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I am trying my very best to grow as a person. I mean, you never stop growing, you never stop learning, and I think that’s something that is somewhat intimidating/refreshing, and that you’re never going to be at a point where you are the perfect version of yourself, it’s just not going to happen. And life is definitely a process. It’s never going to end, you’re always going to try and constantly do your best, and you know what? You’re never going to be perfect. And I think that, that the pursuit of that perfection is more important than the perfection itself. And the better you are as a person, the better the world is overall. And I think that a lot of people tend to be very selfish, they tend to think “Me, Me, Me, Me, Me”, but what you should be thinking about is how can I be better so that I can contribute to the world around me? I mean, the world is not all about me, the world is not all about you, it is a universal thing.

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I am trying my very best to grow as a person. I mean, you never stop growing, you never stop learning, and I think that’s something that is somewhat intimidating/refreshing, and that you’re never going to be at a point where you are the perfect version of yourself, it’s just not going to happen. And life is definitely a process. It’s never going to end, you’re always going to try and constantly do your best, and you know what? You’re never going to be perfect. And I think that, that the pursuit of that perfection is more important than the perfection itself. And the better you are as a person, the better the world is overall. And I think that a lot of people tend to be very selfish, they tend to think “Me, Me, Me, Me, Me”, but what you should be thinking about is how can I be better so that I can contribute to the world around me? I mean, the world is not all about me, the world is not all about you, it is a universal thing.

I'm fucking fabulous darling.

Unfortunately Conn, not everyone feels the same way, we're pretty fucked up as a human race. I have a 100 thoughts on your subject though, all that could either turn this thread into a little BBQ, or completely de-rail it when I start blaming the celeb obsessed media, or the general dumbing down of a nation.

Face it, we're fucked, duck and cover. That's the cynical approach, which I find so easy to follow.

That being said, we're not all self-obsessed assholes, the general rule is, that good people dont have any power to change things. There are a few though, look at your teachers when you were growing up, Probably good decent people that wanted to educate. Doctors / Nurses, all easy examples of where you will generally find good decent people that want to help rather than hinder.

At the end of the day though you can only focus on yourself, and be that decent person you want to be. Something as simple as saying "Good morning" to that old lady across the street may mean 5 seconds to you, but for her it could be the only person she speaks to that day. To her you've made a difference.

Sly recently showed me something on youtube called driveby compliments, and I found it oddly inspiring (laugh all you want.) to the degree that since then, I've done one nice thing for a different person everyday for no other reason than being nice. Yesterday I helped my neighbour by cutting her grass, I didnt realise until afterwards that her mower actually broke down last time she did it and cant afford a replacement / repair at the moment. The grin on her face was priceless. Honestly its miniscule compared to what some people do, but its also so much more than so many do.

The crazy thing is, before we all became so paranoid about each other being murderers / rapists and terrorists, neigbours used to do shit for each other without expecting anything back. We cant expect others to behave better until we do ourselves.

all that being said, it is totally about me though.

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At the end of the day though you can only focus on yourself, and be that decent person you want to be. Something as simple as saying "Good morning" to that old lady across the street may mean 5 seconds to you, but for her it could be the only person she speaks to that day. To her you've made a difference.

Aww. Never really looked at it that way :( One of the things that I hate about myself is how my default face looks pissed off all the time while I'm alright on the inside. I don't like faking smiles and only laugh or smile when something funny happens. (fuckin' duh.) I wish I didn't look like this.

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my default face looks pissed off all the time while I'm alright on the inside.

I have the same issue, its all due to trying to look like "the tough guy" when I was a teen, I now just look surly! To help change that, may I suggest some fine feathers sewn into your underwear so that it tickles your balls as you walk. Before long people will see you and just think, "What a happy guy he is!"

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I have the same issue, its all due to trying to look like "the tough guy" when I was a teen, I now just look surly! To help change that, may I suggest some fine feathers sewn into your underwear so that it tickles your balls as you walk. Before long people will see you and just think, "What a happy guy he is!"

I can attest to this being fine advice.

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I have the same issue, its all due to trying to look like "the tough guy" when I was a teen, I now just look surly! To help change that, may I suggest some fine feathers sewn into your underwear so that it tickles your balls as you walk. Before long people will see you and just think, "What a happy guy he is!"

Yea right. I'd probably be grabbing my junk to try and stop the tickling which would probably make everyone think that I'm trying to whip out my peen.

Girl 1: "Wow. Deth is actually smiling today." :blush:

*Le me walks over with a smile while frantically tugging at his goodies* :awesome:

Girl 2: "Oh God..... what's he gonna do?" :|

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