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Nogg's Casino - Open (Competition Underway)

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Just Cause 3


Rogue Legacy


SAO: Hollow Fragment

SAO: Hollow Realization

Skylanders Superchargers

Skylanders Imaginators


Goat simulator

Darksiders 2

Battlefield 4

November List:

Nogg: Rogue Legacy

Gibbo: Furi

Couch: Skylanders Supercharges

Cj: Darksiders 2

AnRo: SAO: Hollow Fragment

Clawz: DOOM

Let me know what y'all think of this months games :D

Edited by EpicNogg4
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Started Rogue Legacy today and loving it! Beaten the 1st boss, only 4 to go :P Have a feeling this is going to be a tough plat but for once I started my game early in the month so hopefully I can get the plat in time

Anyone else started the game yet? If so let me know if you're enjoying it :)

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I don't need them in the list of missions, it's just cluttering up what I have to get done. I have them all deactivated but I have no clue what's a DLC mission and what's part of the base game.

The downloads were several gigs of data, I'd rather not have to uninstall/delete them if possible since that's a lot of bandwidth.

I started Darksiders 2 yesterday and played first section. It's a bit of a linear hack n slash with some RPG elements (basic skill tree / inventory system). Story seems a bit whatever, graphics pretty dated but there is this cool wall running feature. It actually strikes me a lot as a "babies first Dark Souls " so should be perfect for me.

How much time I put in though remains to be seen ......

Edited by cjshaitan
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I started Darksiders 2 yesterday and played first section. It's a bit of a linear hack n slash with some RPG elements (basic skill tree / inventory system). Story seems a bit whatever, graphics pretty dated but there is this cool wall running feature. It actually strikes me a lot as a "babies first Dark Souls " so should be perfect for me.

How much time I put in though remains to be seen ......

Go for that plat, I believe in you :P

Made some more progress in Rogue Legacy yesterday, still really enjoying it but won't have much if not any time to play this week due to final exams then I'll have a lot more time on my hands for gaming :D

Also noticed you started Furi Gibbo , let me know what you think so far :)

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I'm really liking Furi :D . One of the better indies out there. The boss fight only game play is awesome and it has great music. The combat reminds me of Metal Gear Rising what with all the parrying and countering. As for the plat I'm confident i can achieve it. Fastest time is out of the picture though what with work and all.

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I'm really liking Furi :D . One of the better indies out there. The boss fight only game play is awesome and it has great music. The combat reminds me of Metal Gear Rising what with all the parrying and countering. As for the plat I'm confident i can achieve it. Fastest time is out of the picture though what with work and all.

Glad you're enjoying it, had a lot of fun with that game :D Also wish I had more time this week for Rogue Legacy (another great indie). Hardest part for me was getting an S rank on the hardest difficulty, speed runs weren't nearly as bad as I was expecting. Keep me updated :)

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Go for that plat, I believe in you :P

Made some more progress in Rogue Legacy yesterday, still really enjoying it but won't have much if not any time to play this week due to final exams then I'll have a lot more time on my hands for gaming :D

Also noticed you started Furi Gibbo , let me know what you think so far :)

I think I probably will try to plat it before end of year. With the team league comp though can't spend the time it's going to need on it till December.

Glad to hear you are both enjoying your games too.

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For those that dont know i achieved the Furi plat  :D. Furi has a steep learning curve (like Metal Gear Rising) but once you learn the patterns and controls it balances out. This was the reason that my first playthrough was the most difficult. The S rank trophies should have been made harder, I mean you have a huge room for error. You can rush most bosses.


I found the hardest boss to be the Burst, partly because of her one hit sniper but mostly because of that dreaded last phase. Took me hours the first time but surprisingly got it first attempt for speed run. The easiest boss on Furi difficulty was the Beat which i managed my no hit trophy on. The easiest boss on Furier was the Edge. 


But yeah a nice little indie definitely recommend :D . Dont be afraid of the rarity, its mostly because it was free. 

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Congrats Gibbo, another toughplat nice work. Sounds like you enjoyed it, not sure if it is for me though. Difficult controls don't really phase me having recently platted Hannah Montana but with the concentration and skill demands of Skylanders I am not sure I can dedicate the few hours a game like that requires.

Just to clarify is Furi classed in the point and click genre

Edited by cjshaitan
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Hey everyone, have decided that there will be no money involved and instead I'll get a custom trophy made up for the winner and maybe a PSN card if I have some spare money :) this way nobody has to pay any money (except me if I get the gift card :P). The custom trophy will take a few weeks to make, I'll probably get a friend to do it. Also the points update will be at the end of the competition now, it's looking like Gibbo or Couch from here. Going to try my best to get the Rogue Legacy plat in time to stay in the race :ninja: I hope everyone has enjoyed this comp, I know I have. With this, C2 and The great Australian trophy hunt it's really made this year of gaming a lot more fun and interesting. Hope to see you guys in future comps to come

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Hey everyone, have decided that there will be no money involved and instead I'll get a custom trophy made up for the winner and maybe a PSN card if I have some spare money :) this way nobody has to pay any money (except me if I get the gift card :P). The custom trophy will take a few weeks to make, I'll probably get a friend to do it. Also the points update will be at the end of the competition now, it's looking like Gibbo or Couch from here. Going to try my best to get the Rogue Legacy plat in time to stay in the race :ninja: I hope everyone has enjoyed this comp, I know I have. With this, C2 and The great Australian trophy hunt it's really made this year of gaming a lot more fun and interesting. Hope to see you guys in future comps to come

Oh was looking forward to the possible prize money. When was the last time the leaderboard was updated by the way. I think it goes back a while.

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Well I know AnRodr and I are fighting it out to see who finishes last.

I think that must be something wrong with the point system in this Comp, I mean every other comp with these guys I'm winning by a mile. I just saying it's obviously not me ........

Yeah, I think the reason you're losing is because nobody chose 1-5 hour plats as their games :P

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