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shields in pvp

Tomoko Kuroki

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Normal Crucible doesn't, Iron Banner does.
I suppose it entirely how fast/much you're shooting them.

There's special shields enemies can get from perks to their subclasses, but they'd be glowing blue/purple and have a blue line for their shield.

EDIT: Also forgot to mention different guns have different damage outputs.
An Auto Rifle could take an entire clip of like 40+ bullets to kill someone, a Hand Cannon could take like 5-6 shots to kill someone, but it's pretty much the same damage they're doing, just one does higher damage per bullet, due to its gun type, in a sense.
Like how a Sniper Rifle can 2 shot people.

Edited by EnigmaticFrenzyy
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Pretty much what everyone else has said. In addition, there seems to be lag issues from time to time. 1 second of lag makes all the difference in PvP - I can't tell you how many times i've gone around a corner to get out of the line of fire and died. The biggest point to note here, is whether you are in Iron Banner or not. Iron Banner allows "level advantages".

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Haven't done iron banner but I did about 15 pvp matches trying to figure out stuff, all I can say is people 1 shot me 90% of the time, and I put 30 bullets to kill 1 person, if I use a shotgun I have to be point blank to actually kill people yet people shotgun be super far away and as with any gun I get 1 shot. 


Not really sure about what stats actually count  in pvp. I'm 3kd average in all shooters I play so I do have experience.


Just sucks theres no other way to get crucible marks for faction gear

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Haven't done iron banner but I did about 15 pvp matches trying to figure out stuff, all I can say is people 1 shot me 90% of the time, and I put 30 bullets to kill 1 person, if I use a shotgun I have to be point blank to actually kill people yet people shotgun be super far away and as with any gun I get 1 shot. 


Not really sure about what stats actually count  in pvp. I'm 3kd average in all shooters I play so I do have experience.


Just sucks theres no other way to get crucible marks for faction gear

Sounds like lag to me. Most powerful primary weapons take at least two shots to kill you at full health. More than likely, you're getting hit multiple times before you even know you're being hit. Destiny servers are very laggy or at least they are for me. I have to reboot my modem and router at least once to get a semi decent game. I believe the lag issues are more on Bungie's end than on mine, but I have to do something.

Btw, most faction gear isn't worth the effort. If you have the crucible marks then by all means spend them. If your only reason for playing crucible is to get marks for gear then you're better off doing bounties or strikes and buying from the Vanguard vendor. Raid gear will always trump anything else besides exotics anyway. No use putting a lot of effort into faction gear when you'll end up dismantling once you get raid gear.

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I think your absolutely right, me and my friend every once in awhile we get kicked out of the game randomly, or get error screen, happened like 4-5 times, internet didnt disconect anywhere so I know its not me, the servers are pure crap imo.


Just bothers me because if this happens during raids feels like a waste of time to play the game.


 im light 24 right now trying to get vanguard 2 for legendaries then raid, I tried the 24 heroic weekly and I just got raped by knights o.O. Difficulty gap seemed insane.


Wonder if I'll decide to play this game til the end, already finding people to play with will be hard, if the disconects persist I'll have to give up. ( cant sell the game either got it on psn -.- )

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If your using the same weapon and the bullet count is that different, it's realistically hackers. This game has a absurd amount of hackers now, next gen and current gen. With how easy it is to get them, and how cheap they are too buy if you don't know how to do it yourself I'm surprised it's not more. Bungie has already disabled the programs anit-ban through updates, but still hasn't found a way to knock them offline yet. There afraid to ban an IP bc what if other's use that console as well. However now that anti-ban is gone, Bungie is able to ban them now, so really it's up to us to help them figure whose hacking out by reporting players in game and let Bungie do the rest.

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It depends on the weapon. Also keep in mind that every weapon can have different attachments/perks to it.

For example, the Red Hand IX hand cannon is pretty much a standard legendary hand cannon, nothing too special. But if you get the luck and have it with the explosive rounds perk, you can easily 3-shot people with it, you can even miss and kill them with the splash damage. Also, explosive rounds allows you to get critical hits through a shield, which is normally not possible (thats why it 3-shots people). This is just an example of how the weapons can be different.


You also have to take their skilltrees into account which might give them buffs in defense and/or recovery.

And of course their armor plays a huge role.

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