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EA (Galactus) Shuts Down SimCity Developer Maxis


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Read more at Kotaku: http://kotaku.com/ea-shuts-down-simcity-developer-maxis-1689454903


Quote from the article : "I've been hearing rumblings about a shake-up at Maxis for a few days now, but official word first came this afternoon from former Maxis designer Guillaume Pierre, who wrote on Twitter this afternoon that the studio would be shutting down."




I think it really sucks that EA  has being doing this a lot recently but it's business. I hear Maxis made some of the best 90s games but recently lost their touch. I hope this trend does not continue in the future. 

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SimCity and SimCity 2000 were masterpieces. SimCity Societies... not so much. I can't play SC4 because my computer is senile. I hate that it's closing, but maybe that's better than being hollowed out and prostituted on namesake and nostalgia. That's one reason I've defended the position that when Nintendo goes down, it takes it's bigger franchises with it. Sometimes a clean death is the best thing we can do for them.

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