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New name, familiar face


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I wasn't sure where to begin, so decided to post here. For the last year, I was known as DarkStar83x on PSNP. Around New Year's, I decided to start over, so here we are. I started out on XBox 360, but made the switch to Sony almost three years ago and haven't regretted a thing. I'm a longtime Nintendo fan and still own their stuff. I currently own a PS3, PS TV, Wii U, and Nintendo 3DS XL with plans to get a PS4 this summer. I've been playing games for a very long time and I don't see it ending anytime soon.


I like most genres except FPS, horror, and most sports games, but I will play them on occasion. I'm also using this new tag as a way to expand my gaming horizons a little bit. Anyway, that's all for now, really.

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