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New guy with a question.


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Hey guys! Just joined. Been playin games since I was a kid, and will be playing them till I die.


I have a question hopefully someone can answer.


The Leaderboards displayed above, do they show every user on the PSN, or just ones who have an account on this site? According to them, I'm pretty good in my country, (Top 5%) but I'm not sure if it accounts for everybody. I just want to know if I have bragging rights! Thanks!

Edited by Zoidberg27
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The Leaderboards displayed above, do they show every user on the PSN, or just ones who have an account on this site? According to them, I'm pretty good in my country, (Top 5%) but I'm not sure if it accounts for everybody. I just want to know if I have bragging rights! Thanks!

Neither of those, it only shows the profiles that are being tracked by this site (which also includes people who don't have an account).

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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