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In space, No one can hear a Trophy pop


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Figured I should say hello since I found the boosting sessions here while trying to figure out how to get the Bling Brigade trophy in Wipeout.


So hi:)


So about me.. well I've been PC gaming for a fair few years and over summer made this account at a work friends to play some Bloodborne and see what the fuss was about (I wasn't allowed to use his account incase I unlocked a trophy lol  :devil: ). Suitably impressed and finding myself drawn back to playstation and the wonderful exclusives they rock with I decided its time to forget that new GPU (and I admit I made the mistake of owning the other system for a couple of months...it's not for me lets just say that:) )) and jump back into the world of Playstation (I haven't since Uncharted 2's release)


So here I am:)


I in my 30's and play alot of games basically. Love all sorts, from weird quirky indies to arcadish racers. My real love is great story propelled games and survival horror mixed with a dose of action and RPG. Used to love achievements on steam so naturally I've found myself drawn to collecting trophies, looking for my first plat hopefully this weekend once I finally get around to some Uncharted which I vaguely remember from way back.


Anyway enough about me, hope to see people around the forums and maybe the rare time I jump in some multiplayer.


Oh and I'm a HUGE Alien fan (the first film). Isolation is literally so far my dream come true even though I've needed atleast 4 new pairs of trousers so far. :lol:

Edited by FetchTheBall
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Holy shit, finally one introduction without "I've been gaming since birth". Welcome to the forums, do you intend to trophy hunt like your friend? 100% completion? Better to set your goals whole starting than having to go after then way later. Enjoy PSNP.

I laughed at the Alien Isolation part too.

Edited by TheYuriG
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Thanks guys and girls:) 


Holy shit, finally one introduction without "I've been gaming since birth". Welcome to the forums, do you intend to trophy hunt like your friend? 100% completion? Better to set your goals whole starting than having to go after then way later. Enjoy PSNP.

I laughed at the Alien Isolation part too.

Now that you mention it, the doctors did question why I had a atari keyboard when I popped out. I Won't manage a 100% account I know for sure, however I will be trying to platinum as many games as I can once I get a bit more in the swing of not starting 8 games at once lol But I will try my best to get a high-ish completion (would like to get to 85%+ on average I reckon) while eating up as many shiny plats as I can:). Honestly I already know I won't even attempt Uncharted on brutal so thats going to stop that 100% from the off lol


lol, the sacrifices we make for gaming sometimes, it's worth a few pairs :lol:


Welcome! Always nice to see another person who likes Alien on here. Great movie.

It's one of my earliest memories and is certainly the reason I became a huge film buff. It's the only film to never leave my top 10 films and always resides at the number 1 spot. There's something about it, pretty much as perfect as a film can be, not to mention it still holds up today. Love that art style and Isolation as completely nailed it.

Edited by FetchTheBall
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The original Uncharted is a pain on the hardest difficulty, but you can do it. Have the Faith :)



Welcome! I hope that you like it here!

We'll see how long it takes before you change your mind on this! :D


Haha yer I remember Crushing been a pain, but brutal..oh my that looks pretty serious lol. Hit the first big fight of chapter 4 last night, the 60FPS is taking a bit to get used too (and my rusty skills) but so far crushing isn't as bad as I remembered although I'm sure I've been shot through walls a few times  :facepalm: Still, hell of a lot of fun :wub:

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