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Serrated-banner9 attempts a trophy checklist Vol.3

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Oh Hi there, welcome to my 3rd attempt at a trophy checklist. Yep this is my 3rd attempt at this and i promise i will stick to this thread.

I have always lurked around the trophy checklist subforum and read though a few (mainly @DrBloodmoney and @YaManSmevz) and have always want to create one but i found that i always struggled for words so always gave up before anything was posted, however after being inspired to do a ranking of games i did for the kaleidoscope event in 2023 by @Breakingthegreen it gave me such a dopamine hit, as well as it being the new year, i decided to take a stab at it again!


So... How's this all going to work then?

Well i like games and i like ranking them, therefore why not have the best of both worlds and rank the games i complete :lol: this is mostly inspired by @DrBloodmoney and i think it's a well thought out concept because why say your thoughts on a game when you can also compare and see how bad  or good or mediocre it is plus we will get to see what is (in my opinion) the worst and best games i have completed as well as the ones in the middle everyone forgets about. In terms of per structure, i'll start by reviewing the game  and giving my thoughts about it (the good, the bad and the everything in between) and then ranking it against everything else currently on the list to find it's placement on the list. Simple, isn't it? I also want to do some mini challenges such as @realm722's (I think it was) idea to do a mini challenge where he would play a game and when he completed it he would look at the country where it's dev was from and if he hadn't played another game from a dev from the same country he can cross off, sounds cool doesn't? I think it's just a cool little extra i can do to make this unique ;) 


Ok... but how does a game qualify to be ranked? and how is it ranked?

For a game to be ranked it must be S-ranked which means obtaining the plat (if it has one) + all currently available DLCS because it means i have experienced everything the game has to offer, there will be some exceptions to this rule mainly games with delisted DLC that can't be obtained anymore by any means, might also make a exception for games with online trophies now unobtainable because of server closures but i haven't decided yet. A Game can also be ranked if DLCS come out after i have S-ranked a game and it is on the list which will happen after i have completed the DLC, i would then give my thoughts on it and see if it makes the game move up a few more slots in the rankings. Also only one platform or region stack (i don't really delve into region stacks though) per game unless it's a different game between platforms or regions (for example: the Vita version of Lego Jurassic World is different from the home console versions)


But how will it be ranked you ask? by enjoyment?; by fun factor, by uniqueness?

Well i will take these to account but the main factor is goodness! or in other words which game deserved to be higher because it is (in my opinion) better or if someone who have just started gaming on Playstation and wanted some ideas to start trophy hunting what games would I recommend them?


What about awards? They're fun! 

Oh heck yeah they are, and that's why I will also do them albeit slightly later. While others may do theirs in December and right before the new year, i prefer to do them in early January as it gives the truest representation of games i S-ranked in that year and to avoid situations where a game I S-ranked in December missed the deadline so it appears in the following year's awards, which doesn't seem the fairest now does it?

so the schedule for the awards is: (with the exception of 2022 and 2023 as those years were before this thread were started so will be done when i finished reviewing all of them)

Game Submissions: 1st January 00:00 UTC/GMT - 31st December 23:59 UTC/GMT

Awards: Sometime in January of the following year (EG: 2024's awards will be hosted in January 2025 and so on)


Well that should be everything unless I'm missing something which I don't think I have but who knows maybe I have so please ask questions if you are confused. This main post will probably be expanded within time with other stuff but we will see when we get there.

For now though here's the list

  1. N/A (reviews to come soon)


Until next time on this Walmart ripoff ranking my fellow hunters.

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