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Elder Scrolls Online Guild - Novus Ordo Seclorum - Recruiting - Join now! (Information in OP - EU Server)

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Keep in mind we're on the EU mega-server

And it's shutting down for maintenance in 10 minutes

God damnit

I can't play for like two whole hours, maybe more because they find it acceptable to just perform maintenance? It's peak time, no MMO does maintenance and shuts the servers down during peak times

They do it late at night when less will be online

I'm so unhappy right now, they're already handling it awfully by performing maintenance at peak times, that's the first big no-no of an MMO

Don't cut into peoples time

Hope it isn't off for too long

And all because a few people were struggling to log in? Burgh, so angry, I wanted to play. Level 2; yay (y)

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It's really annoying :'(

Dunno when it'll be back up as they didn't give an estimated time on the website

It seems really clunky right now though, like the controls are so clunky aha

Oh well, hopefully as time wears on my experience will improve :)
Luckily after this the maintenance should be once a week at 4am, so by the time I'm up it'll be back up and running

Servers weren't too bad tbf, there was no lag for me in the starter area and there were tonnes all around

Also, was that John Cleese I heard? oh John Cleese, you doll

I have nearly 4500 crowns by the way xD Trading in I had like £15 spare so I brought 3000 crowns, gonna get me a mount and some mount lessons hehehehehehehehehehehe
*disgusted noise*

Oh by the way, when do I choose my faction, I'm running the tutorial area killing enemies with my Staff of Restoration because I wanna be fully specced as a healer aha

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I just paid for ESO Plus, I now have 6000 crowns at my mercy

Is there anything nice to spend them on? xD

Not that it bothers me much as I still have to download the patch btw panda how close are you to starting the guild

He's three levels away, by the time he gets it started up I'll be logged in and ready to join, founding member bitches


Can I just say I think the trophies are hacked as someone has already completed all the achievements regarding the various factions, someone also seems to have already become emperor and destroyed all the anchors in the game, learned all the racial styles

Why do people even do that?

Games not been out anywhere long enough to max out stuff like that, has it?

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I just paid for ESO Plus, I now have 6000 crowns at my mercy

Is there anything nice to spend them on? xD

He's three levels away, by the time he gets it started up I'll be logged in and ready to join, founding member bitches

WHAT WHAT????Can I just say I think the trophies are hacked as someone has already completed all the achievements regarding the various factions, someone also seems to have already become emperor and destroyed all the anchors in the game, learned all the racial styles

Why do people even do that?

Games not been out anywhere long enough to max out stuff like that, has it?

How have you got 6000 crowns!!!!

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I got 1500 for pre-ordering the Crown edition

1500 for ESO+

And I couldn't trade in my stuff for 25% extra because I went over by like £15 so I paid for an extra 3000 crowns at £12.49 which is dirt cheap compared to the PSN store price

So yeah, I'm a sucker for the vanity xD

The nice looking mounts are like 2500 a piece, and for the pet I want that's another 500. So it was a necessary purchase

Also, I heard mounts are a pain to get and it'd be easier to buy one with crowns or get the Imperial Edition

Can I buy the Imperial Edition content with crowns?

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I just read the most horrifying thing ever on the forums

The name you have displayed for you in-game isn't your character name....

It's your PSN ID

What.... the...... fuck

I don't want to run around a fantasy world called fuck SlashNDasher

I want to be called fucking Splendid of Voilontesis 

It's why i made such a bloody awkward yet unique name

Why u do dis 2 me Zen?

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Is it not, so I will show up in the world as Splendid of 'AWKWARDNAMETOSPELL/SAY'

Also me and Jazza are doing a big RP shock/twist xD

It's all planned out and 'tis epic

On the note of RP

Splendid can teleport through time and space

She's just returned from the Mojave Wasteland

i troll of course, but yeah, she can travel through time and space, ready for 'dis shit boiz?

Server's back up Panda

LETS GO!!!!!

Oh my god, I just saved Dumbledore, I don't care if they call him the Prophet

That's fucking Dumbledore

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i'm on some ship, with my puppy

Got my wedding dress at the ready

Yay, my first crash

I'm so happy to have crashed within minutes of leaving the tutorial area

The stuttering is doing my nut in.... /: Bad launch :L

What the fuck is going on? I'm randomly getting attacked in the damn starter area, and I can't tell what the hell is going on....

The game's already ruined for me

I can't hand in a quest because I have a bounty on me really randomly

And I can't pay the bounty because I died and lost all my gold

i made a mistake buying this I can tell already /: I did nothing to necessisitate the guards going for me

Why the fuck would they place single player systems in a fucking MMO?

I don't know how the fuck I'm meant to do anything in this fucking game when I have no gold to pay my bounty and i can't sell fuck-all to get gold, to pay my fucking bounty

Jesus christ, anyone who hasn't opened the game yet and is reading this take the thing back until they sort it out

Eurgh, I'm going back to The Witcher 3 in a minute 

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i'm on some ship, with my puppy

Got my wedding dress at the ready

Yay, my first crash

I'm so happy to have crashed within minutes of leaving the tutorial area

The stuttering is doing my nut in.... /: Bad launch :L

What the fuck is going on? I'm randomly getting attacked in the damn starter area, and I can't tell what the hell is going on....

The game's already ruined for me

I can't hand in a quest because I have a bounty on me really randomly

And I can't pay the bounty because I died and lost all my gold

i made a mistake buying this I can tell already /: I did nothing to necessisitate the guards going for me

Why the fuck would they place single player systems in a fucking MMO?

I don't know how the fuck I'm meant to do anything in this fucking game when I have no gold to pay my bounty and i can't sell fuck-all to get gold, to pay my fucking bounty

Jesus christ, anyone who hasn't opened the game yet and is reading this take the thing back until they sort it out

Eurgh, I'm going back to The Witcher 3 in a minute

Can't you get gold from panda or other character if the bounty is low in cost

Edited by barmytick
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