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Watchable trophy lists?


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Not really sure if this goes in here...


So I recently received my Avermedia Portable just to capture future matches for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. But I would also like to record different things too. Let's Plays aren't really my cup of hot chocolate (I'm too shy for commentaries >_<). Making guides would make more sense, but there are like gazillions already out there.


So I thought maybe make videos showing trophy lists of games. No, not these kind of videos where you show trophies by going to the XMB and scroll from up to bottom. More like showing each trophies one by one with footage to when/where you get it. They'd be like 10 seconds long for each trophy.


The question is: Would people watch it?

I mean, they could easily go look up a more detailed list in text form and they wouldn't have to click on the video everytime to search for a specific trophy. :unsure:


What do you guys think? Good idea or too much hassle? :|

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Well i believe there are some ppl who watch. At least i do since sometimes you find one of those trophies where even with a text wall of description,i just can't figure out what to do (i'm dumb, i know) and just watching few secs of a video can figure out lol.

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I've made commentaries before, got a few thousand subs from it. 

I was very nervous at first, but after the first few commentaries you get used to it.

The majority of people who make commentaries or vlogs seem to be in some way socially awkward, so you being shy, means you're in good company.

So don't rule out commentaries just yet. ;)


As for your idea, it might be a waste of time if that's all you do, you should build a channel around trophy hunting if you want to do that, livestream you platinuming games and so on. 


I mean you could always do platinum walk throughs, go down the trophy list and for each trophy, show a video tutorial on how to get it.

People can watch that, find out what the trophies are called and how to do it.


That's a lot of hard work though. 

Edited by dfyd
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I think it could be good for  some trophies certainly. In particular I am thinking of trophies that are time related. A video could show any shortcuts etc rather than trying to describe them in text.


So I'd certainly be interested.

Might need a bit of thought though. If a game had, say, 30 trophies and you were interested in watching a video for the last one, you wouldn't necessarily want to sit through 10 seconds for all the previous trophies on the list....

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I think it really all depends on the execution. If you're not going to have any commentary, then some people might get bored and not watch the video. On the other hand, people who just want to see how to get a trophy without all the extra commentary fluff might like it. It's also a matter of efficiency and presentation. If it seems like you're just floundering about without much focus, then people are more likely to find someone a bit more professional. If it looks like you know what you're doing and you do it with precision, they may stick around to see your methods. You're also going to need some savvy editing skills to give yourself a little extra flair.


All in all, if you plan on obtaining a decent sized following, you're going to need patience. It's hard for people to rise up considering the numerous alternatives there are out there. Hell, just give it enough time and you're bound to get someone who'll love your videos.

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 showing each trophies one by one with footage to when/where you get it. They'd be like 10 seconds long for each trophy.


The question is: Would people watch it?


What do you guys think? Good idea or too much hassle? :|


Make one (or multiple) and put it out there. Let the view count tell you what people think! 

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I often look at how people got trophies that I'm having trouble getting. There is a chance I'd watch if you have something I want to see. Sometimes a written guide isn't good enough. I've often thought of doing one myself but I don't have the right equipment. Unless a camera or phone are good enough. Go for it. Also, I'd love to watch Smash Bros Matches.

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