage, so you're not obligated to vote for all tips, but you must vote some. And the profile page would show the trophies earned that you've read the tips and how many you should vote for (making preferences for the ones that have the least likes to be voted).

The system should know who is giving the likes and dislikes too, so to avoid spams of "unlikes" and know if a person is a "bad sport" or "good sports"

If a person do the "like" or "dislike" it should open an box with options of the "common" comments a person would make on a good tip or on a misleading tip. For example (Like - "good tip", "explained thoroughly", "Thank you" and etc... for Unlike - "Misleading tip", "nothing to do with the game", "awful explanation" and etc...) 

Only people who have the trophy should vote or should write down the tips (but i think it was already like that).


I think those are ideas and not sure if all of this could be implemented, but hope it could make everybody to put some thoughts on the issue.

Sorry for bringing up this topic again, but I still think the site is loosing one of the best things its has to offer by turning off the tips feature.

If its a repeated topic, why not create a voting for "Keep the tips system or not"?

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Because voting would still involve a vocal minority of the site userbase.


The new guide system was introduced because guides are cool, and because tip maintenance was aggravating.


I'd like to keep the tips too, but I can understand the trouble they give.

And if a guide is lacking on a particular trophy I'll just YouTube the trophy title. Helps most of the times.

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Perhaps a middle ground might be to change the format of guides so they are more like a single wiki page? These could be editable by premium members only or something and could hopefully retain all of the sweet functionality that you guys have implemented in the current guides. I love the way that it highlights which trophy you are focussed on in the list on the right, and that it greens out ones that you've earned - very nice!

Edited by Midgar777
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Its a repeated topic but not really one that is advancing. The lastest answer from Sly was pretty definite.

I get what people are saying, but guides are just a step up from tips and are better laid out for trophy hunters. To be honest, most the time I could have used the tips, i most often just googled anyway as I was using a guide for other things.

Tips were sometimes helpfull and i wrote handfull, but in 99% cases, either the guide had the information or tips werent really much more helpfull.

See it as an evolution to make the whole site much more crisp and clean and with functionnality that goes much further than tips ever could.

I know these days people like things to be community driven, and with the guides this is the case, but people have to be more thorough.

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