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PS3 Issue


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that can mean that its been overheatin and has started to warm up the solderin inside causin malfunction... when it switches on then off does the red light start flashin? it can be repaired but it wont last, you'll have to keep havin it repaired especially if it overheats again...

if the red light does flash its the indicator of what i've written above, the red light flashin will start to flash yellow on occassion so you'llhave to have it repaired before it turns yellow for good...

if the red light doesnt flash then the on/off button could've developed a fault... easily repairable

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you can have it repaired markez... but i think you'll waste money cause once its repaired it will do it again a few months after so gettin a new 250gb would be the best option, they're not expensive either... i'd rule out a 12gig tho cause you're only able to download upto 9gigs for one big game or a couple of small games as it takes 3gigs for the partition so it gets frustratin...

a 12gig doesnt have a hdd tray either so you'll have to buy one if you wanted to get a new hdd also...

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 Sounds like a overheating issue. My ps3 did this a couple years back and I eventually got the ylod. I fixed it with a heat gun by reflowing the cpu/gpu (there are plenty of youtube vids on it) or if your not tech savvy you could always bring it to a repair shop but the amount they would charge you to repair it, you are probably better off getting a new one.

Send it in to sony if it's under warranty or just buy a new 12 GB one and pop a unused 500 GB 2.5'' HDD you got lying around, If you got a small freeview recorder box, that will have a 500 GB HDD in it ;)


 He would need to buy the hdd bracket if he goes the 12gb ps3 way.

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 Sounds like a overheating issue. My ps3 did this a couple years back and I eventually got the ylod. I fixed it with a heat gun by reflowing the cpu/gpu (there are plenty of youtube vids on it) or if your not tech savvy you could always bring it to a repair shop but the amount they would charge you to repair it, you are probably better off getting a new one.


 He would need to buy the hdd bracket if he goes the 12gb ps3 way.

Yes... but I managed to jam one in with a piece of metal without using a bracket once :]

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Have you tried turning it off and back on again?





Jokes aside something like that happened to me, I turned off completely from the back switch left there for about a good night sleep came back turned it on, it showed a YLOD I turned off again pretended I never saw that waited for a while longer turned it on, all that happened was it said the ps3 didn't turn off correctly last time and had to do that thing where it tries to fix save files(I recommend people who don't do that and skip it to do it cause sometimes if you don't you might get  a corrupt save file) and voila! it worked again no problem.

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