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Dev: It Takes 2-3 Months Just To Add Trophies For PS2 Emulation & Trophy Progression Tracker Comments


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I kinda guessed that it would be a lot of work. Luckly, I am not in a hurry to get the PS2 games as long as the come to the PS4 eventually and the trophies are not glitched, I am alright with the wait. I just want my Star Wars Battlefront 2 to come back to me.

Edited by TheVader66
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I wonder that as well. Wouldn't our trophy progress bars technically be trophy progression tracking anyway? Add to that the rarity status added to PS4 and you already have an entire system in place.


What? No, do you not get it?

The progress bar shows how many trophies you've got in the game left to go etc

What they're talking about is a bar/percentage for every trophy so we know what we've got left to do

Would make tracking that 100 kills etc. much easier

Jeeze, read better

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i don't get it why would programer "complain" about this. Does being unemployed sounds better than having to work on trophies?


I don't think he's really complaining, he's more plainly describing how complicated the task is to people when they ask. Note that the quotes I strung together above are taken from 5 different tweet responses this guy made to other people, it shows that better in the article. ;) 

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I just hope people start to realize why these aren't free to people who have purchased the game on PS2 or PS3. It takes time and effort to optimize the game for the platform. My understanding is that there is no one size fits all for that kind of stuff. Also as mentioned above, adding trophies can take months to implement. Then you also have to get the game put through certification again, testing, etc. If you bought a game for PS2. you shouldn't expect it to work on anything but a PS2. 

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I'm not saying it isn't hard and time consuming to make trophies, but isn't he exaggerating when he says it takes 1-2 weeks to only think about the trophies?


I would think there would be a lot of brainstorming, testing, and decision-making about what trophies to include. Like, if they're gonna spend all that time implementing them, they probably want to make sure they're putting in fun, interesting, challenging, unique trophies.

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Damn! That site is just riddled with ads. It crashed my browser twice. I only got it to open by closing all other tabs. 


And people wonder why Adblocks are so popular. When you've got so many ads that some of your readers can't even open your website, you've got a problem. Jezuz. 


Sorry about that! I have Adblock and didn't realize it was so bad. It's funny because I used to be so firmly against Adblock until every other site started embedding the most ridiculous ad structure to their sites, actually encouraging me to get Adblock because it was becoming a serious performance (and frustration) issue, lol. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

being that this is a trophy site i expect to get flamed for this but:


This seems like a total waste, rather than make actual improvements to the older games they add trophies. i would prefer them to make real improvements to the older games.

Some people might say that by adding trophies they have improved the games.

Also, what you have to consider is how some of these games got their cult status was by being the game that they are, if this was altered in any way people would complain...

They are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

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being that this is a trophy site i expect to get flamed for this but:


This seems like a total waste, rather than make actual improvements to the older games they add trophies. i would prefer them to make real improvements to the older games.

This are just ports, what were you expecting? that's why is called emulation and not HD remaster.

They are just the same games with trophies, 1080p resolution, remote play, streaming, second screen capabilities, etc.

And after things like the awfully done Silent Hill HD Collection we got last gen, I'm glad we are getting the original versions of the games.

Edited by smellslikejavier
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that is a good point javier. i know they are not HD ports i was just saying they could do better things with their time on these ports. i did not really see the problem with the Silent Hill HD, but then again I only played part 3 as i never did like SH2.



you are also correct Gamer, developers cannot win no matter what they do. people will always complain. If they were to do Megaman X command Mission for example one thing that game really needs is an option invert the Axis.

Edited by DarkHarmonixer
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that is a good point javier. i know they are not HD ports i was just saying they could do better things with their time on these ports. i did not really see the problem with the Silent Hill HD, but then again I only played part 3 as i never did like SH2.



you are also correct Gamer, developers cannot win no matter what they do. people will always complain. If they were to do Megaman X command Mission for example one thing that game really needs is an option invert the Axis.

I don't see what else they can do, they can't touch the graphics because they are just ports, all they can do is upgrade the resolution and add the PS4 capabilities that I mentioned earlier.

The Silent Hill HD Collection got bad reviews everywhere so yeah it has a lot of problems, if you didn't played the original games (along with SH2 that is a masterpiece of horror) you probably wouldn't notice some changes, including the new awful dubbing they did for SH3 (the original was so much better).

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