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I'm trying to finish up GTA San Andreas before going back to Dragon quest. Should hopefully pop the plat today or Tuesday and then the rest of the month to finish up dragon if I can stomach it lol


Dragon Quest isn't a bad game, just a lot of the same. Will play it in short sessions ... after I try some Uncharted 4 first  B)

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I've clocked in 4 hours of game time and the game is becoming a little difficult which will help keep the boredom at bay for now. Now that I've finished San Andreas I have more time to focus on this game...well and BROFORCE. Bros that game is broexcellent. Having a good time playing this with my Brother haha.

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I've clocked in 4 hours of game time and the game is becoming a little difficult which will help keep the boredom at bay for now. Now that I've finished San Andreas I have more time to focus on this game...well and BROFORCE. Bros that game is broexcellent. Having a good time playing this with my Brother haha.


Been playing the VS mode with my kids, brilliant game! It's like all the movies I loved as a kid are featured in it  :D


Brommando  :holy:

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I am also approaching the 4 hour mark, and have been pleasantly surprised by this game. If you were into card game / D&D games you would probably love it. Pretty much at the point now where I will have to put the story mode on hold and go to the more open ended "Endless mode " to farm cards to build a better deck. Not being the sort of player that gets taken in by comparing cards / stats & strategies I am enjoying the automatically optimised deck builder ...... Although I do hope it's not screwing me over in its selections

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I've clocked in 4 hours of game time and the game is becoming a little difficult which will help keep the boredom at bay for now. Now that I've finished San Andreas I have more time to focus on this game...well and BROFORCE. Bros that game is broexcellent. Having a good time playing this with my Brother haha.

Also payed it with my brother, loved that game

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So another 3 hrs in and I'm gonna call bullshit on Salt in this one, primarily,because he could only make 6% had im,at 8% :), after about 8 hrs in I can safely say this is a pretty cheap game, yes it's fun but the degree of luck / randomness is brutal. I will put in another coupe of sessions but not sure if there will be much progress.

If anyone has played this and can give me some tips would appreciate, to be honest I'm so disillusioned with this game now I'm not sure if I'm playing bad or its just the game

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So another 3 hrs in and I'm gonna call bullshit on Salt in this one, primarily,because he could only make 6% had im,at 8% :), after about 8 hrs in I can safely say this is a pretty cheap game, yes it's fun but the degree of luck / randomness is brutal. I will put in another coupe of sessions but not sure if there will be much progress.

If anyone has played this and can give me some tips would appreciate, to be honest I'm so disillusioned with this game now I'm not sure if I'm playing bad or its just the game





:D  :D  :D

Edited by AnRoDr
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Got in another good session for Hand of Fate. Really liking the game, it's pretty unique. The difficulty in the later stages is really going up. I almost beat the game, just have to defeat the Dealer.

Nice going HcG, goodluck with the dealer fight sounds tough. I am finding this game can be very frustrating when luck is running bad (turning over failure cards/ curses midway through level) and then at other times really fun when things running favourably.

R u only playing in story mode ?

Edited by cjshaitan
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Nice going HcG, goodluck with the dealer fight sounds tough. I am finding this game can be very frustrating when luck is running bad (turning over failure cards/ curses midway through level) and then at other times really fun when things running favourably.

R u only playing in story mode ?


Oh trust me its going to get worse with those curses :P the last level i played i had 8 curses running at the same time and i started the boss fight with 18 Max HP, luckily i got hit only once and completed it with 6 hp left. 


Yhea i've been playing story mode the whole time and tried endless mode once where i got the 200 Gold trophy. Got 400 gold on the third floor. 

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Oh trust me its going to get worse with those curses :P the last level i played i had 8 curses running at the same time and i started the boss fight with 18 Max HP, luckily i got hit only once and completed it with 6 hp left. 


Yhea i've been playing story mode the whole time and tried endless mode once where i got the 200 Gold trophy. Got 400 gold on the third floor. 




Oh this is excellent news, I think I was already bleeding from every cavity after the last round ...... but a few more curses should make sure of it   :)

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Been playing the VS mode with my kids, brilliant game! It's like all the movies I loved as a kid are featured in it  :D


Brommando  :holy:

Double bro seven absolutely killed me last night. My brother and I were on chapter 14 on our playthrough. He invited me to a new game to get some of the misc trophies and when we went to go back to our chapter 14, it was gone. Stupid game replaced my save file with his. That really put a bad taste in my mouth for that game now.


Oh this is excellent news, I think I was already bleeding from every cavity after the last round ...... but a few more curses should make sure of it   :)

Typical CJ. If it isn't a lego game, it's too hard for this guy.



Alrighty dudes. I'm back after a few weeks of hell with my finals. Time to give an update on Dragon quest heroes and crank it up a notch to hopefully plat this game in the next two weeks. I'm at 22 hours now with 31% of the trophies complete. I've unlocked all the characters except 1 and my main character is level 35. I've come to a point in the story where I'm not tough enough to beat a boss so I've been grinding the quests and challenges as I need need to do 104 quests and 50 challenges for trophies so might as well do those while leveling up. I'm pretty sure the end of the story is near as after this boss fight, I think it starts the final 2 right after. The game has definitely picked up for me as the enemies are extremely tough later in the stage, they spawn so many bosses now while just doing a small side mission and I can't seem to find the right team of 4 to play with which is why I think I can't pass the current boss I'm stuck on because each of the other side characters levels are ranging from 28-30 from switching them around so much.


Now those of you that have looked at the trophies for this game can see there is really only one trophy I'm worried about and that is receiving a puff puff from each of the characters. After 22 hours, I still haven't received one. I hate me some random/luck based trophies man.

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Update on Dragon Quest Heroes:


As of last night, I have racked up 31 hours of gametime. I just completed the final story mission last night and saved the day :). Now another 30 hours of grinding side quests, challenges, ingredients to make recipes and grinding money to buy the rest of the weapons/orbs.


I'm still a bit worried to abut not getting this Puff puff trophy on time. Only 2 of 13 in 31 hours. Hopefully now that the story is up and there is less stuff story related for them to say, I'll get more chances at the offer of a puff puff. On a side note, y'all should check out what that is haha.

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Keep it up Couch, you can make it :), I hope to return to this game at some stage but JRPG's are such a grind and I am hoping to finish Memories of Celceta one day, and tossing up between getting lost in Final Fantasy XXIV or the Tales series

Edit : I'm gonna pull the pin on Hand Of Fate for this month. Quite enjoying this game but will probably be chipping away at it over he next few years

Edited by cjshaitan
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Nice one Couch, you will get there still a week left :)

My Hand of Fate journey is currently on hold, awaiting new hard drive for digital games so might try a session or two more when it arrives. Would like to at least get to final boss fight.

Looking forward to new games, perhaps this will be Lego Dimensions month :)

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Thanks for the good lucks and attaboys dudes. Looking forward to the next months game and hopefully saying I have a good enough lead and not playing it haha cmon Lego dimensions.

So the real reason I'm here....platinum baby....nah just kidding but I can definitely see it after pulling a nolife and playing for almost 10 hours yesterday. I've got two trophies left that are now tied to beating the last 4 end bosses. I attempted 3 of the 4 yesterday at level 80 and they absolutely destroyed me in less than a minute. Grinded up to 99 and have money/medals to buy the necessary equipment for each fight so ready to try again.

If all goes well, I should be popping my 100th plat this evening.

Edited by Couch
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