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Most annoying thing about your all-time favorite game


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Final Fantasy Tactics


1. Some desired enemy types aren't recruitable

2. Some desired spells/skills just can't be learned

3. Cloud joins your party at level 1 darn near the end of the game...without his sword to perform any of his skills!

4. The amount of effort it takes and how late in the game you teach Ramza the Ultima spell and to learn the Zodiarc summon. Learning either (or both) in at least Chapter 3 would have made it a bit more worth it


5. Not being able to use the holy stones in battle...especially the 13th one you get after clearing the "pain in the butt" Deep Dark Dungeon! Getting them would have just felt more rewarding and added potentially even more interesting mechanics to the game. They just end up being novelty items that move the story along (except for the 13th one that has no use at all).


  • Same with items and locations you find when sending regular party members on "jobs". They add zero value to the overall experience.



With that said, I still love this game! :D

Edited by merciful84
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Final Fantasy V & VI (They never make good remakes of them like they did III & IV)

Valkyria Chronicles (The buggy PC port, why does my characters keep sinking underground, when they use ladders or get hit by grenades)

Silent Hill (Why is the first the only scary one)

Wild Arms (Why do I always ruin my game with that game breaking item cloning bug)

Many games that never got translated (It's so tiring to read japanese and trying to translate it sometimes)

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