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Greetings and what's up? I'm FallenElysion - an avid gamer, metalhead and aspiring artist. It's a pleasure to meet you. One of my fancier nicknames is Kai, feel free to call me that. I've been lurking here for a while now, and this seems like a great place to be around. I decided to come out from the shadows and finally introduce myself.


I've been gaming for a large chunk of my life, but never took it seriously until I started trophy hunting. The PS3 and Vita are my current and only working platforms, hence they are my main. I should be getting a PS4 sometime this year, super stoked about it. I also play on PC, but I lost interest and only play on occasion.


My most favourite would have to be Koei's "Warriors" series, despite the repetition and amount of grindwork for the platinums, I love them regardless, kinda. Other series includes (my new love) Project Diva, Neptunia, Saints Row, Uncharted, etc. I have quite a decent amount of games in my collection, not many that I added to my trophy list yet, and am currently working out a way to reduce my backlog, if it's even possible. I am willing to play various games so long as they look good enough to keep me entertained. 


I've been a trophy hunter since 2014 (on another account), and like a lot of people here, I like it. I sometimes take it up to eleven if I have the free time and motivation. It's inevitable but after hundreds of hours gaming and/or trophy hunting, I tend to suffer burnout especially if I've been doing continuous grinds for a trophy.


I decided to start a new account because my PS3 got wiped out, and all my save files were gone, some were even close to their respective platinums and that was enough to kill my spirit. Lesson learned.


Besides gaming, I love to draw and do some GFX work. Sadly, my art skills are limited to characters and fanart, and since I'm self-taught, I can't keep up with my ideas, and I hope to improve one day and get my lazy ass to practice more. I also like to watch anime and various Youtube gamers and commentators. I know RWBY isn't really an anime, but it's my most favourite show to watch. *sits and waits for Volume 4* Music-wise, I'd say ReVamp, Nightwish, Xandria and Delain are the bands that I listen to the most, they're great.


That's pretty much it, sorry for rambling but I appreciate you taking your time to read this, thank you.

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Tell me something friend, you say you're a metalhead. Do you enjoy actual metal, or that crap the kids listen to nowadays with all the screams and the girly looking guys with the fringes and skinny jeans and shit?

For reference, anything the average 12 year old girl doesn't listen to, is considered real metal at this point.

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Greetings! Nice to have ya here! ^_^


Sorry to hear that your account got wiped, that's a major bummer.  :(


Hopefully your new account will be way better, given enough time of course.


Have a great time on the forum! Ciao!

Edited by Princess Celestia
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Tell me something friend, you say you're a metalhead. Do you enjoy actual metal, or that crap the kids listen to nowadays with all the screams and the girly looking guys with the fringes and skinny jeans and shit?

For reference, anything the average 12 year old girl doesn't listen to, is considered real metal at this point.


Real metal here, pal. Never been into that screaming stuff, or anything those kids are into for that matter.


Welcome to the forums ^^ enjoy your stay :)


I'm also a self taught artist who's skill will never match her ideas xD and also needs to kick her ass to practice more.


Thank you! Then that makes two of us. I just can't keep myself at a constant pace so that I can practice more.


Greetings! Nice to have ya here! ^_^


Sorry to hear that your account got wiped, that's a major bummer.  :(


Hopefully your new account will be way better, given enough time of course.


Have a great time on the forum! Ciao!


Yeah, it does suck. But I should be catching up to my old account soon enough. And thank you, I will!


Welcome! Nightwish is an awesome band! It does suck that your account was wiped, that would definitely be a major blow to the spirit.


Anyways, I hope you like it here!


I agree, they are really amazing! I had to stop trophy hunting for a while due to the wipe out, so it feels good to get back into it. And thank you!


Welcome to PSNP! hi-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862508 I've only see the first 2 volumes of RWBY (still need to watch the 3rd), but it was better than I thought it was going to be. :P


Thank you! If you liked the first two, then I can easily recommend Volume 3 to you. One of the better, if not, the best of the volumes, in my opinion.



And thank you to everyone else for the welcomes as well!

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