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Dylan's Feeble List of Digital Award Thingies That No One Cares About

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Awesome! I'm amazed with most of your plats, especially the boring ones lol, how can you stand a game you never liked? XP anyways, I also wanna asked about the Disney Infinity 2.0, about the venom one, well  I actually have that toy already but haven't bought the system for it yet, so are you saying that I couldn't play venom without purchasing Spidey o.o coz that's totally ugh -.- , awesome trophies anyway :D

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Awesome! I'm amazed with most of your plats, especially the boring ones lol, how can you stand a game you never liked? XP anyways, I also wanna asked about the Disney Infinity 2.0, about the venom one, well  I actually have that toy already but haven't bought the system for it yet, so are you saying that I couldn't play venom without purchasing Spidey o.o coz that's totally ugh -.- , awesome trophies anyway :D

Well, when you buy the game, you get a few characters and what is essentially a mission pack. So that mission pack thing, has one shared campaign for the characters you get with the game. The default pack, the Avengers, has Hulk, Thor, and Black Widow. Black Widow is a gun runny person, Hulk is a big brute, and Thor is a flying brute sort of thing, imagine they had proper names, and now you have your class setup. Now, the mission pack, only lets you use those classes, Spidey and Venom, they're web swinging people, they can't work in it. But, when you buy the Spidey pack, you get Spidey's mission pack, which supports all of those guys, and whatever class you want to call Groot (even though I didn't buy the Guardians set, you have to buy Groot, he's Groot man).


So they get you buy putting up invisible walls basically. On the back of the packages (I can't show you because I threw mine out ages ago) there's little symbols that represent the classes and what they'll work with. Hope that made sense.

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Well, when you buy the game, you get a few characters and what is essentially a mission pack. So that mission pack thing, has one shared campaign for the characters you get with the game. The default pack, the Avengers, has Hulk, Thor, and Black Widow. Black Widow is a gun runny person, Hulk is a big brute, and Thor is a flying brute sort of thing, imagine they had proper names, and now you have your class setup. Now, the mission pack, only lets you use those classes, Spidey and Venom, they're web swinging people, they can't work in it. But, when you buy the Spidey pack, you get Spidey's mission pack, which supports all of those guys, and whatever class you want to call Groot (even though I didn't buy the Guardians set, you have to buy Groot, he's Groot man).


So they get you buy putting up invisible walls basically. On the back of the packages (I can't show you because I threw mine out ages ago) there's little symbols that represent the classes and what they'll work with. Hope that made sense.

So I basically needed Spidey to play Venom.. o.o oh geez x.x , I've got Hulk too by the way, is it possible to play with both of them together? and what Disney Infinity pack would you recommend me to buy? Coz I've been thinking of getting Disney Infinity 2.0 with Brave and Stitch in it, so I'm thinking if those characters are compatible, Marvel and Disney.. It's complicated xp, sorry I don't really know much about it coz I don't have the system yet, the two toys were only given to me though...but thank you again for the information.  :)

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So I basically needed Spidey to play Venom.. o.o oh geez x.x , I've got Hulk too by the way, is it possible to play with both of them together? and what Disney Infinity pack would you recommend me to buy? Coz I've been thinking of getting Disney Infinity 2.0 with Brave and Stitch in it, so I'm thinking if those characters are compatible, Marvel and Disney.. It's complicated xp, sorry I don't really know much about it coz I don't have the system yet, the two toys were only given to me though...but thank you again for the information.  :)

Well you can also use Venom (or ANY character) in the ToyBox thing, I have no idea if that's fun or terrible, since I played it for a couple and was thoroughly uninterested. Spidey and Hulk both work in the Spidey pack I think, but I'll have to check and won't be home for a few hours and when I am, I'll probably forget, but I'll try to check. 


I personally don't watch much Disney Disney things, I love my Marvel and Star Wars, but anything Disney actually created usually isn't my style, so I didn't get any of the Disney Originals (I think that's what they call them) ... If you get the Brave and Stitch game bundle thing, you'll get their mission set and levels and whatnot, and although it's possible, I really doubt Marvel would work in that...However, if you buy the Spidey/Avengers/Guardians/Any other set, you can put the little mission toy thing on the base and it should work.


I sound like I make no sense, when I get home I'll try to explain properly.

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Special shout to the trine 2 description.  :yay:

Just a heads up, your 2 spiderman descriptions are a bit strange like you bought the ps3 version after playing the ps3 version. A minor overlook or I just failed to understand it. Nice list lol

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Thanks man, glad to have been of amusement.


Cheers for the info, I'll go add a little note to that one. What happened was I wrote that first as just one thing, because I had the plat twice just just wrote it as one plat, but then I realised how many games I had plat'd more than once and split them all up into two / three versions. So what would have happened is the original write up would have been left somewhere, and then I would have come along, not bothered to re-read it, and write something new and redundant in the second plat's write up thingy. 

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Glad I stumbled upon this. Was having a shitty day and this gave me some really good laughs. I think I laughed most with your sportsfriends post. I saw a post somewhere you were expecting a baby this month. Wish you all the best with that.

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