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Dev: It Takes 2-3 Months Just To Add Trophies For PS2 Emulation & Trophy Progression Tracker Comments


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that is a good point javier. i know they are not HD ports i was just saying they could do better things with their time on these ports. i did not really see the problem with the Silent Hill HD, but then again I only played part 3 as i never did like SH2.



you are also correct Gamer, developers cannot win no matter what they do. people will always complain. If they were to do Megaman X command Mission for example one thing that game really needs is an option invert the Axis.


The point is that no, the people working on this really couldn't "do better things with their time". They're only working on the shipped version of the games, they're not making modifications to the source code, so to implement even trivial changes, no matter how small, would be staggeringly complex, as they'd have to screw around with what's on the game disc at a very low level, which could take months if not years to do, depending on how experienced whoever is doing this is with assembly-level hacking (likely not at all). What you're asking for is not even remotely feasible.


The fact that there are even trophies in these releases is already pretty impressive, from a technical standpoint.


Source: Am a programmer, have worked in the games industry for 18 months.

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yes, i played the original Silent Hill 2 and 3 (still own 3 on PS2) how else would i have known i did not like Silent HIll 2. yes they re-dubbed both games but i did not see the problem with the dubbing especially since neither was that great.

The original was, considering that's how the original developers intended it to be and it had a purpose on the characters emotions and how they transmitted it. But it doesn't matter, the think is that the HD Collection was terrible and let's hope we get the original versions of the games ported to PS4.

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