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Late intro


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Hello there fellow members! Lord_of_Ra here with a somewhat late intro (I've been a member since April 21st) but I decided it was time to introduce myself to this amazing community.


Alright then, let's begin:


I've been gaming since I was 6 years old, the first victim (console) was a NES at my grandma's house, one the first games being the following:



My thoughts? absolute blast :lol:


From NES I moved to N64, which was beginning to fade as GameCube started on the market. My older brother introduced me to SNES and Ps1 through emulators (blessed be the person/s who thought the idea of those programs) so I managed to play some of the (considered) best videogames of all time from those eras. I played through emulators after my 64 died until we bought the Ps2 and Wii in some sort of dual pack. There were so many great games there that I consider both (especially Ps2) to be on par with some of the oldest consoles game catalogs. From there, I moved to the X360 for some months before selling it, and finally arriving at Ps3 and trophy hunting shortly afterwards.


Between some transitions in consoles, my brother and I also played through many portables. GBA was a blast along with DS. 3DS and Vita also has some nice games, though we consider the latter a better machine overall.


I like to play:




-Hack n Slash

-Fighters (most recently, and I still suck at them).





And a biiig etc.


Some of the best games I've played are:

-Chrono Trigger (imo one of the best videogames in history ever).

-Contra I and III

-Ninja Gaiden NES saga

-Megaman and X saga (I seriously need to play most of them though).

-Earthbound(again imo, this game, along with CT, are the two RPG titans of SNES)

-Secret of Mana

-Need for Speed Underground

-NFS Most wanted: Black Edition

-Halo:  Combat Evolved (one of the finest shooters ever!)

-MOH saga

-Marvel vs Capcom 1

-Some Gradius games

-Silent Hill 2

-Dead Space 1 and 2

-Persona 4

And many, many more.


Goals as a trophy hunter:

-Clear my backlog of plats.

-Obtain a lot of challenging and ultra rare plats.

-Obtain hidden gem's plats.

-Have a varied trophy list in terms of genres.

-Have tons of fun while doing all of the above.


Dreams I have related to future games:

-A great Chrono Trigger remake.

-Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood fighting game (or just a good one).

-All Megaman x saga remade with better graphics (kind of possible).

-Another core Devil May Cry (not DMC).

-MOH with great story (merely a distant dream, as EA apparently killed the license).

-Epic conclusion to the main Persona saga (this came up when I played through Persona 4 Arena).

-All of the above with plats. ^_^


Besides gaming, I also like to read a lot and watch an anime or two...

For the latter, the fun thing is, since 2010 I've watched like 3 or 4 series at most :awesome: but that's ok, as everything was pure epicness to watch.

Imo Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhod and Saint Seiya (NOT Omega or Soul of Gold) are more than the best animes ever, they are some of the finest shows ever made :yay:


And well, that's it. Thank you for reading this long intro!


Sorry for any bad english, it's not my first language and I'm still learning to write better.


Also, feel free to ask anything.



Edited by Lord_of_Ra
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hello and welcome... hope to see you more in threads/forums...


I would also share the dream of Chrono Trigger Remake... but with the ports in other systems previously, my dream of that is kinda drifting away... now I am dreaming for a new Chrono game/sequel... ^_^


oooh... FMA.. *high five* one of my fave...  have you played its' DS and PSP games? not actually a fighting game but fun beat em ups...

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Very good introduction, no worries if it's late because I did the same thing lol. Welcome to the site. 


Thanks a lot! :D



hello and welcome... hope to see you more in threads/forums...


I would also share the dream of Chrono Trigger Remake... but with the ports in other systems previously, my dream of that is kinda drifting away... now I am dreaming for a new Chrono game/sequel... ^_^


oooh... FMA.. *high five* one of my fave...  have you played its' DS and PSP games? not actually a fighting game but fun beat em ups...


1. Thank you and yeah, I guess you'll usually see me over here hehe.


2. Oh, that would be nice...but they will need to put some serious work there as the Chrono saga is alway put on a high pedestal by a lot of people (me included). Btw Chrono Break was the name of a rumor that circulated long ago, sadly, SE didn't act on it and it got cancelled most likely.


3.*Gives you a second high five* I did play Dual sympathy (I guess that's how it's called) and it was ok, but I would like more love for this series in videogames.



Welcome to PSNProfiles :yay: :yay: :yay:



Pd: I was still waking up from a nice nap even now, and your signatures finished the job lol (jks). I wouldn't exactly want her to step at my appartment at 12:00 A.m. :D


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