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PSNP Interviews: Void/UmbraCthulhu - Submit Your Questions!

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Hello and welcome back to Member Interviews! Our lastest interviewee is none other than @Pumpkin Head Cthulhu, who you might otherwise know as Void or UmbraCthulhu!


Questions can be submitted starting now until October 22nd, 2023. Void has provided the community with a snippet to help you come up with questions.




About Me


Good Day Gamers and Trophy Hunters my name is JT and I live in the USA.  I started gaming back in the late 70’s with the Atari 2600 then eventually a NES. During High School I got myself a SNES then some time after I got a Play station 1. The only console I ever pre-ordered was the Play station 2 which I still have to this day, though it is on its last leg. I also grabbed a Zelda Edition Platinum GameCube along with Eternal Darkness and Resident Evil Remake as well. The PS3 I got about 2-3 years into its life, I found an original 60GB model at a Target when they were hard to find.


I kept that for a few years and sold it to a collector and got the God of War Edition of the Super Slim. I got the PS4 when the Pro came out and I got a PS5 when one of the folks I work with told me we had one that was marked down. I managed to get a PS5 for 300$ with a warranty so I did not pass that up since it was also the God of War bundle. Some of my favorite games come from the SNES and PS3 generations


That was longer than I expected and that was my gaming History as for a few other things. I come from a military family so I am used to moving around every few years. I attempted to join myself however after getting to basic I got a Medical Discharge. I prefer to bicycle whenever I can, If I have to travel a longer distance I have my Motorcycle and I sold my Car as I was not driving it. My current Occupation is Loss Prevention/Asset Protection which I really enjoy though I will be switching to a different occupation soon. We even built a Home Gym to save money as well. Gotta plan for the future when you can, I am changing occupations as the new one offers higher pay and less physical stress on the body. This will make it easier to save for retirement.





Interview setup 

The setup for all PSNP interviews will be as follows:


  1. After the new interviewee have been revealed, the PSNP community will have 10 days to ask their questions. While the community is coming up with questions, the interviewee has the time to work on the 17 standard questions
  2. After those 10 days, those questions, along with the standard questions, will be sent to the interviewee.
  3. The interviewee will have another 7 days to answer as many of the questions as they want.
  4. Once the interviewee has finished answering the questions, I will post the whole interview in a new thread.


How to be an interviewee

As we've had a lot of interest, new applications are temporarily closed, but I'll open the interview signup thread back up after more names have been cleared.




List of questions

Standard Questions

  1. How did you come up with your PSN name?
  2. What games convinced you to get your PlayStation 3, Playstation Vita, PlayStation 4, and Playstation 5?
  3. What are your top 5 game series and why?
  4. What are your top 5 games and why?
  5. Which unreleased game(s) are you looking forward to the most and why?
  6. Do you have any other hobbies outside of gaming?
  7. Top 5 TV shows, movies, and/or anime, why, and would you recommend them to people?
  8. Top 5 favorite music bands/group/artists/composers/OST?
  9. Your favorite platinum and why?
  10. Your least favorite platinum and why?
  11. Have you ever been tempted to switch over to the Xbox/Nintendo/PC gaming ecosystems?
  12. If you could have one game from any gaming generation be remade or re-released, which one would it be and why?
  13. How far are you willing to go for a platinum?
  14. If you could give Sony direct feedback on business decisions in the last year, and the latest console generation, what would you tell them?
  15. What is your favorite thing about PSNP?
  16. What is your least favorite thing about PSNP?
  17. Is there anyone in the PSNP Community you would like to give a shout-out to and if so, why?


PSNP Community Questions (updated periodically)

  1. Was there ever a trophy guide you started writing but then abandoned? Why?
  2. Describe your most interesting or exciting conflict you’ve had with a bad customer/shoplifter.

  3. Is there a particular game(s) you’ve played that had an impact on you in someway? Perhaps one that helped you cope during a period of struggle, or one that made you see video games in a different way, etc.

  4. What type of Motorcycle do you own? I'm interested to know.

  5. Also what made you get your current job?

  6. What is/was your favourite generation of gaming? Is there anything you miss from the 70s or 80s?
  7. What got you into guide writing?
  8. What guide of yours are you most proud of?
  9. What's a beloved game of yours that doesn't have trophies?
  10. Can you give a piece of critique about a game or franchise that you otherwise love?
  11. What features would you like to be introduced for guide creators?
  12. Do you have a gaming-related hot take/unpopular opinion you can share?

  13. What would be the best and worst video game worlds to live in?

  14. Is there a franchise you’re interested in but are yet to dip your toe into?

  15. Food heaven and hell?
  16. What's your go to beverage?
  17. If you could choose any game to get a sequel, prequel, or midquel, which game would it be and why?
  18. What's a game you wish you could wipe your memory of so you could experience it fresh all over again?
Edited by Charizarzar
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Describe your most interesting or exciting conflict you’ve had with a bad customer/shoplifter.


Is there a particular game(s) you’ve played that had an impact on you in someway? Perhaps one that helped you cope during a period of struggle, or one that made you see video games in a different way, etc.

Edited by Lum
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  • What is/was your favourite generation of gaming? Is there anything you miss from the 70s or 80s?
  • What got you into guide writing?
  • What guide of yours are you most proud of?
  • What's a beloved game of yours that doesn't have trophies?
  • Can you give a piece of critique about a game or franchise that you otherwise love?
  • What features would you like to be introduced for guide creators?
  • Do you have a gaming-related hot take/unpopular opinion you can share?

  • What would be the best and worst video game worlds to live in?

  • Is there a franchise you’re interested in but are yet to dip your toe into?

  • Food heaven and hell?
  • What's your go to beverage?
  • If you could choose any game to get a sequel, prequel, or midquel, which game would it be and why?
  • What's a game you wish you could wipe your memory of so you could experience it fresh all over again?
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