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How do I Play this on VITA?

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  • 2 years later...

No. It never came out, and its extremely unlikely it ever will given that Insomniac have since created the PS4 game and are moving on with other properties like Spider-Man. I think it was originally planned for both consoles but given the difficulties with Full Frontal Assault/Q-Force and Sony's decisions regarding the console, they scrapped the idea and it was a leftover from the development stages

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Has the vita version arrived? Can't find it on the store.

I think it's safe to say it was cancelled. It's very unlikely to come out now due to:

1. How much time has past

2. How Sony barely releases anything for Vita nowadays

3. How the Ratchet series has since been rebooted, and

4. How Insomniac have since moved on to other projects.

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