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Is getting a VITA worth it in 2024?

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You don't seem to be into hardcore trophy hunting.


If you want portable console - switch will give you way more.


More games and more exclusives, better graphics, active sales on the store, more second hand physical games. 


On vita itself there are like 3 games I really would like to play.

Rest can be played on ps4/ps5 (or sometimes switch). I don't want to stack plats so that's not for me, but you have to choose yourself. 


Go for Vita for trophy hunting, additional stacks and maybe as additional gamepad on ps4.


Go for switch if you want game on portable console.

If people say vita has great library, oh boy switch has amazing one

Edited by WiktorM101
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There's no real reason to buy one in 2024. I've had mine since 2013 and while I never regretted it, it was such wasted potential. The library, in my opinion, is not that good and it doesn't help that in the current year, the store is on life-support with many games de-listed. Get a Switch instead if you want a portable console - unless you really, really care about getting trophies.

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I highly rate it. I bought mine when I was in Hong Kong in 2013 and don't regret it one bit. Sure, it's a little pricey when it comes to games now but you can find some pretty good ones on ebay/taobao. Mine is on it's last legs but I'm going to buy a second one when I'm back in Hong Kong later this week (just a coincidence that I buy them only from Hong Kong :P).


If it's "worth it" though is entirely up to you. Look into what games are available and if you can easily get them without breaking the bank then maybe it is for you. If you find you're struggling to find any games to get for it though then it's probably worth passing on. 


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Bought my used Vita 4 years ago and the list of games I enjoying is quite small: Uncharted Golden Abyss, Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes, Broken Sword 5, Monster Bag, Level 22, Unfinished Swan. Otherwise I just used it to platinum cheap games that came as double plat option, usually Ratalaika games. There is no sale in the store anymore and no game that really has my interest to pay full price on so I'd say getting a Vita in 2024 isn't necessary but maybe you wanna jailbreak it? But with that topic I'm not familiar. 

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I'll take the contrarian approach and say that it depends on what you deem "worth it". The PS Vita is smaller than a switch, so if you enjoy a portable being on the smaller side, that counts as a plus. It has tons of exclusives that will probably never leave the console; you get access to a load of PS1 and PSP titles if you have any interest in both of those console's libraries; it has tons of visual novels, RPGs, and indies. To this day, there's a small but dedicated following to it, so all it takes is to combine all those aspects to figure out if you can make the most out of this portable

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