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Nogg's Casino - Open (Competition Underway)

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Lol ...... I have been trying to figure out what to play tonight. Stupid number of games in the air at moment. I am still avoiding Bloodborne but managed to jump into two long time backlog games today. Goosebumps which was shit ( but quick ) and Poker Night 2 - which is awesome. I Kinda like a bit of poker and the dialogue between the characters at the table is fantastic.

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I'm in trouble  :S


Stepped in a gamestore yesterday to have a look, came out with The last of us, the remastered Metro games and Assassins Creed Black Flag ..... Good deals, bad for my chances for a plat in Trine  :facepalm:

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I'm in trouble  :S


Stepped in a gamestore yesterday to have a look, came out with The last of us, the remastered Metro games and Assassins Creed Black Flag ..... Good deals, bad for my chances for a plat in Trine  :facepalm:

I think we all have that disease. Went in today to buy Watchdogs and i came out with Arkham Origins Blackgate. I dont even have a Vita  :P

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I haven't dropped in here for a while. Not much going on for me in this thread this month. Will probably remain true next month too. I'll definitely try binding of isaac but the team league is coming back next month and me playing a 80+ hour game just isn't in the cards for me.

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I think we all have that disease. Went in today to buy Watchdogs and i came out with Arkham Origins Blackgate. I dont even have a Vita  :P


Now you have an excuse to buy one  :D

My gaming is all over the place: each time i can game I want to play something else. I'm having a good time gaming, but no chance of finishing anything  :awesome:

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I was considering just riding out the month and letting Bloodborne pass by but now I feel I must accept your challange and play it using only the X button

Playing the whole game just using the action button. Are you going to interact your way to the end?  :P

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Haven't had much time to game in the last few days and things aren't looking good for that Topico Platinum. Hoping to at least make some more progress before the month ends :)

Meh, Take the rest of the month off....It's ok

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Running out of time to get your 1 trophy for Bloodborne. And man it's tough, broke 2 controllers just on the opening tutorial. Ain't like the point and clicks I'm use too. You dont wanna lose your 1 point streak do you?  ;)

Don't panic Gibbo plenty of time, and good for you stepping outside your point and click comfort zone

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Well it's August which means y'all can start your new games, doubt I'll pick up Resogun but we'll see. Will have the points up this weekend with new games for next month and also an Announcement on the money situation. Have a good month everyone :)

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